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The forest-Savanna transition zone is a key food production zone in Ghana dominating in maize,
rice, soybean and cassava production. The average yields of most crops produced in the zone are
20% - 60% below their achievable yields. Reasons accounting for the perennial low yields in the
target region include low soil fertility levels of croplands, climate variability and the general poor
adoption of the good agronomic practices for crops production. This continuing trend poses a
serious threat to livelihood improvement of farmers in the area and the attainment of food and
nutritional security generally. Soil nutrient mining and environmental degradation as a result of
land over usage, excessive use of chemicals also threaten environmental sustainability.

To improve cropland productivity, the CSIR-Soil Research Institute has since 2018, developed
and released for use within the forest savanna transition and Guinea Savanna zones, site and crop
specific inorganic fertilizer recommendations and blends for the production of maize, cassava, rice
and soybean. These fertilizer blends having been well received by farmers was subsequently
adopted by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) for its flagship “Planting for Food and
Jobs” programme. Significant and consistent yield improvements have been achieved through the
use of the developed blends in the forest-savannah region.

To complement the effort of the CSIR-SRI in improving crops yield in Ghana, Tuff Agricultural
Solutions Limited, seeks to introduce its flagship product LALITHA 21® into Ghana’s agricultural
sector to help address soil nutritional challenges for improved crops production.

LALITHA 21® is a scientifically formulated microbial soil inoculant created at Michigan State
University and exclusively licensed to Acela Biotek for worldwide manufacturing and distribution.
LALITHA 21® has been tested on croplands in the USA and other ecological region of the world,
and has proven to enhance nutrients uptake that leads to healthier plants, faster growth &
development, early maturity, longer productive life, and increased yields while reducing the need
for chemical fertilizers & pesticides. It also boosts the soil humus level, by improving both
nutrients and moisture retention in the soil, helping the plants better cope with environmental
stress. Field results have shown elevated soil moisture levels, reducing the need for irrigation in
drought condition. LALITHA 21® has also been known to rebuild the structure of poor soil and
restores the fertility of depleted soil. Over time, soil that has been severely damaged through
prolonged overuse of chemicals is restored to its natural healthy state.

To successfully and profitably introduce LALITHA 21® into Ghana, there is the need to generate
credible field data of the performance of the product under the Ghana’s agro-climatic conditions
to serve as an objective evidence of its effect on crops production.

The main objective of this study therefore is to evaluate LALITHA 21® on Maize, Rice, Cassava
and Soybean production in the forest-savanna transition ecological zone, over two cropping

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The specific objectives are:
i. To confirm characterise the nutritional and biological composition of LALITHA 21® in
ii. To test the efficacy and efficiency of LALITHA 21® on the performance of study crops in the
forest-savannah transition zone of Ghana.

iii. To develop effective and suitable nutrient management options of LALITHA 21® for maize,
rice, cassava and soybean production in the forest-savanna transition ecological zone of Ghana..

Material and Methods

The study will be located Techiman and Wenchi Districts

• In each district, four crops will be studied in selected farming Communities in collaboration
with the Directorate of Agriculture.
• Two most economically important (popular) crop varieties will be selected for the study.
• CSIR-SRI mineral fertilizer recommendation for the four crops will be used at various rates
with LALITHA 21® as treatments

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Study Title: The effect of LALITHA 21® on maize yield in the forest-savanna transition
ecological zone.

Objective: To determine the effect of LALITHA 21® on maize grain yield and grain quality

Field experiment will be conducted in the two selected districts. Two (2) maize varieties
(Obatampa & Mamaba) and five different levels of LALITHA 21® and inorganic fertilizer
combinations (control; mineral fertilizer alone; LALITHA 21® alone; LALITHA 21® + 50%
mineral fertilizer, LALITHA 21® + 100% mineral fertilizer) will be used.

A split plot design using maize variety as main treatments (main-plot), and LALITHA 21® /
fertilizer combination as sub treatments (sub-plot) and will be adopted with four (4) replications.

