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Name: ________________________________

Calculating Energy
Complete these questions in your exercise books, with full ESTAU working out.

E: equation – write out the equation you will use.

S: substitution – put the values given in the question into the equation.

T: transformation – if you need to, rearrange the equation to calculate the quantity you

A: answer – run the numbers through the calculator

U: units – remember to give your final values units i.e. 3.0kg not just 3.0.

1. If Maria lifts a mass of 10 kg onto a table 1.25 m high. How much G.P.E. has the mass

2. If Sophie climbs a ladder 3.4 m tall, and Sophie has a mass of 48 kg, how much G.P.E.
has she gained?

3. A car is travelling at a speed of 20m/s and has a mass of 1200 kg. How much kinetic
energy does it have?

4. A spring has a spring constant of 2N/m. How much elastic potential energy is stored
in the spring when it is stretched the following distances…?
a.0.2m b.1.5m c.10cm

5. A year 11 pupil with a mass of 55kg swinging back on their chair and falling off it at a
speed of 0.6m/s. What is his kinetic energy?

6. A 5kg book is placed on a 2.5m high shelf, how much G.P.E. has the book gained?

7. A 50 kg man travels to the moon. When he climbs the 5m ladder up to his lunar base
he gains 400J of G.P.E. What is the gravitational field strength on the moon?
Name: ________________________________
8. Aeroplane travelling at 75m/s with a kinetic energy of 843700J. What is the mass of
the aeroplane?

9. Some springs have been stretched 0.25m. Calculate their spring constants if they
contain the following amounts of elastic potential energy...
a.100J b.0.2J c.0.5kJ

10.Automatic door closing at 0.2m/s, with a kinetic energy of 1.6J. What is the mass of
the door?

11.The International space station has a mass of 419,600kg and GPE of

1,049,000,000,000J. How high above the Earth is it?

12.A toucan flies 15m above the ground and has 150J of gravitational potential energy.
What is the mass of the toucan?

13.A spring has a spring constant of 0.5 N/m. How far has it been stretched to give the
following amounts of elastic potential energy…?
a.100J b.0.2J c.0.5kJ

14.A 50 kg man travels to the moon. When he climbs the 5m ladder up to his lunar base
he gains 400J of G.P.E. What is the gravitational field strength on the moon?

15.If he did the same climb on Earth how much GPE would he gain?

16.A bus is travelling through town, with a mass of 5040kg and kinetic energy of
493900J. How fast is it travelling?

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