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MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR. 11, 1930 SAKA) 1947 onomie Activities + Food gathering and hunting. Pastoral fierding. Fishing and forestry. Types agriculture shifting, subsistence, commercial and plantation. Mining Power Manufacturing, incational factors of textile ‘ron and steel, sugar arid fertilizer industries, Tertiary activities-trade, sninspont, comguunication snd services. Weber's theory of industria Facation: v) Settieneats : Origin, types snd patterns of rural settlements. Urtan settlements, Concept of primate city and rank size rule, Rural uthan fringe. Processes of urbanization, Morphology and functional classification of towns. Miltion-cities and mega-cities, Charistalle~s central place theory. 3. Geography of the World @ Major Natural Regious: Charnuteristies, economic hase and human adaptation. Gi) Regional Geography of Devetoped Countries : Canada, US.A., Wester Europe, Russia, Japan, Austra and New Zealand. ies: SE, Asia, S.W. as il) Regional Geography of Developing Cou ‘China, Souther Africa and Brazil Gy) Regional Geography of South Asia 4. Geography of India @ Physica! Setting of India: Landforms, crainage, limate, sols and watural vegetation. (i) Economical Geography of India: Minerals and energy resources, aquatie resources, forest resources, imigation, agriculture and incustries. Trade mid commerce, Incustres and incustrial development. Transport and trade Gi) Population : Population growth, distribution and density. Demographic characteristics, ¥) Environmental problens, developmental issues and regicnl y sing. (©) Contempor + Titerpational boundaries issues. Disputes cn sharing of Water resources. Geopolities of Indian Oceass, Bavirs rds, Enviromental pollukion Problems of agcuian and industrial unrest. Regicstal disparities in economical development 10. INDIAN HISTORY 1. Foundation of indian Culture and Civilisation. Indus Civilisa jon, Vedic Culture. Sangam Age. ian! Brahmanism, 2 Religious Movements ~ Buekthism, Jainism, Bhagavatism ‘The Maurya Expire ‘Trade and Comsuerce in the pre-Guta and Gupta periog, Agrarian structure in the post-Gupta period. Political and soci! condition (BODA.D.~1200 A.D.). The Cholas, ‘The Dethi Sultnnate -Adnunistration. Agrarian co 3 4 5 6. Changes in the soial stmicture of ancient India, e 8 ditions 9. “The Provinetal Dynusties, Vijaynagar Empire. Society aad Ade stration, 10. ‘The Indealamnie culture. B 1k. The Mughs culture, gious movements (15th and LGth centuries) | Enpire (15264,D.~17078.D.)° Mughal Polity Agrarian relations. Art, architecture and 12. Beginning of European commerce, 13, The Maratha Kingdom and Confederacy 14, The Decline of the Mughal Finpire. The autonomous states with special reference to Bengal, Mysore and Punjab 1948 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR. 11, 1930 SAKA) 15. ‘The East Indian Company an the Bengal Navas §6. Brush economic impact in India 17. The Revolt of 1857 and other popular movements against Beitish rule m the 19th century 18, Social and cultural awakening the lower enstes, Trade unions and the peasant movernents, 19, The freedom siruggle. 1. LAW ‘Schools of Jurisprudence : Analytical, historical, philosophical and sociological L Jurisprudence 4 2. Sources of Law 3. Rights and Duties 4 Legal Personality, stom, precedent and legislation, (Ownership and Postession UL Constitutional Law of India 4 s 6. 2. 8 9 TL International Law i for the determination of i Salient features of Preamble Fundamental Rights, Dire the Indian Constitution, fe Principles and Fundamental Duties CConstitiional position of the President and Governors and their powers. Supreme Court and High Curt their powers and jurisdiction, Union Public Service Commissioa and State Public Service Commissions. Their powers and fuinotions. Distribution of Legisia Emergency provisions. Amendment af the Cat ition. [Notre of fntermat cual lave Souroes: Tren'y 3. State Recognition 4. TheUnite Court of Justice IV. Torts 1. Nature and defi 2. Liability based: 3. Vicarious liability. 4, Tointtort-feasors. 