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Christmas at Uncle Brad’s

Written by: Bill Drake


David Hewitt gave his younger brother Brad a tight hug. The two Hewitt men were close, and always had been, even during
their sibling rivalry when they were in the NFL at the same time. Now that they were in their 40s, married with growing kids,
they didn't see each other as often as they used to, maybe a few times year. But Christmas at Brad's rambling suburban house
was an annual tradition for the Hewitt families.

"Great to see you, man," Brad practically grunted affectionately into his big brother's ear as they clasped, the younger brother
an inch taller than David and blond haired in contrast to David's brown. Physically, though, they were similar, their ex-
professional quarterback builds filling out nicely in middle age. Brock kept his mid-section trimmer than David's but both men
were fit and strong.

Brad let go of the hug and pulled back. He was always the more outgoing and affectionate of the Hewitt brothers. "The drive
was OK?" he asked David.

David nodded. "Yeah, no traffic." Like Brad, he was in a dressy casual attire for the holiday - slacks, check button down, and
quarter zip-up sweater that accentuated the swells of his veteran jock muscle.

Just then, Brad's attention was taken by the entrance of David's son Sam, who was shuffling into the giant cathedral ceilinged
living room, filing in past his sisters, who were busy greeting their relatives.

Brad had to do a double take. "Who's this stud?" he exclaimed as he gave his older brother a big smile and a ribbing in the
elbow. "You go out and find another son, brother?" he asked before stepping up to his nephew and giving the young jock a fist
bump before pulling him into a quick bear hug. Even with his older, more powerful ex-pro-athlete muscle, he had to admit the
kid felt, well, solid.

"Nah, it's still me, Uncle Brad," Sam laughed. Gone was that awkward shy kid nature of just a half year ago. It was still the
respectful Sam Hewitt as before, but, well, a budding man.

Brad pulled back and looked Sam up and down. Now 6'3” and still lean but not as lean as he'd expect. "Well, you sure had one
hell of a growth spurt," he observed. If it had been anyone else, any other family, the clear excitement with which the uncle
appraised his nephew's body would have seemed inappropriate. But the Hewitts were used to the way young athlete's were
measured for their future success. Neither Hewitt wife nor the daughters batted an eye when the guys went to their corner to
talk about bulking up.

Which they did as soon as they women took the desserts into the kitchen and the daughters of the two families caught up in
one of the cousin's rooms upstairs. That left Brad, David and Sam in the big living room.

David had a smirk on his face, like he'd been barely been able to hold the news for 15 minutes. He sidled up to his quarterback
son on the couch and draped his burly arm around the teen's shoulders. "I wanted you to be the first to know... besides Julie
and the girls, that is.... we've heard word, and well it's not official but... you're looking at the 2019 National Player of the Year."
He gripped Sam's shoulder and gave his son an affectionate look before turning to gauge his brother's reaction.

Brad's face lit up with excitement. "Well fuck me!... excuse my French, Sam, but that's frickin' fantastic. Way to go buddy!"

The jock blushed but flashed his uncle an aw-shucks smile. "Thanks, Unc. Wouldn't have been able to do it with your
guidance.... yours and Dad's."

Brad was still over the moon, but not as much as the proud papa sitting next to Sam. "Glad to help, as always," the uncle said.
"But that's all you."

The three men had a flurry of excited football talk that was interrupted only by the appearance of Julie Hewitt. "Sam... you
think you could help us set the table?" she asked her son. "Don't want our resident football star's success to go to his head,"
she joked.

Sam smiled back with a laugh. "Sure thing, Mom." He stood up, like the polite teen he was and went to follow his mother to the

David was still in a great mood and fed off his brother's clear admiration for his son's accomplishment. He scooted over and
sat next to Brad, nudging his arm. "Pretty amazing, huh?" he prompted.
"Jesus, David, I can't believe you waited to tell me. I'm fucking stoked!" Brad enthused.

His brother nodded. "Wasn't easy, believe me. I just wanted Sam to see your reaction. He looks up to you, you know."