A crop spacing of 80cm x 40cm will be adopted. A space of 50cm will be left between sub-plots
and 100cm between main plots. Single or straight mineral fertilizers and LALITHA 21® will be

Main-plots (2): Obatampa = V1; Mamaba = V2
Sub-plots (5): F1 = Control; F2 = Mineral fertilizer alone; F3 = LALITHA 21® alone; F4 =
LALITHA 21® + 50% Mineral fertilizer, F5 = LALITHA 21® + 100% Mineral fertilizer.
Main plot size = 12.0 x 4.0m: subplot size = 6.0m x 4.0m

Site selection
✓ Select sites that are relatively flat with minimal slopes (preferred).
✓ Sites must be easily accessible (preferably near roads).
✓ Site must be free from litigation.

✓ Maize loves soils that are relatively loamy.
✓ Free draining soils are preferred.
✓ Avoid coarse textured or shallow soils (rocky).
Soils with high water holding capacity are not good (water logging sites).

Land preparation
✓ Clear site of any vegetation/slash (do partial burning if thrash is too much).
✓ De-stump area if needed (remove any shrubs/tree roots).

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✓ Plough site using hoe, tractor, etc. (if necessary) or spray with weedicides.
✓ Break any soil lumps to produce a fine tilth

✓ Do direct seeding/planting.
✓ Plant in rows using a garden line/rope.
✓ Adopt a spacing of 80 cm x 40 cm.
✓ Plant 3 seeds per hole/stand.
✓ Seeding depth should not exceed 5 cm.
✓ Thin to 2 seedlings per hole/stand, a week after germination.
✓ Refilling can be done but not later than a week after germination.

Data collection:

(i) Pre and post soil sampling (0-15, 15-30) cm (viii) Plant height at harvest
(ii) Date of sowing (ix) Days to harvest
(iii) Date of emergence (x) Number of cobs/plant
(iv) Date of basal fertilizer application (xi) Cob weight
(v) Plant height at 50% tasseling (xii) Grain yield
(vi) Date of topdressing (xiii) Total dry matter yield
(vii) Date of flowering (xiv) Harvest index
No of leaves/Chlorophyl content

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Study Title: The effect of LALITHA 21® on rice paddy yield in the forest-savanna transition
ecological zone.

Objective: To determine the effect of LALITHA 21® on rice paddy yield and grain quality

Field experiment will be conducted in the two selected districts. Two (2) rice varieties (V1 and V2)
and five different levels of LALITHA 21® and inorganic fertilizer combinations (control; mineral
fertilizer alone; LALITHA 21® alone; LALITHA 21® + 50% mineral fertilizer, LALITHA 21®
+ 100% mineral fertilizer) will be used.

A split plot design using rice variety as main treatments (main-plot), and LALITHA 21® / fertilizer
combination as sub treatments (sub-plot) and will be adopted, with four (4) replications.

A crop spacing of 20cm x 20cm will be adopted. A space of 50cm bund will be left between sub-
plots and main plots. Single or straight mineral fertilizers and LALITHA 21® will be used.

Main-plots (2): V1 and V2
Sub-plots (5): F1 = Control; F2 = Mineral fertilizer alone; F3 = LALITHA 21® alone; F4 =
LALITHA 21® + 50% Mineral fertilizer, F5 = LALITHA 21® + 100% Mineral fertilizer.

Main plot size = 12.0 x 4.0m: subplot size = 6.0m x 4.0m

Site selection
✓ Select lowland (valley) sites that are relatively flat with minimal slopes (preferred).
✓ Sites must be easily accessible (preferably near roads).
✓ Site must be free from litigation.

✓ Rice loves soils that are relatively clayey.
✓ Free draining soils are not preferred.

Land preparation
✓ Clear site of any vegetation/slash (do partial burning if thrash is too much).
✓ De-stump area if needed (remove any shrubs/tree roots).
✓ Bund, plough, puddle and level site using hoe, power tiller (if necessary spray with

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✓ Nurse and transplant seedlings.
✓ Plant in rows using a garden line/rope.
✓ Adopt a spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm.
✓ Plant 2 seedlings per stand.
✓ Refilling can be done but not later than a week after germination.