5. Negligence 6. Defamation. as : Objectives, principal organs, the constitution: roan, genera and State Sueeession fault and strict ibility inciples of law recognized hy evilized nations and subs ve powers between the Union and the States Ye and jurisdiction of the International HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR. 11, 1930 SAKA) 1949 7. Conspiracy. 8. Nuisance 9. False impriscament and mal V. Criminal Law and IPC nus prosecution, 1. General principles of criminal liability, Mens sea. General exceptions, Abetment and conspiracy. Joint and constructive Hiability Criminal attempts Murder and culpable homocide. Sedition. ‘Theft : exortion, robbery and dacoity. eer awrwn 10. Misappropriation and criminal breach of trust, VE Law of Contract and Indian Cantreet Act, 1872 1. Basic elements of Factors vitiating consent ‘Void, voidable, illegal and unenforceable agreements, Performance of eontraeis. ntract, offer, acceptance, consideration, contractual capacity. Dissolution of contractural obligations, frustration of contra ‘Quasi-contracts. Remedies for breach of contract. ‘VIL. Law of Evidence and Indian Evidence Act. Bawa 12, MATHEMATICS 1. Algebra Blements of Set Theory. Algebra of Rea! and Complex numbers inchucing DeMoivre's Theorem. Polynomials and Polynomial Equations. Relations between Co-efficients and Roots, Symmetric functions of roots. Elements of Group Theory. Sub-groups, permutation groups and their elementary properties. 2. Matrices Addition, Multiplication, Determinants of a Matrix, Properties of Determainants of order, Inverse of a Matrix, Cramer’srute. 3. Geometry nd Vector Analytic Geometry of straight fines and conics in Cartesian and Pola coordinates. Three Dimensional geometry forplanes, straight lines, sphere, cone and cylinder. Addition, Substraction and Procucts of Vectors and Simple applications to geometry. 4, Calentus Functions, Sequences, Series, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives. Application of Derivatives. Rates of change. ‘Tangents, Normals, Maxima, Minima, Retle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorems of Lagrange and Cauchy, Asymptotes, Curvature, methods of finding indefinite integrals. Definite Integzals, Fundamental Theorem of Integral Caicuius Application of definite integrals to area, Length of a plane curve, Volume ane Surfaces of revolution. 1950___ HARYANA GOVT GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR. 11, 1930 SAKA) 5. Ordinary Differential Equations ‘Order and Degree of a Different! Equation, First order differential Equations, Singular solution, Geometrical {nterpretation, Second nder equations with constant co-eiticients. 6. Mechanfes Concepts of particles, Lamuins, Rigié Body, Displacement, Force, Mass, Weight, Motion, Velocity, Speed, Acceleration, Paralieiogram of forces, Pazalielogramof velocity, aeceletatior, resultant, equilibrium of coplanar forces. Moments, Couple, Friciioa, Centre of mass, Gravity. Laws of motioa, Motion under conservative forces, Motion under Escape velocity; Motion of nrtificial satellites. gravity? 7.Probabitity Sample space, Events, Algebra of events, Probability-Classical, Statistical and Axiomatic Approaches. Conditional Probability and Baye’s Theorem Random Variables and Probability. Distributions~Discrete and (Continuous. Mathematical Expectations, Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions, 8. Statistical Methods Collection, Classification, tstulation and presentation of data, Measures of central value, Measures of dispersion. Skewness, moments and Kurtosis. Correlation aad regression 13, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Simeie application of equiitriw: ‘equations 2. Dynamics ‘Simple applications of equations of miotion work, energy and pows 3. Theory of Machines Simple examples of Kinematics chains and their inversions. Different types of gears, hearings, governors, Hywheels and their functions. Static an ‘ancing of grid rotors. Simple vibrations analysis of Hars and shalts 4. Mechanics of Solids = ‘Stress, strain and Hooke’s Law. Shear and bend spring and thin walled cylinders. Element 5, Manufacturing Setence ts in beams. Simple bending and torsion of bewns, concepts of elastic stability, mechanical properties and material testing. ‘Mechanics of metal cuiting. too! life, economics cf machining, cutting tool materials. Basic types of machine ‘ool and their processes. Metal forming processes and machines—shearing, drawing, spinaing, rolling, forging, ext ‘Types of casting and weiding methods. Powder metallurgy and processing of plasties, Corrosion contro! ‘Types of cosrosion. 