Organic Grain Grower Chapter 2: Soil Fertility Considerations

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Chapter Two

Soil Fertility Considerations

A rich heritage of grain culture exists in our who cares about the environment or is trying to live
region. There are a few basic considerations and in harmony with nature. It does, however, present
requirements when you’re thinking of growing us with a unique opportunity to do something
your own grains. Land, machinery, and knowledge interesting and different in our own particular
are all essential. Couple these ingredients with bioregion. We are blessed in the Northeast for so
some good advice, willpower, and beginner’s luck, many reasons. For one, we lack the huge expanses of
and you are on your way to being a grain grower. land that make industrial agriculture so well suited
First, it’s important to consider scale; grain, by its to the Midwest and the plains states. Plus, a very
very nature, is bulky and lower in value than other willing and open-minded population inhabits our
more specialized crops, which gives rise to mass towns and cities, and locally produced foodstuffs
production and large scales of operation. Today’s are now more popular than ever. Indeed, small-scale
average producer of commodity grain crops farms agriculture has been in decline and needs a boost,
a thousand acres or more to make the same living and people are hungry for meaning as well as food.
that his grandparents made on two hundred acres Organic grain production provides opportunities
two generations ago. So-called mixed farming, for both farmers and gardeners to expand their
where farm-raised grains were fed to cattle, hogs, repertoires; dairy farmers can very easily add oats,
and chickens, has been replaced by the cash grain barley, and wheat to their forage crop rotations, and
system, and the rural fabric of much of our country small plots of any sort of grain can be intensively
has unraveled as small-scale animal agriculture has grown in the home garden.
given way to gigantic concentrated animal feeding Information about organic grain growing was
operations (CAFOs). In this industrial system, pretty sparse when I first became interested in
grain is harvested by massive combines and trucked growing my own cereals in the early 1970s. Having
away to nearby grain elevators owned by multina- come to farming as a romantic with a background
tional corporations; crop diversity is an unwanted in the history of agriculture, old farming textbooks
burden to an industrial agricultural system that is were my first source of information about soils
fueled primarily by corn and soybeans. Ninety-five and crops, and I was able to purchase many old
percent of all soybeans and 85 percent of all corn agronomy texts from the late nineteenth and early
crops are genetically modified, and seed sovereignty twentieth centuries at used-book stores. Studying
is increasingly in question as fewer and fewer large farming practices from this particular time period
corporations come to dominate the trade. This sad provided me with good sound advice because agri-
state of affairs certainly poses challenges to anyone culture was still being practiced in harmony with

The Organic Grain Grower

nature; chemical fertilizers (or manures as they culture. According to von Liebig, plants need nitro-
called them) were relatively few, and toxic inputs gen in the form of ammonia to grow and synthesize
were not yet developed. By the first decade of the protein, but where the nitrogen comes from is of no
twentieth century, mankind had probably reached consequence according to the von Liebig view. This
the pinnacle of knowledge in crop science that was discovery has led to amazing gains in crop yields
holistic and friendly to the natural environment. over the past 150 years. In the mid-nineteenth
MacMillan and Orange Judd Company, both of century, bat guano imported from South America
New York, were the two primary publishers of agri- was the first artificial “manure” applied to crops at
cultural texts at the time, and Liberty Hyde Bailey, the time, and nitrate of soda (Chilean nitrate) was
dean of agriculture at Cornell, was the editor of the the next big discovery, a salt-like substance mined
Rural Science series, Cyclopedia of Agriculture (four vol- in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile where the
umes), and Cyclopedia of Horticulture (six volumes), rain never falls; it contains 16 percent nitrogen.
all published by MacMillan. My favorite volume The history and development of high-yield-
from the time is The Cereals in America published in production agriculture is directly coupled with the
1904 by Thomas F. Hunt, a professor of agronomy introduction of stronger and stronger sources of
at Cornell. The book contained everything I needed mineral nitrogen—Chilean nitrate was followed
to know as a novice intent on growing my first by ammonium nitrate, also used in the munitions
crops of grain, and I would recommend this book industry. Modern fertilizer production reached its
and all others like it to anyone searching for good zenith with the invention of the Haber-Bosch pro-
solid information on any agronomic subject. Oc- cess in which urea could be made with natural gas
casionally, you might stumble across one of these and anhydrous ammonia for direct soil injection.
volumes in a used-book store, and the libraries This process—first used during World War II to
of most land grant colleges and universities still harden the ground for airstrips in the jungles of the
have many of these old agronomy books on their South Pacific—paved the way for higher crop yields
shelves—simply go to the 630 section in the in the 1960s. (Now a standard source of nitrogen
Dewey decimal system and you will find all of these for corn, it has also succeeded in hardening the
old books in one place. Certainly, farming in the soils of farm fields throughout the Corn Belt of the
early twentieth century has a lot to offer us now, American Midwest.) In addition, nitrate and salt
one-hundred-plus years later. fertilizer use has increased steadily since the end of
World War II, and excess ammonium nitrate from
A Brief History of the munitions industry was channeled into fertil-
izer production, which paved the way for the Green
Chemical Fertilizers Revolution that followed in the 1950s and 1960s.
In its quest for high levels of production, modern American agriculture has become totally reliant on
agriculture has forgotten and ignored many of the the fertilizer bag, but the unforeseen consequence of
tenets of basic farming knowledge contained in the this over-reliance on salt-based fertilizers has been
agronomy textbooks of yesteryear, as quantity is pollution and environmental degradation. Nitrates
much more important than quality in these modern have seeped into the water table, making drinking
times. Ever since German chemist Justus von Liebig water unsafe throughout much of farm country.
discovered chemical nitrogen and its importance as a Perhaps the largest and best-known example of this
plant food, soluble minerals have supplanted humus pollution problem is the ever-growing dead zone
and organic matter as the basis of fertility in agri- in the Gulf of Mexico where the Mississippi River

