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Resistors in Parallel

when two or more componentsconnected in parallel


The reciprocal of the combined resistance is the sum of

the reciprocals of the individual resistances

This means as more resistors are added , their combined resistance decreases and is therefore , ,

less than the resistance of the individual components

worked example

Resistance of first resistor Ri , =


Resistance of second resistor R2 R ,


Resistance of third resistor R3=R ,

Fast ¥ ¥2 ¥3
= + +

I = 1- + 1- + I
Rtot R 2R R

1 5 " Rtt D

= = .

Rtot 2R

Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws

Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws
kirchhof's first law
Kirchhoff's first law States that :

The sum of the currents the sum of the

entering a
junction always equals currents out
of the
junction .

A junction is a point where at least three circuit paths meet

Kirchhoff 's first law is consequence of conservation of

the charge is the same on both sides of the junction
Kirchhoff's first law is written as :
= 0

where :
= net current entering leaving the
entering is defined
the current a
junction as + ve

the current is defined


leaving a
junction as -

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