6. Manufnetoring Management Methods and time study, motion econmoray and work space design, operation and flow process charts. Cost estimation, break-even analysis, Locstion and iayout of plants. material handing. Capital budgeting. Job chop end mass production, scheduling, Gespaichiog, routing inventory. Basic concepts of quality control. 7. Thermodynamics Basicconcepts, definitions and laws, heat, work and temperature scales, firstlaw, second law and its corollaries. Analysis of air standard power cycles, camiot, otto, diese, dual brayton cycle, cefrigerntion cycle-Beil coleman. Vapour absorption and vspsur compression cycle analysis, epen and closed eycte gas turbine with intercooling, reheating, HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR. 11, 1930 SAKA) 195) energy conversion. Flow of steam thnvugh noaztes, eriticl presstreraio, steam generators, mountings and accsssunes tmpuise and reaction turbines, elements an yout of thermal power plaats. Hydraulic turbines and pumps, specie speed, layout of hydauiie power plants, Introduction to guclear reactors and power plants handling of nuclear Wate 8, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigeration system, properties of an ideal refrigerant; domestic refrigerator, COP. Prineiples of airconditioning, psyeltometne chart, comfort zones, hiumidification and dehumiditication. 14. PHYSIC 3. Mechanies Units and dimensions. SL wits. Motion in one and two dimensions. Newton's laws of motion with applications. Variable mass systems. Frictional forces. Work, power and energy. Conservative and non-conservative systems. Collisions. ‘conservation of energy. Linear and angular momeata, Rotational Kinematics. Rotational dynamics. Equilibrium or rigid bodies. Gravitation, planetary mition, artificial satellites. Surface tension and Viscosity, Fluid dynamics, streamline ‘adiurbulent motion, Bernoulli's equation with applications. Stoke's law and its application. Special theory of relativity Lorentz transformation, Mass energy equivalence. 2. Waves and Ovel ‘Simple hermaonie motion. Traveling and stationary waves, Superpesition of waves, Forced oscillations. Damped oscillation, Resonance, sound waves, Vibrations of air columns, stings and rods. Ultrssoni¢ waves and their application. Dogplereffect 3. Optics Matrix methods in paraxial opties. Thin lens formulae. Nodal planes. Systems of two thin lenses. Chromatic ‘and Spherical averration. Optical instruments. Eyepieces, Nature and propagation of light. Interference. Division of wavefront. Division of amplitude. Simple interferometers. Diffraction—Fraunhoffer and Fresnel, Gratings, Resolving power of optical instruments, Rayleigh criterion. Polarization. Production and detection of polarised light. Rayleigh scattering. Raman scattering. Lasers and their applications 4. Thermal Physies “Thesmometry. Laws of thermodynamics. Heat engines. Eatrophy. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell's relations, Van derwaals’ equation «of State. Critical constants, Joule-Thomson effeet. Phase transition. Transport phenomenon, heat conduction and specific heat in solids. Kinetie Theory of Gases. Ideal Gas equation. Maxwell's velocity distribution. Equipartition of Energy, Mean free path. Brownian Motion. Black-body radition, Planck's Law. §, Electricity and Magnetism Blectric charge Fields and pocentials. Coulmob's lw. Gauss Law. Capacitance, Dielectrics. Ohm's Law. Kirehoft's Laws. Magnetic field. Ampere’s Law. Faraday’ Law of electromagnetic induction, Lena’s Law. Alternating Currents. ‘LCR Circuits, Series and paralicl resonance. Q-factor Thermoelectric efforts and their applications. Electromagnetic ‘waves, Motion of charged particle in electric and magnetic fields. Particle accelerators, Ved de Fraff generator. Cyclotron. Betatron. Massspectrometer. Hall effet, Dis Para and ferro magnetism, 6, ModernPhysies Botu’s Theory of Hydrogen stom, Optical and X-ray spectra. Photoelectric effect, Compton effect. Wave nature of matter and wave-particle quality, Natural and artificial radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma radiation, chain decay, tmuclear fission and fusion, Elementary particles und their classification. 