Soil Fertility Considerations

empties the effluent of America’s productive heart- The Importance of

land into the sea. We have learned that the increased
productivity of modern agriculture has come with a
Soil Fertility
price tag. Any exploration of soil fertility will take us into three
The forgotten element in this quest for higher interdependent and equally important realms—the
crop yields and so-called increased productivity chemical, the physical, and the biological. The
has been carbon. Justus von Liebig was a chemist, chemical realm is an indication of what kinds of
not a soil microbiologist; little did he realize that minerals are present in a particular soil and in what
soil-applied mineral nitrates require the oxidizing sort of concentration. This aspect of the whole
action of soil bacteria and presence of carbon to picture is probably the easiest to understand and
make them available to plant roots. For every one measure with a standard garden or farm soil test,
part of nitrate, twenty parts of carbon are needed to where levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous,
make this process happen, and soil carbon is literally potassium, and nitrates are indicated in parts per
burned up and released to the atmosphere as carbon million or pounds per acre. With this information
dioxide during the nitrification process. Sadly, the and accompanying recommendations, decisions can
application of soluble nitrate fertilizers has reduced be made about how much and what types of soil
organic matter levels in American soils from a high amendments to apply to a specific plot or field.
of 5 to 7 percent one hundred years ago to a cur- The physical realm refers to a soil’s actual physical
rent average of less than 1 percent nationwide. But structure. What kind of texture does it have? Is it
humus and organic matter ensure resiliency in our clay, silt, sand, or gravel? Is it poorly or excessively
soils, and for every 1 percent increase in organic drained? Compaction could be a problem because
matter level a soil will retain an additional 160,000 of low organic matter and poor aggregation. A
pounds of water per acre. High-humus soils are soil’s physical qualities are directly related to its
like the lungs of the earth, allowing soils to retain humus content and the cultural practices of its
moisture in times of drought and wick away excess human stewards. Good diverse crop rotations and
moisture during rainy wet spells. Good aggregation frequent applications of compost and manure will
or soil structure goes hand in hand with high levels preserve and enhance the physical structure of a
of humus. A soil with good aggregation proper- farm’s soil. The biological realm of soil fertility
ties will very easily crumble into many small little is all about microbiology and the billions of little
pieces in your hands. This good “crumb structure” organisms that inhabit our soils. Fungi, bacteria,
ensures that there will be plenty of pore spaces for actinomycetes, nematodes, and algae all work in
air and water storage, and a healthy high-humus conjunction with the soil’s humus and mineral
soil will have the ability to hold on to more min- fractions to feed themselves and the resident plant
eral nutrients and be able to resist the forces of population. Mycorrhizal fungi colonize plant roots
wind and water erosion. The carbon cycle is the to symbiotically consume plant sugars while they
foundation of organic agriculture, and it is entirely break down soil minerals and make them available
possible to achieve the same yields as the chemical to the root zone of the host plant. Soil microbiol-
guys in an organic system. We get there by working ogy is the least understood aspect of soil science;
with nature to foster a soil that is alive and teeming these little beasties make it all happen, and we only
with microbial life. To grow nutrient-dense, high- vaguely understand their function. What we do
quality crops, we must have an abundant supply of know is that microbial populations are more diverse
carbon—nature’s building block. and effective in an environment high in humus and