Brad fed off the compliment and the affection he had for his nephew. "Pretty soon we're gonna be looking up to him... I guess
he'd started his growth spurt earlier this year, but what is he now? 6'2""

"6'3" bro... wouldn't be surprised if he had another inch in him.... it's hard to keep up."

"I bet," Brad grinned. "He's not one of those string bean kids, either... Sam's real solid."

David nodded. "Yeah, lifting is kind of our thing. You know, dad and son time." He paused and took a quick look around
before lowering his voice and practically growling a soft growl in Brad's ear. "Bro... think we can go somewhere private? We
got a few minutes before dinner right?"

It was like his little brother was expecting that very question. He had a conspiratorial look on his face as he nodded and stood
up before gesturing toward his study with his head.

The study door barely shut when David started undoing his belt and slacks. "I have a little Christmas present for you, bro."

Brad grinned and crouched down in front of David, already looking up in anticipation. "You know I'll suck you anywhere, any
time... only it's probably more of a present for me than for you, brother."

David smiled as he jerked down his boxer briefs, letting his ex-jock daddy hardon spring up to full attention. He was majorly
boned. It seemed he was always like that lately. "Hot. But not what I'm thinking..."

Brad watched in surprise as his big brother turned around and lifted up his shirt tails. There was that familiar ass, firm and
meaty, definitely an ex-jock's ass, made even better with age. Round hard muscle, hairy, deep cleft. Then David leaned
forward and spread his legs the best he could, parting the cheeks just enough.

David wasn't usually the kind of guy who wanted attention to his back door, but Brad didn't second guess the invitation. He
scooted in and pressed his face into the meaty pillows before prying them apart to properly rim his brother.

"That's it, man... get in there," David hissed in a whisper.

Brad licked that bro pucker and it took him a second to register. But once he did he pulled back in surprised. "What the fuck?"
he asked as his thick finger dug in to confirm the fresh cum leaking out of David's hole. This was so wild. His ass-chasing,
total top of a brother had semen just along the wrinkled rim. "Who dicked you bro?"

David's voice was now hoarse with lust. "Who ya think? Player of the year."

Brad's heart pounded and he felt a sexual warmth spread through his whole body. With a grunt he dove back in. No longer
tentative, his tongue drilled David's soft pucker and was rewarded to taste more of the sperm. Indeed, as David's hole relaxed a
little, Brad could taste the amazing flavor of his nephew... a little salty, a little bitter, but mostly sweet.

"Enjoy your present, bro," David laughed as he felt Brad go wild in his felch job. Then the ex-athlete leaned over more and
bore down.

Brad's pleasure moans went into overdrive as he got fed a heavy craw of Sam Hewitt's QB cum. It was a mindblowing amount,
the flavor clean and taboo at the same time, but Brad held it all in his mouth between concerted swallows.

When he was finally done he pulled off and admired David's recently fucked dad hole. "Jesus, David, how long you been
letting Sam tap this ass?"

David wanted to spend more time fucking around with his little brother, but he knew they were taking a chance as it was.
Cooler head prevailing, he leaned back up and pulled his briefs and slacks back up to get dressed again. His hard cock would
have to wait for relief.

"A few weeks now... it was his birthday present."

Brad reached down to pinch his own hardon through his trousers, trying to will it to go down. "Hell of a birthday present.
Fuck." As he stood up, he did the best to wipe off the telltale spit and sperm from his chin and cheeks. "You gotta tell me the
whole story."
David nodded. He'd been almost as eager to share this news as Sam's Player of the Year award. "I will, bro. Later."

And like that, he stepped up to Brad and slowly lapped at his brother's chin and lips, tasting his own son's cum, before the two
shared a soft kiss.

"All right," Brad finally hissed. "We better join the others."

David's eyes fixed on his brother's. He didn't want to end this special moment. This bond. "Yeah."

The two stood face to face, unable to part before they both laughed at their clear incestuous attraction. Brad patted David's
arm then stepped toward the door. Looking back at David, he said only, "later."

Then opened the door to join the others for Christmas dinner.