1982 HARYANA GOVT, GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31,_ 2008 (CHTR 11,_190 SAKA) 17. Electronics ‘Vacuum tubes—diode ond triode. - and -type materials, p-n diodes and transiters. Cvs forrectification, amplification and osciliations. Logie gates (AND, OR, NOT) 48. POLITICAL SCIENCE & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Section A (Theory snd international Relations) 1 (@) The State-Sovereigaty. Theories of Sovereignty. {Theories ofthe origin ofthe State (Gcialenntracthistorical-—evolutiousry and Marxist). (©) Theories of the functions of he Stave (liberal, welfare md socilist) a) Social Moveinenis - Backnavdclasses movement, Femiist and pessant movement, Concer (0: ‘environment. 2" (@) Concepts—Righs, Property. Liberty, Equality, Justice and Human Righ's (@) Democracy—Electoral process. Theories of representations, Publie opinion. tes dom of speech and the role of the press, Parties and pressure groups (Political Teories—Liberalsmn, Barly Soistsm. Marsian Socielssm.PaciemanGandkism (@ ‘Theories of development and under-development, Liberal and Miansist 4, G@) Nature, Scope and Changes : phases and structures of Interv ational Relations (b) Theories of ltemational Reations: Realsmand Neo-Realism, Systers, Marxist andl Ct (© India's Rote in Interational Order, Non-alignment-its role sid elevanee {(@) Changed contours of India's foreign policy, relations with neigt-bours Section B (Government) 1 Constitution and constitutional government. Parliamentary and Presidential government, Federal and Unitiry government, Site, Local government. Cabinet Government. Bureaucracy. 2tndie— (@ Colonisismandnaticeatism in indi, The ational Wberaton meverset and Constiutioal developement (6) Thetndian Constitution, Puslemental Rights, Directive Principles of Site Policy, Legisiatue, Executive Judiciary including Judicial Review, the Rule of Law. (@) Federalism including Centre-Siste relatons-its comparison wth the Peeralism of USA, Canada and ‘Australia, Parliamentary svsteuvin kndia (2) Panchayati Raj and Manieipa Government changing structure and rote of wore 4. Challenges for Indian Political Systema-Communalism, regionalism, terrorism, castigo, poverty rie, population, eriminalization, corruption and development. 16. PSYCHOLOGY 1. Scope of psychology. Methods: Observation and sceiometris experimeatal methods, Fields stadies, Clinical and case methods Charocteristies of mettiod of psychology. 4. Physiological Basis + Structure and functions of the nervous sysiem. Struc Structure and functions of thé endocrine system. 4. Development of Behaviow + Geuetic mechanism. Environmental factors, Growth end matuctin. Relevant experimental studies. 5, Perception : Meaning acd tature of perception. Perceptual organistton. Perception of form, colour, depth and time, Perceptual constancy. Role of metivation, soci and eultwral faztors in perception +: and functions of brain. HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR, 31, 2008 (CHR, 11. 1950 SAKA) 1953 6 Leaming : Meaning aid nature of fearing. Learning theories. Classical condiiontag Operant conditioning. Cognitive leering. Peroeptual leaping. Leaming and maturation, Laws of fearing. 2. Memory + Nature of memory. Measurement of memory. Short-term memory. Long-term memory Forgetting. Theories of forgetting Thinking: Language aad thinking. Development of thinking. Creative thinking, Language and Thought, Images. Concept formation. Problem solving, Deductive and inductive reasoning. 9, Intelligence : Nature and meaning of intelligence. Theories of intelligence. Intelligence and creativity. 