The Organic Grain Grower

carbon, and a holistic approach to soil fertility that journey from this line would take you into the very
considers the interrelationships among chemical, arid West, where soils were more naturally alkaline
physical, and biological soil properties is a prereq- because evaporation exceeded rainfall. Simply put,
uisite for success in an organic farming system. these high plains soils had a perfect fertility pro-
Until relatively recently, soil mineral fertility was file and produced crops superior in nutrition and
only charted in terms of three elements—nitrogen, feed value. Dr. Albrecht then analyzed the mineral
phosphorous, and potassium. This “NPK” ap- makeup of these soils. He found that negatively
proach is still pretty much standard fare in today’s charged minuscule clay soil particles (also called
world of conventional agriculture. Soil tests indi- colloids) had the ability to magnetically attract and
cate deficits in these three major elements. Fertility hold on to positively charged minerals called cat-
requirements are determined as pounds to the acre ions. These ideal soils were “saturated” with 60 to
of added fertilizers, and the soil is treated like a 75 percent calcium, 10 to 20 percent magnesium,
bank account to which deposits and withdrawals 2 to 5 percent potassium, 0.5 to 5 percent sodium,
are made. As an aspiring organic farmer thirty-five and 7 to 10 percent hydrogen. This concept of base
years ago, I was confounded by the notion of how saturation was very new and unfamiliar to me in
was I going to get enough nitrogen, phosphorous, 1977, but it gave me the hope and inspiration that
and potassium for my crops from cow manure only; I, too, could grow highly nutritious grain crops here
I had visions in my head of walking around the in the Northeast without dumping NPK fertilizers
pasture picking up cow flops with a dung fork. It on the land.
didn’t seem practical—and this point was certainly
driven home to me by my local extension agent, who Managing Soil
really wanted me to use chemical fertilizer. Organic
Gardening magazine wasn’t much help. Several years
Fertility Organically
later, I discovered The Albrecht Papers published by Organic soil fertility management for grains or any
Acres USA, a collection of papers and articles other crops begins with a holistic view of our total
written by Dr. William A. Albrecht between 1918 environment. Where is our field or plot located? Is
and 1957. Albrecht was chairman of the Plant and it next to a river that floods often or on a cold windy
Soils Department at the University of Missouri for mountaintop? Does the soil drain well or does it
over thirty years and a keen observer of nature. He remain waterlogged for long periods of time? Good
noticed that the very highest-quality wheat in terms drainage is essential; some crops can tolerate wet
of protein was grown in an area several hundred feet more than others. For example, oats will survive
miles wide that stretched from the Panhandle of in a soggy soil for a little while, but barley will shut
Texas northward to the Dakotas, an area that cor- down its growth habit in the presence of excess
responded directly to the tallgrass prairie that once soil moisture. Well-drained loams produce the best
supported millions of bison. Dr. Albrecht theorized grain crops. Clays, which have the highest density of
that very high-quality foods could be produced in colloids or soil particles, have the highest potential
this region because the soil fertility balance was very fertility because they have the most sites to attract
close to perfect. With a one-to-one ratio between and bond to calcium, magnesium, and potassium
rainfall and evaporation, soil minerals were neither cations. The ability of a soil to magnetically attract
leached nor overconcentrated, but as you traveled and hold on to mineral fertility is called cation ex-
eastward from this imaginary line, rainfall steadily change capacity or CEC. Clay soils have the highest
increased and soil acidity climbed. A westward CEC levels; once charged up with minerals, they are

