Professional Development Sheet Mine

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Student Name William price

Professional Development: Task 2 – Working

Practices and Skills (U3: LO 3.2, AC 2.1 & 2.2))
You are required to carry out the following three tasks to complete this
assignment. I’ll be looking for these headings on your page:

Skills Audit Analysis: This section is designed to get you thinking about your own
strengths as well as identifying things you’d like to be better at.

Transferable Skills Analysis: We’re then going to look at skills you feel can be
applied to the course and your career as an Esports professional, which you may have
learned in other aspects of your life.

Identifying and applying effective working practices: Finally, we’ll look at some
established effective working practices which you’ll discuss the importance of. You’ll
then grade yourself out of ten for each one.

You can copy and paste the relevant tasks of this worksheet on to your
Weebly page in order to complete for submission

• Use this worksheet to help you construct your response to this section of
the assignment brief.
• You will be given certain assignment tasks to be completed in class
• You may also undertake ‘extended learning’ outside of the class time
when required
• You will use your Weebly page for your response. No hard copy is
required, but you are advised to keep any work safe by uploading it
• You must reference ALL sources that you use in researching this
assignment, and this must be made clear in your response.
• Remember, plagiarism will result in your work being failed and possible
disciplinary action taken.

The first task we’re going to look at is a skills audit…

Task 1 – SKILLS AUDIT ANALYSIS (Do this task on your Weebly page)

Part 1: Look at the twelve skills and place them in order of difficulty, with the most
difficult first (you can do this by cutting and pasting them in order):
Getting started on work- find ways to push myself to start a task as when I
start I will have to finish it
Memory – find ways to remember things such as writing it down and re
reading it
Presentation skills- learn how to present well and project myself in a
positive way Infront of people
Speaking in front of people – find ways to calm the anxiousness when
being Infront of a large class
Evaluating own work- learn how to recognise issues in my own work
instead of relying on others
Time management- learn how to use the time available to make more
Effective use of session time- learn how to use my lessons more
sufficiently to make work easier
Writing skills – practice writing to try and make improvements
Reading skills – practice reading until I feel more confident
Motivation and staying motivated – find what motivates me and try and
focus on it
Working with others
Use of IT skills

Part 2: Now use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or
least difficult for you (you can do this by changing the text colour)
Red – major priority which needs working on a lot
Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable
Green – confident
Part 3: Write a few lines of what you can do to turn each of the red and amber
priorities into green.

Task 2 - TRANSFERABLE SKILLS CHECKLIST (Do this task on your Weebly


This is the second task. It’s about skills which you can use on the course which
you may have used in other situations…

Highlight as many of these transferable skills which definitely apply to you…

Key Transferable Skills

Meet deadlines Work independently

Ability to plan Accept responsibility
Instruct others Desire to learn/improve
Good time management Solve problems
Talk in public Team player
Written communications Computer/IT skills – if a
computer or any technical issue occurs you will be able to help sort it out. The
way I use IT skills is o either repair things or to make something work better or

Other Transferable Skills (Dealing with things)

Use my hands Assemble/make things

Safety conscious Follow instructions- when
playing with a team you will be able to listen to where to go and what to do. I
always follow instructions when in class to make life easier.
Drive vehicles Repair things
Dealing with Data

Analyse data or facts Working with spreadsheets

Locate answers or information Research- you can research
other teams to try and gain an advantage on the others as you will learn their
most common tactics. A way I use research is to get better info for tasks in this

Creative, Artistic

Artistic Perform, act Expressive- you

will be able to express your opinions very well and keep interest with an
audience of people. A way I have been expressive is by expressing my opinions
to others and making them follow my lead.
Draw, sketch Play instruments

Working with People

Patient Care for others Persuasive

Pleasant Sensitive Outgoing
Supportive Help others Tactful
High energy Diplomatic Adaptable
Open minded – you will be open to learning new tactics and will be willing to try
out something new. The way I have been open minded is by listening to peoples
ideas and trying to implement them. Take orders Speak in
Listen Trustful Negotiate

Using Words, Ideas

Articulate Innovative Communicate verbally

Logical Remember information Remember names
Research- you will be able to do research on other teams to gain an advantage.
And I have used research to add more information to tasks in the collage course.
Create new ideas Design
Speak in public Presentations Edit information
Write clearly


Arrange an event Motivate people Decisive

Plan Delegate Empower others

Explain things to others Self-motivated Get results

Think of others Team builder Solve problems
Take risks- you will be willing to try new tactics and will be willing to take the
risks. The way I have taken risks is by trying out new games that I might not have
been good at but learnt that I am not too bad meaning that i could learn how to
play and learning that im not too bad at it

Next, choose ONE transferable skill from each coloured section which you might
identify as being your strongest (you might highlight four skills for Leadership,
but which is your strongest?).

Write a little next to each of these Identifying how you have used each of these
chosen skills AND how this skill might be useful on the Level 3 Esports course.


(Do this task on your Weebly page)

OK, for this one I’d like you to give a brief description of how you can apply
each of the following twenty effective working practices to the Level 3 Esports
course and why these are considered important. Also grade yourself out 10
for each one

1 Punctuality
Punctuality is important because if your timing is off you will either be late
to class missing out on important tasks provided to us or if your
punctuality is poor you could be too slow on specific tasks leaving you
behind. I believe that my punctuality Is a 8 out of 10.