10. Motivation: Needs, drives and motives, Clastification of motives. Measurement of motives, Theonés of tnotivation, Characteristics of motivated behaviour. Frstration and conflict of motiver-sourve of frustration and types of conflicts 11, Emotion : Characterisics of emotional behaviour. Expressions of emotions. Physiological correlates of cerotions. Role of nervous systema and endocrine glands in emotions. Theories of emotions James Lange (Cannon Bard and Schachter: Stress-siressors, coping with stress. 12. Pemenality sNatreof personality. Development of self, culture and personality. Trait and type approsches Biologia! and socio-cultural determinants of personality. Personality assessment techniques an¢ 's's 1b, Attitudes : Nature of stitudes, Theories of stindes. Measurement of atiudes. Change of stitdes, factors in attitude change. 14, Classification of Psychological Disorders Classifying peyehoiogieal dscrers. peril approaches to classification: DSM system of lasifiation Recurring issues in classification. 15. Abnormat behaviour aychological Disorders, Concept of normaley anc abnormalcy. ‘Canses of abnormal bebsaviour-biological, paychological and socio-cultural Siuctural aspect of Fenian theory and defence mechanism, Neoross- Syimptoms, aetiology and treatment. Phobic disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Anxiety cisorde, ‘Conversion disonder, Disnssiative disorder. Psychosomatic disorders-hypertension and peptic uleers Psychotic disorders ~ symplom, aetiology and treatment, Functional Peychosis-depressive dlsorirs mane depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, Drug abuse ~alchohal, narcotics, stimulants (amphetamines), hallucinogens (LSD), marijuans (hashish), Methods of assessing abnormal behaviour. 16, Treatment of abuormaley ~ paychotherapies (psychoanalysis and behaviour therapy: physical and chemotherapies). ECT. Amti-psychotic drugs. Antiamxiety drugs. Antidepressant drugs 17. Miscellaneous + Applications of psychology in industry, education and community. Characteristics of leadership. Lesdership taining. Juvenile delinquency and criminal behaviour-causes and prevention techniques, 47, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1. Introduction: Meaning. seope and significance of Public Administration; Private and Public Administration. Evolution of Public Administration as a disetpline. 2. Theories and Principles of Administration : Scientific Management, Bureaucratic Model; Classics! “Theory; Human Relations Theory; Behavioural approach; Systems approach; The principle of Hiearchy; Uniy of Command Span of Control: Authority an Responstility, Coordination; Delegation, Supervision; Line an Sift 3, Administrative Behaviour : Decision Making Leadership theories, Communication; Motivation, “4, Personnel Administoticn: Rote of Civil Service in developing soeiety; Postion Classification Recruitwnent, ‘Training; Promotion; Pay and Service condition; Neutrality and Anonymity '. Financial Administration : concept of Budget, Formation and execution of budget; Accounts and Aut 6 Control over Administration = Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control, Citizen and Administration. 7. Comparative Administration : Salient Feanures of administrative systems in U.S.A., USSR, Great Britain and France. Central Administration in India + British legacy constitutional context of Indian administration; The 1954__HARYANA GOVT. GA . (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHR. 11, 1930 SAKA) President, The Prime Minister as Real (Commission, Comptroller and Audite tive; Central Secretariat; Cabinet Secreterint; Planning Commission; Finance Sener of india; Major pattems of Public Znterprises. 