Soil Fertility Considerations

hard to deplete. Sands, on the other hand, are com- different fields than it is to mix them together for
posed of much fewer particles that are larger in size one composite sample. A general rule of thumb is
and much coarser in texture. For this reason, they to take at least three or four soil plugs from each
drain well, but do not hold on to minerals very well acre. Once your sample has been collected and
at all. Silts are somewhere between sand and clay in mixed together, it is time to put it in the little
texture and CEC levels. A silt loam is probably the sample bag and send it off to the lab of your choice.
most ideal soil there is for crop production, as silts There are many private soil testing laboratories in
drain well but still have enough texture to hold on to addition to services provided by state agricultural
moisture and mineral fertility. A basic understand- universities, and soil tests will vary in the amount
ing of the physical structure and the cation exchange and type of information provided. When the lab
capacity of your soil will help you make decisions receives your sample, the first thing they will do is
on how to best manage the mineral fertility of your to make an extraction, where a specific amount of
future grain field. If your soil is quite sandy, you will soil—say, a tablespoon—is mixed with a prescribed
have to apply soil amendments and rock powders amount of distilled water. A very small amount of
like lime and rock phosphate more often in smaller an extraction reagent (a few drops) is added to this
doses. Sandy soils, by their nature, simply cannot soil solution and shaken in order to dissolve its
hold on to large amounts of nutrients. Although it minerals and prepare it for further testing. Extrac-
may not drain as well, heavier clay can accept much tion reagents are always some sort of acid. Acids by
larger applications of mineral fertility. Knowing the their nature release H+ hydrogen ions, and plant
physical properties and drainage potential of your roots do the same thing. The acidic nature of the
soil is the first step in preparing to grow grain on extraction reagent is basically mimicking the roots
your future field or plot. of plants in dissolving minerals from solution. Soil
tests will also vary in relation to the strength of
the extraction agent. Mild extractions like acetic
The Soil Test acid will not dissolve as many minerals from the
Once you have determined the suitability of a soil solution as a stronger reagent like ammonium
particular piece of earth for grain production, acetate. Soil testing is a science unto itself and can
it is time for a soil test. But not all soil tests are only be briefly discussed here. Most soil tests done
created equal—we must remember that a soil test in the Northeast are medium-strength soil extrac-
is just an analysis of a very dynamic environment tions like Morgan, Modified Morgan, and Mellich
at one moment in time. Begin by walking around 1, and will provide you with a basic overview of the
your field with a shovel or soil probe and getting reserve fertility in your soil. Home and farm test
as many “plugs” as possible in the most representa- kits like the LaMotte and Simplex outfits rely on
tive manner possible. Avoid low-lying spots and much weaker extracts and provide you with more of
other areas that don’t seem characteristic of the a picture of what nutrients are available right here
rest of the field, and lay out your acreage in a grid and now. Testing your own soil for available mineral
fashion or zigzag your way through to obtain your fertility right on the farm is a fun and rewarding
soil profiles. Collect and mix together all of your experience—sometimes that little bird’s-eye view
plugs in a bucket to obtain a soil sample that you of what is happening right here and now is a valu-
would consider representative. Separate fields or able asset when you are trying to fertilize and plant
plots have different characteristics, so it’s better to a crop and don’t want to wait a week or two for
take three individual soil tests from three distinctly laboratory results from some far-off place.

The Organic Grain Grower

Soil Report

Job Name: Butterwork Farms Date 2/13/2012

Company: Butterwork Farms Submitted By ___

Sample Location A C&C Field 1N NCAE

Sample ID 1
Lab Number 1 2 3 4 5
Sample Depth in inches 6 6 6 6 6
Total Exchange Capacity (M.E.) 14.39 13.24 11.67 10.71 13.79
pH of Soil Sample 6.40 6.40 6.30 6.20 5.50
Organic Matter, Percent 7.68 7.42 3.31 6.33 7.32
Anions Sulfur: p.p.m. 21 17 21 19 22
Mehlich III Phosphorous: ppm 53 38 45 48 47
Exchangeable Calcium ppm: Desired Value 1957 1800 1587 1456 1876
Cations Value Found 2192 1919 1719 1501 1594
Deficit −282
Magnesium ppm: Desired Value 207 190 168 154 198
Value Found 124 180 116 136 71
Deficit −82 −10 −52 −18 −127
Potassium ppm: Desired Value 224 206 182 167 215
Value Found 112 86 81 60 54
Deficit −112 −120 −101 −107 −161
Sodium: ppm 21 18 19 17 17
Base Calcium (60 to 70%) 76.17 72.46 73.62 70.10 57.77
Saturation % Magnesium (10 to 20%) 7.21 11.30 8.28 10.59 4.29
Potassium (2 to 5%) 2.00 1.66 1.77 1.44 1.00
Sodium (.5 to 3%) 0.64 0.58 0.71 0.68 0.53
Other Bases (Variable) 5.00 5.00 5.10 5.20 6.40
Exchangeable Hydrogen (10 to 15%) 9.00 9.00 10.50 12.00 30.00
Trace Boron (p.p.m.) 0.79 0.71 0.68 0.84 0.48
Elements Iron (p.p.m.) 197 206 200 236 186
Manganese (p.p.m.) 38 23 35 43 14
Zinc (p.p.m.) 2.52 1.78 1.8 1.92 1.03
Aluminum (p.p.m.) 6.29 4.86 5.2 4.88 3.66
Other Cobalt 784 790 843 815 921
Molybdenum 0.41 0.37 0.4 0.52 0.26
Selenium 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.1 0.04
Silicon ppm 35.83 31.74 26.64 29.39 15.74
EC 0.17 0.11 0.07 0.08 0.1
Logan Labs LLC
A complete and thorough soil test will help you with soil fertility management. Image courtesy of Jack Lazor, from Logan Labs