Data collection:
(i) Pre and post soil sampling (0-15, 15-30) cm (viii) Plant height at harvest
(ii) Date of sowing/transplanting (ix) Days to harvest
(iii) Date of basal fertilizer application (x) Panicle weight
(iv) Plant height at two week intervals (xi) Number of grains per panicle
(v) Tiller number at two week intervals (xii) Grain yield
(vi) Tiller number at harvest (xiii) Total dry matter yield
(vii) Date of topdressing (xiv) 1000 grain weight

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Study Title: The effect of LALITHA 21® on soybean yield in the forest-savanna transition
ecological zone.

Objective: To determine the effect of LALITHA 21® on soybean grain yield and grain quality

Field experiment will be conducted in the two selected districts. Two (2) soybean varieties (V1 &
V2) and five different levels of LALITHA 21® and inorganic fertilizer combinations (control;
mineral fertilizer alone; LALITHA 21® alone; LALITHA 21® + 50% mineral fertilizer,
LALITHA 21® + 100% mineral fertilizer) will be used.

A split plot design using soybean variety as main treatments (main-plot), and LALITHA 21® /
fertilizer combination as sub treatments (sub-plot) and will be adopted with four (4) replications.

A crop spacing of 80cm x 40cm will be adopted. A space of 50cm will be left between sub-plots
and 100cm between main plots. Single or straight mineral fertilizers and LALITHA 21® will be

Main-plots (2): V1 and V2
Sub-plots (5): F1 = Control; F2 = Mineral fertilizer alone; F3 = LALITHA 21® alone; F4 =
LALITHA 21® + 50% Mineral fertilizer, F5 = LALITHA 21® + 100% Mineral fertilizer.
Main plot size = 12.0 x 4.0m: subplot size = 6.0m x 4.0m

Site selection
✓ Select sites that are relatively flat with minimal slopes (preferred).
✓ Sites must be easily accessible (preferably near roads).
✓ Site must be free from litigation.

✓ Soybean loves soils that are relatively loamy.
✓ Free draining soils are preferred.
✓ Avoid coarse textured or shallow soils (rocky).
Soils with high water holding capacity are not good (water logging sites).
Land preparation
✓ Clear site of any vegetation/slash (do partial burning if thrash is too much).
✓ De-stump area if needed (remove any shrubs/tree roots).
✓ Plough site using hoe, tractor, etc. (if necessary) or spray with weedicides.

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✓ Demarcate area into micro-plots based on treatments (10 m x 10 m).
✓ Plots should be separated by 0.5 m spacing (micro-bunds).
✓ Break any soil lumps to produce a fine tilth

✓ Do direct seeding/planting.
✓ Plant in rows using a garden line/rope.
✓ Adopt a spacing of 75 cm x 10 cm.
✓ Plant 3 seeds per hole/stand.
✓ Seeding depth should not exceed 5 cm.
✓ Thin to 2 seedlings per hole/stand, a week after germination.
✓ Refilling can be done but not later than a week after germination.

Data collection:

(i) Pre and post soil sampling (0-15, 15-30) cm (viii) Plant height at harvest
(ii) Date of sowing (ix) Days to harvest
(iii) Date of emergence (x) Number of pods/plant
(iv) Date of basal fertilizer application (xi) Plant weight at harvest
(v) Plant height at two week intervals (xii) Grain yield
(vi) Date of topdressing (xiii) Total dry matter yield
(vii) Date of flowering (xiv) Harvest index
(xv) Nodules count

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Study Title: The effect of LALITHA 21® on cassava yield in the forest-savanna transition
ecological zone.

Objective: To determine the effect of LALITHA 21® on cassava root yield and quality

Field experiment will be conducted in the two selected districts. Two (2) cassava varieties (V1 &
V2) and five different levels of LALITHA 21® and inorganic fertilizer combinations (control;
mineral fertilizer alone; LALITHA 21® alone; LALITHA 21® + 50% mineral fertilizer,
LALITHA 21® + 100% mineral fertilizer) will be used.