9. Civil Service in India : Recruitment of Alt Indie and Central Services, Union Public Service Commissica: Training of IAS and IPS, Generalists and Specialist; Relations with the Political Executive 10. State, District and Local Acimnisuation: Govemor, Chief Minister, Secretariat; Chief Scoretary, Directorates. Role of District Collector in revenue, lav and orcer and evelopment admniniswetion; Panchayati Ray; Urban local Government; Main features Sintcture and pn ibiems areas 38 SOCIOLOGY 1 Basic Concepts Society, community, associ ettnocentrisin, Social Groups--priniry, secondary andl Feference groups, Social stwucturs, social system, social action. Status aad role, role conflict role set. Norms and vales-conformity and deviance. Socio-culturel processes socialisation, assimilaiion, integration, cooperation, competition, conflict, scoommodation, relative deprivation, fon, mstitution. Culture-culture change, cultural lag. cultural relativism, Marriage, Family and Kinship Marriage : types and forms, mariage as contrac, and as a sacrament, Family : types, fmcticns and changes Kinship: terms and usages, ries of residence, descent, inheritance 3. Sccial Stratification Forms and functions. Caste arid elass, Jajmani system. Dominant caste. Saaskritisetien 4 ‘Types of Society Tribal, agrarian, industrial ond post-ndustral 5 Industrial and Lirhan Saciety Rural-Uriua Continuum, Urbon growth and urbanisstion—iown, city and inetropolis' Basi features of industrial society. Impact of automation of society. Indusirtalisation and environment 6 Social Demography Population size, growth, compesition and distribution in India, Components of population growth-births, deaths and migration. Causes and consequences of poplatica growth, Population and social development. Population policy. 7 Political Processes Power, authority and legitimacy. Political socialisation, Political maudemisation. Pressure groups. Caste ad politics. 8. Weaker Sections and Minssites Social justice-eyual opportussty and special opportunity. Protective dlscrimination. Coustitutional safeguards, Social Cheng ‘Theories of change. Factors a! change, Scfence, teclmology and change Social move men's ~ peasant movement, women's movement, hackwar! easte movement, dalit maovesreat 19, ZOOLOGY 1. Cellstrucvare and function : Structure of an animal cell, ature and f mction of cell organelles, tosis and ‘meiosis, Chromosomes and genes, lars of inheritance, mutation. 2. General survey and elassitication of non-chordates and chontates (upto classes) 0” following : Protozoa, Porifers, Coelenterata, Pletyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Ectinodermsta and Chordata. HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHTR 1, _1990 3, Structure, reproduction and life history of foflowing types: Amorbs, Plasmodium Hydra, Obelia, Fasciola, Taenia, Ascaris, Perettma, Cockroach ,asnsil Balaoglosss, an Ascidia, Amphioxus, 4. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates; Integument endosks i respiratory system, henrt and circulasny stem, urinogenitl system and sense EADS, Paramecium, Sycon, sive system, S. Physiology: Cheaieal ompaxitios f protoplasm, natu: an¢ funcion of enzymes. colloids snd HyGrBEs sen concogtaion biciogcal cxidation Plenentary physiology of digesticn, excetcn, respiration, Hood meshanism sreireultion with special reference’ man, nerve spulse, cowuction and transmission ser Eynapte junction. 6, Embryology + Gi ization, clevage, gastrulation, early development and imetamorphogenesis o frog. Ascii anc retrogressive metamorphos #, Neoteay develop ‘envof foetal membranes in ick and mammsls 7. Evolution + Origin of bie, principles and evidences of evo tion, speciation, smation and islation 8. Beoingy 1 Biotic 1 abiotic facie, conceps of eco-systet, food chain nx encry flow adaptation of acpntic and ser fas interspecific iteration, Factors causing envionmiental palit sag its reveation endangered species. 9. Beonor 2 Zoology : Petieficial and harmful insects, ‘SYLLABI FOR THE MAINWRITIEN EXAMIN COMPULSORY SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH AND ENGLISH ESSAY “The aim of the paper ito too the eanUtate’s ailty to read and undersiond express his ideas elearly and eocrectiyin English cous discursive prose, and to “The pattern of questions would be Moadly as follows: English— (Precis Writing (iy Comprehension of given passages (iid Essay : Gv) Usage ant Vocabulary. (9) General Grammar / Composition Essay— ‘Candidates will be required tw write an essay on a specific apie, The choice of subjects wil be given. They will be expected to keep closely tothe subject of the essay to arrange rir idea in crerly festion and to write concisely Credit wali be given for effective and exact expression 2. HINDI AND HINDI E Gn Devnagri s:rip) sh passage into Hindi @ Trunslation of an (i) Letter /precis writing (iii) Explanation of Hindi passage (pose and poetry) in the same: Language. iv) Corapusition (idioms, corrections ete.) (9) Essay on a specific pe. The choice of subjects wil he given. 