It wasn't Sam's bedroom but unofficially it was. Uncle Brad had a big house, and this was Sam's guest bedroom whenever he
visited. Masculine, simple, sports posters on the wall.

But the high school athlete's attention wasn't on the room. It was on his hard shank of jock dick that pressed up into his shorts.

It had been a weird evening to cap off a weird day. Normal family time in his aunt and uncle's big den, the whole extended
family gathered around, watching a Christmas movie. Sam tried to play it cool, but his eyes kept going back to his father.
Handsome as fuck when he was in a good mood, out of "coach" mode. It was like Sam was seeing a new side to his father.

His birthday had been mindblowing enough, when after months of JO sessions and swapped BJs, his stud of a father pulled his
hairy legs back and instructed his son to go ahead, coaching Sam through his first ever man fuck. It was everything Sam
Hewitt had dreamed full on fucking would be, and more. Deep toe-curling orgasm, but half the thrill was seeing all six-foot-
three, 230-ish pounds of dad muscle clench and tense as Sam's dad went into a crazy-deep cum. It was beautiful to see.

David had let it be known it would be a one time thing. Until that morning, Christmas morning, when David eased into the
bathroom while Sam was in the shower and then with a bright smile pulled back the curtain, showing Sam the naked body and
erect cock of the man who sired him. "Merry Christmas, son," he grinned before stepping in and taking the soap out of Sam's

Sam had gone for seconds, right there in the shower, pressing his Dad against the shower tile as he humped excitedly into that
strong, masculine body. One of these days, Sam would have to learn to last inside a tight asshole, but it was so frickin hard
when he got excited. The look on his dad's face made him feel like a real stud when he pulled out too. As did the heavy drips
of father sperm raining down the tile, proof Sam had got the job done in a big way.

He slipped down his shorts now and felt his rigid tool. 7 and a half, edging toward 8 now. And real thick, just like his dad's.
Sam's cock looked a lot like David Hewitt's, in fact, other the relative lack of his dad's lush, dark pubic hair. Sam ran his
fingers along his pubis, feeling the soft tickle of the hairs that surrounded the base of his dick

This whole evening had been torture. Wondering what that morning fuck had meant. Another one-time thing? Particularly the
way his dad's eye contact swept over to Sam's way more frequently. If any one had noticed, it was just David being David.
Proud father, in an affectionate dad mood after a couple of beers. But to Sam it was the same look he'd gotten in the shower.
On his special birthday "guys only" overnight trip to the city to catch the Seahawks game.

Lust, with a good deal of flirtiness.

Sam did his best to return his father's stares without catching too much attention. Only as he felt he was getting his game on,
the natural jock flirtiness kicking in, he was distracted by his uncle firm hand on his leg. Even through his jeans, Sam felt
Uncle Brad's fingers gently massage his leg muscle.

Sam tried to act cool when he turned to Brad, beside him, but his uncle just grinned. "How you doing buddy?" he said. Normal
uncle response.

"Pretty good, Uncle Brad," Sam smiled.

His uncle just grinned and turned back to the family conversation.

As those thoughts came back to him now, Sam's fist felt pretty damn good as he worked it up and down his bone. The dry
friction felt good, until Sam decided some spit would help it out. He pulled his palm to his face and was about to spit into it,
when he heard a soft knock at the door. Quickly, he pulled the sheet up over his midsection, just in time to see the door open.

Uncle Brad opened the door and walked in. Wearing just a loose pair of pyjama pants, the 41 year old was bare-chested and
the thick blond daddy fur almost glowed in the low lamp light.

"Hey buddy, I couldn't sleep..." he paused like a shy teenager. "And well, I saw your light on."

Sam felt his heart pound. He wasn't sure if he was reading the situation right. It didn't seem believable that his uncle would be
into dudes, too. He decided to play it cool. "Yeah, can't sleep either. Dad's always getting on my case for staying up late."

Brad smiled and shut the door behind him before walking toward the bed. "Your dad loved bossing me around when we were
growing up. Guess it comes naturally to him," he grinned.