2 Motivation
Motivation is really important because if you do not feel motivated you will
put off tasks that might be really important and once you put off a task you
will most likely forget about it and then get in trouble for not completing a
task. I believe for motivation I am a 6 out of 10 as I find it really hard to get

3 Review your work (at end of session or assignment)

Reviewing your own work is really important as realising your mistakes is
very necessary in completing work as if you have messed up soe spelling
you can correct it and even if you missed out an entire task you can then
try and complete it. I believe my own reviewal of work is a 5 out of 10 as I
find it hard to find mistakes in my own work.

4 Plan ahead
Planning ahead is key because them you can work out the timing of each
task and how to space them out making your life easier instead of doing it
all in the moment as that can lead to many mistakes in your work. I believe
I'm a 7 out of 10 for planning ahead as I can plan ahead quite well so I can
try and fit in my own time mixed with work.

5 Be organised
Being organised is very key as you need to be able to organise your work
in a readable manor to make it easier for your grader to get you the top
marks that you can just for organisation. I believe that for organisation in a
6 out of 10.

6 Create good workday habits

To have good habits is key as it gets you in to a really good work flow
meaning that worksheets become easy to complete and make the whole
day just easy to do as you will be use to it by that point. I believe that for
creating good habits I'm a 7 out of 10

7 Keep promises to colleagues

Keeping promised to colleagues is important because if you do not it could
cause a bad representation causing you to be isolated from other people
making it a bore as you will have no one to talk to. I believe I'm a 8 out of 10
for keeping promises.

8 Prioritise work
Prioritising work is very important as if you do not you will be unable to
complete important course work meaning your grade will dramatically fall
meaning the whole course to be pointless. I believe that I am a 9 out of 10
for prioritising work.

9 If unsure, ask
Asking the teachers is very important because if you don’t work will
become very difficult to complete as without understanding of the task or
software tasks will become too hard to complete. I believe I'm a 9 out of ten
for asking for help.

10 Maintain concentration and focus

Maintaining concentration and focus is very key In this course because if
you do not keep your focus you could end up doing pieces of work wrong
and could also risk just not completing a piece of work causing you to fall
behind. And if your easily distracted that could also affect the performance
in tournaments. I believe that I am a 5 out of 10 for maintaining
concentration because at times I can be very easily distracted.

11 Watch your language

Watching your language is very important because it can give you a bed
reputation to the teachers also if you end up streaming for the collage if
you are known for swearing you could give the collage a bad reputation. i
believe that I'm a 6 out of 10 for watching my language as sometimes i
swear without even thinking about it.

12 Give positive feedback to others

Giving positive feedback is needed because when you are doing peer
assessment you will have to give back some form of positive feedback to
show where the student has done something correctly. I believe that for
providing positive feedback I'm a 7 out of 10 because I can usually see at
least one good thing in everything.

13 Share the credit

Sharing the credit is important because if you do not, you could be seen as
a selfish person for not allowing other people to take a bit of credit for the
work that all of you have created. I believe that for sharing the credit I'm an
8 out of 10 as I do not like to take all the credit.

14 Be a team member
Being a team member Is very important because you need all your team
mates to have respect for you to make the whole task and course a whole
lot easier. People having respect for you makes class a whole lot easier
because you end up being someone who is very approachable. I believe I’m
an 8 out of 10 for this.

15 Avoid complaining
Avoiding complaining is very important because if you become someone
who is known for complaining no one will want to talk to you or be on a
team with you making your whole time I the course a bore and a massive
difficulty. I believe that I'm a 9 out of 10 for not complaining.

16 Find a mentor/become a mentor

Finding/becoming a mentor is important because if you become someone
who can help other people who are struggling eventually when you are
struggling other people can help you because you have built up a bond
with people allowing you to get help when you need it. I believe that I'm a 9
out of 10 for this.

17 Effective time management

Effective time management Is important because you need to be able to
balance your workload just to make it easier on yourself and not causing
you to have put a lot of stress on yourself. i believe I'm a 5 out of 10 as i
would rather get it all done at one time.

18 Taking a short break

Taking short breaks are important because as stated In the last paragraph,
you need to balance your workload to make life much easier and taking
short breaks between work is a great way to rest your mind and make you
feel fresh. i believe that I'm a 7 out of 10 for this

19 Recognising errors or mistakes

Recognising your own errors or mistakes are key because you need to
make sure that your work is correct before handing it in to your teacher just
so you don’t have to repeat work or go back and correct it at a later date. I
believe that I’m a 6 out of 10 as I sometimes struggle to see my own

20 Seeing opportunities
Seeing opportunities is very important because when you're in the esports
industry there won’t be too many Opportunities, so you need to try your
hardest to spot an opportunity and jump at it when it's there. I believe that
I'm an 8 out of 10 for spotting opportunities.

Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.

If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.
This document must be completed on your Weebly site in the page allocated for
Professional Development. The headings can be reproduced within the page or the
document can be embedded using a Scribd window.

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