3.GENERAL STUDIES “The nanure and standard of questions in these papers will be such that « well-educeted person will be able 19 ‘answer them without any specialized study. The questions will be such as Lo testa candidate's general awareness of & variety of subject which will beve selewance for « career in Civil Services. 1956 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ (EXTRA), MAR. 31, 2008 (CHT L,_1930_ SAKA) Part {@) History of Modem India and Indian Culture “The ‘History of Modem lucia’ will cover history of the couatry from show the middie of the ninetecath century and would also itelude questions on important personalities who shaped the freedora movement and social reforms, The part relating to ‘Indian Culture will cover all aspects of Indian ‘culture fromthe eneient to medera times. (&) Geography of India Inthis pa, questions wil be on the physical, economic and social weoarBhy of India. (©, Indian Polity “This part wil nelude questions on the Constitution of Indi, Potieal system and related matters (@ Current National issues and topics of social relevance “This partis intended to test she Candidate's awareaess oF current ational is:¥es and topics of social relevance in the present-day India, such 28 the following: Demogrephy and Hama Revources & related issues. Dehawioural and social isoues and social welfare problems, such as culé labour, ‘gender equality, sult literacy, rehabilitation ofthe huodicapped and ciher deprived segments ofthe secety, dr abuse, public health ete TCawenforcement issues, human fights, corruption in public if, communal harmony tc Tvamal Security and elated icoues, Environsmental james, ecologic: preservation, conservation of nalural resources ‘and national heritage. The role of national institutions, their relevance and need for change. Part-It (@ india end the World “This partis intended to test candidate's awareness of nda’ relations wih ‘the world in various spheres, such as the following: Foreign Affe. External Security and related matiers. Nuclear Policy. Indian abroad (b) Indinn Economy in thispart, questions wil be on the planning and esonome develepmen. in Indi. eeanone anditrade issues, foreign trade the role aad functions of LM-F., World Bank, W.T.0, te (© Iniernational Affeirs & [astitutions. ‘This part will include a ysestions on important events sa worl ffs and Ov {ntemational institutions (@) Developme: ts in the field of seience and technology, communications and space Tn this pat, questions will test the candidate's awareness of tre cevelopmentt 2 the field of science and technology, communications and space and also basic ideas of computers (© Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams. ‘This part will include exercises to west the candidate's ability to draw common Sense ‘conchusions from information perseted in statistical, graphical or diagrammatic form ned fo pote ott Seficiencies, limitations or inconsistencies therein. OPTIONAS, SUBJECTS FOR MAIN WRITTEN EXAMINATION 1, AGRICULTURE Part Concepts of multiple cropping, multistrey relay and intr-erop ing, tnd thelr Haporane® relation to food production, P jrccuction of important cereal, pulses, 01 seeds, fibres, sugar, ‘commercial and fodder crops grown during Khari and Rati seasons in different regions of the couniry. ESSNS social forestry and agro-forestry, Second generation problems green revolution and arprosshes 9 solve these problems, Diversification end value addition in agricultural craps. W.T.O. and its impact on Indian agriculture. Sustainable agriculture "Weeds, their characteristics distemrialion and associston with varius crops their multiplications; cultural biological and chemical control of weeds. Zero tillage wwe of practices

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