Sam laughed. "I guess." He watched as his uncle sat down on the bed, turned toward him.

"I'm crazy proud of you, Sam," Brad said with sincerity. "Player of the Year.... damn impressive."

Sam blushed. "Thanks, Unc.... your words mean a lot. I mean it."

Brad was flattered but he just nodded. Then he asked. "Your dad have you on a good training program?"

Sam nodded. "3-3 split, upper and lower. Sundays off."

"Well it shows," Brad said. "Like I said, damn impressive." Feeling braver he reached forward and touched his nephew's bare
chest. Mostly smooth and showing some formidable rippling from the taut abs to the chest muscle that was filling out.

Sam grinned and gently flexed his muscle underneath his uncle's thick fingers.

Brad laughed, and Sam laughed too.

But the uncle's hand didn't pull back. He couldn't, no matter how much he willed it. The fingers continued to trace soft circles
on the creamy-pale teen muscle, then slowly traced over every bump of the six pack.

Sam let out a sigh, and Brad's face grew more serious, practically staring at his nephew, examining Sam's face for any sign he
was going too far. It never came.

The teen QB actually grunted when he felt this uncle's hand slip under the bedsheets, and as if on a homing device, zero in on
his rigid cock. Uncle Brad's fingers circled around the girth immediately and began a soft stroke.

"Damn impressive," he repeated in a low throaty growl, now leaning in toward his nephew.

"Fuck!" Sam whispered. He didn't normally curse in front of his uncle, but his uncle normally wasn't giving him a handjob.

"Feel good, buddy?" Brad was getting more confident now, feeding off Sam's clear horniness and willingness.

The teen nodded. "Oh yeah.... You got a great touch, Uncle Brad."

Brad smiled at the compliment and gave a few more slow tugs before withdrawing his hand. He pushed away the sheets
completely, showing off the thick and very hard teen boner. It was a crazy horny sight. The pubes coming in, the smooth balls,
the veiny cock, the leaking sap at the tip.

He looked up. "I have some other skills, too," he boasted.

Sam wasn't sure what his uncle was alluding to, not for sure, but his imagination got carried away with the possibilities.
Leaning back, he spread his legs and pushed his hips up to display his erection more obscenely. "Wanna show me, unc?" he

Brad didn't reply in words but just climbed onto the bed, facing Sam. He kept his eyes on his nephew's as he lowered his head
toward Sam's lap, eager to show off what would come next.

"Shit," Sam hissed, feeling his uncle's tongue lap at his prick, sending jolts of pleasure through his young body. His Uncle
Brad was actually doing this!

Then, he felt Brad's fingers grip the base of that teen jock shank and pull it to an upright position. And just like that, Sam
Hewitt was experiencing a second ex-NFL athlete blow him.

He wasn't surprised how good it felt. But he was surprised at how good Brad was at this. Better than Dad, hands down.
Instinctively, Sam know Brad Hewitt had sucked a lot of dick, and the idea excited him.

Reaching down he placed his hand on Brad's short blond buzz-cut hair and started thrusting up gently into his uncle's mouth.
Truth be told, this didn't feel as amazing as the careful tongue and suck work his uncle had just been administering to his hard
tool, but it was wild to see this big, 6'4" stud just take it, that uncle throat opening up for him with each push inward.

Brad moaned excitedly, feeding off the kid's energy. Sam Hewitt, all fucking grown up and a goddamn sex beast, he thought
inwardly as his fingers gripped the QB's sinewed thighs, feeling their contractions in rhythm with Sam's pump. Brad couldn't
decide if he was trying to keep his nephew from fucking face too hard, or if he was trying to urge Sam on.

Until he heard the telltale words. "Fuck, unc, I'm gonna cum..." Urgent, the teen voice cracking with excitement.

Now Brad used his superior strength to push off. Push off that throbbing bone, pushing away from Sam's strong grip on the
back of his head.

The prick plopped out with a wet sloppy sound.

"Fuck!" Sam growled, maybe a little too loud. "I was almost there, man." Gone was his respectful tone, replaced with the
annoyed anger of a dude whose nut was interrupted.

