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How English language works to express power-relations and ideology in different kinds

of text

The English language is known to be a language used in almost every corner of the

world. And as a society, we need to communicate with words and through language.

The English language has this power vested upon it. Language can be seen as a

concrete tool for humans to use in pursuit of power. Words are the most pure form of

manifestation in the physical world. With words, one brings into form what was

previously only mental. With spoken words, thoughts are able to jump across minds.

With all points considered, it is safe to say that power is exercised through language.

Through language humans express and communicate their thoughts and feelings

and as well as fulfilling their various social functions. These include co-constructing

social reality between and among individuals, playing the role of a constituent such as

performing and coordinating social actions. In terms of exercising the power of language

through texts, one can assert dominance just by simply wording sentences dominantly.

One can sound demanding and dominant with just a single phrase. In the white collar

world, power can be seen through a person’s speeches. A speech is a manifestation of

someone's control over something.

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