MST Acc. Article Review

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The Title of the article is The Role of Taxpayer’s Perception of the Government and

Society to Improve Tax Compliance. Accounting and Finance Research: Vol. 4, No. 1;
The study was conducted in University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.
The article was produced by Theresia Woro Damayanti1, Sutrisno T1, and Imam Subekti1 &
Zaki Baridwan.
The article was received by the publisher (by accounting and finance research institution) on
January 13, 2015; Accepted: by publisher on February 5, 2015 and online published: February
12, 2015
The article is readily present at online address: doi:10.5430/afr.v4n1p180 and URL:

1.1. Purpose of the paper

This paper examined the behavior of the taxpayer in relation to tax compliance. The research is
done to explain the factors that affect compliance in taxation through Fiscal Theory in
Psychology can be realized.

1.2. Objective of the paper

The objective of the paper is to look at the social psychological approach toward the taxpayer’s
perception of the government and society to improve tax compliance.

1.3. Summary of the article

Several studies have been conducted to obtain empirical evidence that subjective norms
influence the intention to comply Testing the effect of subjective norm on the intention to
comply been conducted in different countries. This study, also obtain empirical evidence
consistent with previous research studies. Thus, it can be concluded that subjective norm is a
determinant factor of intention to comply.
The empirical evidence implies that taxpayers who have the perception that the pressure of the
social environment on tax compliance will be intending to comply on their tax obligations than
taxpayers who do not have the perception that the pressure of the social environment on tax
compliance. Thus, the existing tax system should encourage people around the taxpayer (family,
friends and colleagues) that has a passion for creating tax compliance. Perception of the taxpayer
on the government for taxes refers to how social groups provide an appreciation or even into
opposition over the existing tax system (Edlund, 1999). Taxpayers tend to avoid paying taxes if
they assume that the tax system is unfair (Richardson, 2007). Saad (2009) proved that compared
to the tax rate, the perception of the tax will be affect tax compliance. Kogler et al., (2013) and
Turner (2005) showed that the level of voluntary compliance is more influenced by the taxpayer
trust in the government, especially of the tax system. In his research in Indonesia, Razak and
Adafula (2013) proved that the perception of the taxpayer on government influence on intention
to comply.

1.4. Methodology adopted

This study developed the Theory of Fiscal Psychology and Subjective Norm to explain tax
compliance behavior. The researcher has taken a sample of 323 individual taxpayers in the
Central Java. Data collection was conducted by survey method.

1.5. Finding and conclusion

This study finding shows that strong desire of taxpayers to comply the tax obligations
determined by subjective norms on tax compliance, and the perception of the taxpayer on the
government. Overall, the model of tax compliance by using the approach of social psychology
shows that tax compliance would arise if the taxpayer's intention to comply, while the intention
to comply is determined by social pressure on tax compliance, and the perception of the taxpayer
on the government.

This paper provides empirical evidence that Theory of Fiscal Psychology and Subjective Norm
can explain tax compliance behavior. This means that the tax compliance behavior is influenced
by the intention to comply, while the intention to comply is influenced by subjective norms and
of the perception of the government.
1.6. Critical analysis
Weakness side of the article includes:
The data was analyzed and result is drown from individual opinion perspective
were it is difficult to give scientific conclusion.
Data is only taken from one type of population, but the issue of tax will touch
every part of the corner.
Strength side of the article includes:
The researcher tries to assess the issue Subjective norm to study tax compliance
were by focusing tax compliance behavior is influenced by the intention to
comply, while the intention to comply is influenced by subjective norms
Good result has drowned by researcher that is going to be a literature for the other
The title seems timely and relevant
The article tried to introduce the readers about the issues to be studied in a bit
clear manner.

Overall Assessment of the article:

In general, the article is assessed and evaluated as follows: firstly, the full content is

harmonized with the title of the article and the author's language/style/expression is

clear. The article shows that strong desire of taxpayers to comply the tax obligations
determined by subjective norms on tax compliance, and the perception of the taxpayer on the
On the other hand, the researcher has some defects in indicating the elements of

research methodology that goes detail I have seen from the research paper. But the

author was clearly identified that the perception of the taxpayer on government influence on
intention to comply.
Personal opinion and concluding remark
The system of leading change management strategies to enhance quality, customer

satisfaction, and return on investment is very important for the transition of Ford Hale

wood to Jaguar Hale wood. Because the management ensured that competencies were

the key factors in job placement especially as a head. It formulates Attaining charisma in

the eyes of one’s employees is central to succeeding as a transformational leader.

Employees want to identify with them, and they have a high degree of trust and

confidence in them.

This paper enumerates on the theories of change, and evaluated the strategies used to

address the transitional problems.

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