Brad gave a light flick to the spit-wet erection with his finger, to tease or to tame it, he didn't know. "I know you were, stud...."
he whispered, trying to signal to Sam to keep his voice down. "Just thought you might prefer somewhere else to drop that

Sam's exasperated expression turned into a leer. Immediately getting the hint nodded. "Oh yeah."

Brad was now scrambling to the free spot on the bed, peeling down his pyjama bottoms and showing off his blond-furred legs
and hard uncle cock, that was thick, too, but a smidge shorter than Sam's.

This was like that first time with his Dad, Sam thought, his teen body on autopilot as he knelt between his uncle's spread legs
and fisted his cock. Though then he'd had the first time jitters, and well, it was Dad. With Uncle Brad, there was that
excitement of the taboo, but the sex felt more playful, less heavy.

As Brad pulled back his thick thighs, Sam scooted in to line up his prick, then stopped. "Fuck. I didn't bring any lube."

His uncle smiled and nodded over the bedstand. "Look in there. I stocked it, just in case something like this happened," he

Sam chuckled and then reached over to open the drawer. Brad ran his mitts along the smooth muscle, admiring just how lithe it
was - a full-fledged athlete's body, still catching up with his growth spurt. And that hard smooth dick... fuck!

Sam leaned back up, a small tub of Vaseline his hand, his QB fingers dipping into the gel-like grease.

Brad felt his heart pound as he watched the smooth confidence with which Sam reached down between his spread legs,
between his furry daddy buns. His body jerked at the touch, the sticky gel that melted as those fingers massaged it along his
idol and mentor's wrinkled pucker.

It was like the very touch transported Brad Hewitt back to when he was a teenager, losing his cherry to his big brother. There
was a definite family resemblance between David and Sam, looks of course, though if Brad was honest, Sam inherited the best
features from both sides of his family. But there was a certain directness with sex, even now, even at Sam's age.

That ballplayer finger pressed in, smearing the petroleum jelly all along Brad's insides as it pressed in.

"You done this before, buddy?" Brad asked softly. His brother hadn't had a chance to fill Brad in on what exactly had gone
down with him and Sam. The young man clearly wasn't about to tap his first ass, but beyond that, it was anyone's guess.

Sam smiled sweetly and nodded. "Yeah, unc. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." As if to emphasize his newfound
confidence, he reached down and slathered some vaseline onto his rigid, thick prick, which bounced up lewdly from a smooth
lower abdomen.

The 41-year-old felt goosebumps, actual goddamn goosebumps, break along his body at those words.
But almost as quickly, the teen switched gears. As he scooted forward and lined up his prick, he added, "But if I'm not doing
something right, you know... I mean, you can tell me, Uncle Brad."

And with that intoxicating mix of sweetness and cockiness, Sam Hewitt pushed his cock against his uncle's lubed and exposed
anus. And as that tension gave way, slowly inside his uncle.

"Shit," Sam grunted, catching himself before he swore too loudly.

"Feel good?" Brad whispered.

Sam nodded, excitedly. "Oh yeah. So fucking good." He thought of asking his uncle if he could push more in. But he
remembered his father's instructions that first fuck. "A real man can read it in a dude's face when he's ready for more," Sam
could almost hear that advice in his father's voice, verbatim. And looking down... well, he just knew Uncle Brad was ready.

His young strong hips pivoted forth, and the former pro quarterback felt several hard, thick inches of teen jock bore inside
him. His eyes opened up and his abs clenched, but everything about the penetration felt amazing. The physical sensation, the
taboo that it was his nephew claiming ass like a fucking pro bowler... it made his own cock twitch on his belly.

By instinct, Sam no sooner bottomed out when he pulled back for another in stroke. Then another. Fucking Brad was just as
hot as fucking his own dad, but he also relished the differences. Uncle Brad's tightness was just enough to grip his bone but
not as difficult to work through. Immediately, Sam knew Brad took dick regularly, and the idea drove his thrusts to a faster
deeper rhythm.

