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Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A.


The weir is a structure used for flow rate measurement and for rising
water level upstream side.
Types of weirs:-
1-sharp crested weirs.
A-rectangular weir.

B-triangular weir.
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

C-trapezoidal weir.

2-Broad crested weir.

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

1-sharp crested weirs.

A-rectangular weir.
Q=Cd * (√2𝑔 ∗ 𝐿 𝐻 3/2 )
C=Cd* √2g

C, Cd: - discharge coefficients

L: - water way
H: - the head
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

B- Triangular weir.
8 ∝
𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑 ∗ tan( ) ∗ √2𝑔 ∗ 𝐻 5⁄2
15 2

C- Trapezoidal weir.
2 8 𝜃
𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑1 (𝐿 − 0.2𝐻 )𝐻 3⁄2 √2𝑔 + 𝐶𝑑2 √2𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑛 ∗ 𝐻 5⁄2
3 15 2

-For triangular weir which is used for low discharges and when
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

H/p < 0.4, the best angle is 𝛼=900

Q for this case = 1.37 H5/2
-for trapezoidal weir, the best angle 𝜃/2=140
2-broad crested weir.

Q=0.385√2𝑔 L H3/2

Design of weir:-

Design of any weir depends on minimum water level and maximum

flood level
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

y1 =ymin +1/4(ymax –ymin)

y2= ymin +3/4 (ymax– ymin)
Q1 depends on y1 from Maning eq.
Q2 depends on y2 from Maning eq.
Ex: - an open channel with minimum water depth=0.99m and
maximum water depth=2.3m
Bed width of the channel=2m
Bed slope =15 cm/km
Side slope 1:1

Design a weir at the end of this channel use c=2/3 √2𝑔 =2

1-Find y1 and y2
Y1 = ymin +1/4 (ymax – ymin)
=0.99 + 1/4 (2.3 – 0.99)
= 1.3 m
2-Find Q1 and Q2
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

n=0.015, S=15/100000 , y1=1.3 , y2=1.97

A1=4.29m2 , A2=7.82m2
P1=5.677m , p2=7.572m
R1=0.75568 , R2 = 1.032

Q1=(1/0.015 )(0.75568)2/3 * 4.29 √1.5 ∗ 10−4

=2.906 m3/sec
Q2= 6.52 m3/sec
Q1=C L H3/2
2.906 = 2 * L (y1-p)3/2
2.906 = 2L(1.3-p)3/2 ----------1
6.52 = 2L(1.97-p)3/2 ---------2
Try different values for p
P=0.4 m
L= 1.7 m
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes Prof. dr. Cheleng A. Arslasn

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