A split plot design using cassava variety as main treatments (main-plot), and LALITHA 21® /
fertilizer combination as sub treatments (sub-plot) and will be adopted with four (4) replications.

A crop spacing of 100cm x 100cm will be adopted. A space of 150cm will be left between sub-
plots and 200cm between main plots. Single or straight mineral fertilizers and LALITHA 21® will
be used.

Main-plots (2): V1 and V2
Sub-plots (5): F1 = Control; F2 = Mineral fertilizer alone; F3 = LALITHA 21® alone; F4 =
LALITHA 21® + 50% Mineral fertilizer, F5 = LALITHA 21® + 100% Mineral fertilizer.
Main plot size = 12.0 x 6.0m: subplot size = 6.0m x 6.0m

Site selection
✓ Select sites that are relatively flat with minimal slopes (preferred).
✓ Sites must be easily accessible (preferably near roads).
✓ Site must be free from litigation.

✓ Cassava loves soils that are relatively loamy.
✓ Free draining soils are preferred.
✓ Avoid coarse textured or shallow soils (rocky).
Soils with high water holding capacity are not good (water logging sites).

Land preparation
✓ Clear site of any vegetation/slash (do partial burning if thrash is too much).
✓ De-stump area if needed (remove any shrubs/tree roots).

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✓ Plough site using hoe, tractor, etc. (if necessary) or spray with weedicides.
✓ Demarcate area into micro-plots based on treatments
✓ Break any soil lumps to produce a fine tilth

✓ Plant cuttings.
✓ Plant in rows using a garden line/rope.
✓ Refilling can be done soon after germination.

Data collection:

(i) Pre and post soil sampling (0-15, 15-30) cm (viii) Plant height at harvest
(ii) Date of Planting (ix) Days to harvest
(iii) Date of emergence (x) Number of roots at harvest
(iv) Date of basal fertilizer application (xi) Root weight
(v) Plant height at two week intervals (xii) Root yield
(vi) Date of topdressing (xiii) Total dry matter yield
(vii) (xiv) Harvest index

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Field Layout of the Study

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• Nutrients and biological composition of LALITHA 21® confirmed and documented.
• Improvement in crops yield and produce quality documented
• Appropriate use of LALITHA 21® for crops production documented
• Profitability of LALITHA 21® use in crops production documented
• Soil fertility depletion and land degradation rates reduced.

• Well-equipped laboratories for both soil and water analysis at CSIR - SRI
• Well-trained scientists and technical staff to conduct field trials
• Salaries of study teams paid by government of Ghana

• Crop farmers
• Manufacturers and distributors of LALITHA 21®
• Policy makers and local government
• Non-governmental Organizations,
• Potential Investors in the crop and fertilizer industry,
• Opinion leaders/Land owners/Traditional authorities


Activities Pre- Major Season Minor Season

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Meeting with collaborators and key
Site selection & characterization
Environmental data and soil samples
Installation of field trials
Field monitoring and data collection
Harvesting & data analysis
Field days)
Laboratory analysis (fertilizers, soil,
produce quality)
Study reporting

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ITEM/ACTIVITY Season 1 Season 2

(May-Sept) (Sept-Dec)
Meetings with collaborators 6 100
Baseline and Environmental data collection 3 050
Laboratory Analysis (fertilizers, soils, 30 500 15 250
Stationery and supplies 14 640
Vehicle Hiring cost 18 300 12 200
Planting material and fertilizers 18 300 10 980
Per Diem (Scientists, Extension, technicians, 30 500 30 500
Communication 1 830 1 830
Fuel and other lubricants 18 300 15 250
Hired labour 2 135 2 135
Farmers field days 6 100 6 100
Sub-totals 149 755 94 245
Sub-total for 2 Seasons 244 000
Institutional Consultancy charge (15%) 36 600
Grand total 280 600

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