Brad was there every step, for every stroke. Feeling the smooth rippled muscle, he admired the flex of the younger, lithe body.
Finally, he pulled his nephew down for a kiss.

Sam didn't need convincing. He craved this part, too. He'd wanted to try making out with his dad, though that was one line the
two hadn't crossed yet.

The teen QB was crossing a lot of lines now, though, pile-driving his big Uncle Brad's ass while he made out with the married
father. As he fucked, he moaned excitedly into the man's mouth and felt Brad respond with a hunger and an almost clinging
grip against every inch of smooth muscle he could hold onto.

Sam was glad he had already come with his father, not even 16 hours ago. Twice even. It took the edge off enough to let him
last longer than a minute inside Uncle Brad and to just enjoy the whole experience to its fullest.

"Fuck him, son," came his father's words. They weren't in Sam's head now, but real life, spoken next to him. He registered them
before he noticed his dad's bare hand along his heaving back and the warm presence beside him and Brad.

Sam lifted up, shocked but his hips still on autopilot.

It was his father all right, wearing a beat-up UW t-shirt and nothing else. That thick dad erection sticking up from a furry
crotch and almost equally furry legs. His eyes were wild and intent as he watched the mating in front of him.

"Fuck my brother," David repeated in a throaty whisper as his hand rubbed Sam's back in a small circle of a caress.

The son leaned up, puffing his chest out and now using the angle to leverage deeper thrusts in and out of that hot uncle ass.
The surprise had gone and his dad's presence fueled his desire to show off his sexual prowess.

David's lustful look turned into a smile as he watched Sam pump Brad with hard, longdicking strokes. He'd told himself he
wouldn't go this far but he couldn't help it. He leaned in and waited to see if Sam would respond to the silent invitation to kiss.

Sam did. Father's and son's lips met, then their mouths parted and tongues touched. Sam had to slow his fuck temporarily to
hold steady, but it was worth it. A mind-blowing kiss with the man he loved most in life. His role model. His father. His coach.
His rock.

Sam almost came, it was too much. But he stopped just a second and pulled back, panting. "Fuck, Dad," Sam gasped. "I love
you." Then looking down on his uncle, he added, "Love you too, Uncle Brad."

Brad smirked and pulled his legs back further. "Then why'd you stop fucking, kid?" he taunted.

Sam laughed and resumed his pump, steady at first then quickly picking up speed. He got into it all. The physicality of the sex
and the three-way circuit between him, Brad, and Dad.

As he thrust harder again, he watched his father lean down and share a deep, tongue heavy kiss with his brother. Sam was
starting to get an inkling that this was all a set up. Or at least that Dad had told his uncle about their sexual encounters.

Particularly seeing the knowing look on David's face as he leaned back up again.

"I used to fuck Brad every day after practice," he announced, lewdly. Like it was an everyday memory he was sharing with his

Sam couldn't process it all. He was already holding back the inevitable cum, trying to make this all last. He was getting the
hang of it now, letting his hips do their jackrabbit thing while his upper body held steady to give his father the softest, most
sensual kiss either could imagine.

Sam was gonna get there. The teen was gonna nut right inside his uncle's guts while he made out with Dad. Particularly feeling
his father's sure fingers tickle Sam's own thickly fuzzed balls. Then after a second returning, slick with vaseline, David's index
finger prodding Sam's virgin pucker, worming right past the cherry tightness.

At any other time it would have felt like an intense violation. Or something to be scared of. But Sam's body felt off the contrast
between the pleasure in his dick and the unfamiliar sensations of his father's greased finger pushing in and out.

He moaned into his dad's mouth. Urgent. Surprised at the intensity of the sexual feelings. Connected.

That teen cum blasted right deep into Uncle Brad as Sam practically whimpered into his Dad's mouth, stiffening in his dad's
embrace. He didn't want to be like this. He wanted to be a stud. To cum like a real man. But he was overwhelmed, and a part of
him knew, deep down, that this is how his dad and uncle wanted him. Getting off between the two of them.

With family, as family.

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