Soil Fertility Considerations

the simplistic NPK accounting system practiced in

Reading the Soil Test conventional agriculture. Having a complete and
Whether you interpret the results yourself or you comprehensive soil test in hand before putting any
rely on the advice of a professional, a current soil seeds in the ground is akin to starting a journey
test will give you the basic information on where into an unknown territory with a good road map.
to start with a potential grain crop. (A sample test
results sheet from Logan Labs appears on page 26.) Soil Fertility as
The first thing to consider is the soil’s base satura-
tion of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. If the
Part of a Holistic System
percentage of calcium is lower than 70, calcitic or Nitrogen function, availability, and delivery are seen
high-calcium lime should be added. If magnesium in a totally different light when the comparison is
and calcium are both low, then dolomite or high- made between a conventional and an organic system
magnesium lime needs to be added. The calcium- of farming. Notice that there are no categories
to-magnesium ratio is essential for soil health and on the Logan Labs test for ammonium, nitrite,
proper plant growth as calcium is the element that or nitrate. Total percent of soil organic matter is
helps all of the other minerals mobilize. (Well- the only category that even comes close. Plants
known soils consultant Gary Zimmer calls calcium certainly need nitrogen to grow whether under
“the trucker of all minerals.”) Magnesium is more organic or conventional management. Adequate
of a catalyst and is responsible for proper cell func- nitrate nitrogen is supplied to plants through a
tion. Limestone is slow to break down, so it’s best to dynamic relationship among respiring active soil
choose the right kind of lime in the very beginning. microbial life, carbonaceous humic compounds, and
Overapplications of dolomite can send magnesium balanced soil minerals all taking place in a friable
levels off the chart, which will cause “tightness” and and aerated soil medium. Crop rotation plays an
poor drainage in a soil. On the other hand, excessive extremely important role in an organic system as
levels of calcium will make a soil too alkaline and well. Lighter-feeding crops like beans and cereals,
prevent the uptake of other minerals. Phosphorous for example, should always follow heavy feeders
and sulfur are both anions or negatively charged like corn and wheat. Our atmosphere is 80 percent
elements. Phosphorous is responsible for root nitrogen, and legumes like beans, clovers, and alfalfa
growth and early-season plant vigor. Sulfur should will “fix” atmospheric nitrogen into the soil with
be present at least at the fifty-parts-per-million the help of rhizobium bacteria. Hay crops with
level. It is essential for the proper synthesis of plenty of alfalfa and clover mixed with the grasses
nitrogen compounds into protein within the plant. play an integral part in a low-input organic crop
Boron is more of a trace element and helps with rotation. A heavy-feeding crop with high nitrogen
calcium function. Both boron and sulfur are quite requirements can be grown without any N inputs
easily leached for most soils, and small amounts (manure, compost, or fertilizer) on a plowed hay
should be applied yearly to maintain a healthy soil crop; while the plowed-down sod decomposes
mineral balance. Soil mineral fertility will be dis- throughout the growing season, small amounts of
cussed at length throughout this book in relation nitrate are continually released by the soil microlife
to the individual grain crops, but at this point it as they consume the hay crop residue. In an organic
is important to understand that a proper balance system, we do everything possible to understand
of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and a wide and work in unison with nature’s cycles. We are
array of minor minerals is far more essential than trying to build fertility while we farm, and we are

The Organic Grain Grower

not getting soluble nitrogen from a fertilizer bag dioxide as we can out of the sky and lock it back
while we consume precious energy and resources. into the earth’s crust as stable humus. I believe that
The bottom line is that as we coax food from the as organic farmers, we can be extremely productive
land, we are also trying to take as much carbon and heal the earth at the same time.


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