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The Potential of Energy Data

A Guide to the Application of Energy Data for

Intelligence Analysis
Dr. Brenda Shaffer, Ph.D.
US government agencies and and economic developments and
many foreign governments track en- political risk.
ergy data from around the world for
a variety of reasons, some obvious, This guide is a result of my inter-
some less so. The numbers provide actions with analysts at government
material to forecast energy trends, research units in various countries
The purpose of this and during NATO-sponsored courses
including energy demand and supply,
article is to provide prices, and energy trade flows. Less on energy security, which revealed
analysts in intelligence obviously, intelligence agencies apply that NATO members and associated
energy data to political and economic countries vary significantly in how
or other government they collect, analyze, and apply ener-
forecasts, such as estimates of the
agencies a guide to impact of energy revenue trends on gy data to their analysis.
understanding how the stability and foreign policies of
In this article, I will walk readers
energy data can be energy-producing states. Such data
through the following applications of
is especially important in forecasting
applied to the analysis political and economic outcomes in
energy data:
of a range of issues in major oil and natural gas exporting • the use of energy data to improve
countries around the states, most importantly in the Middle broad understanding of nations
East, where study of energy data and regions
world. trends can contribute to predictions of
broad economic trends and assess- • specific indicators in energy data
ments of the likelihood and timing of useful for political and economic
anti-government activity. forecasting

The purpose of this article is to • issues related to electricity supply

provide analysts in intelligence or
• the importance of the resource
other government agencies a guide
depletion rate
to understanding how energy data
can be applied to the analysis of a • the integration of data showing the
range of issues in countries around gap between energy export reve-
the world. It can be used to help train nue and revenue necessary for a
new analysts or to serve as a checklist balanced budget together with the
for analysts and diplomats responsi- level of wealth reserves in energy
ble for monitoring and reporting on producers
developments in foreign countries.
The principles in this article can also • the implications of subsidies
be applied to academic, commercial, policies
and other entities assessing political

The views, opinions, and findings of the author expressed in this article should not
be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of its factual
statements and interpretations or representing the official positions of any compo-
nent of the United States government.© Brenda Shaffer, 2017

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)  43

The Potential of Energy Data

Energy’s input into under- many intelligence organizations Total Primary Energy Supply:
standing foreign states compile data on fuel production Four Samples
and consumption trends in absolute
Expansion beyond the typical KEY
terms of weight and mass (tons of Oil Coal/Solid Fuels
range of energy data studied and the
oil produced, volumes of natural gas Natural Gas Nuclear
integration of expanded data sets into
consumed, etc.) and in comparison to Renewables: Biofuels/Waste
country or regional assessments can Hydro/Solar/Wind
other states (e.g. 19th largest pro-
improve the understanding of polit-
ducer of coal), not analyzing their BULGARIA
ical dynamics in countries and the
relative weight in a country.1 21% 22%
accuracy of estimates of the futures Total Primary Energy
Supply (TPES) 13%
of countries. The most important For example, different fuel mixes 34%
data sets that should be integrated point to potential energy supply Source: European Commission,
Energy Statistical Pocketbook
into general area and country studies challenges and trade patterns and (August 2017 data)

include: partners. In addition, a state’s total 1%

primary energy supply fuel mix 7% 5%
• a. fuel mix composition (total Total Primary Energy 16%
reflects the prioritization of different Supply (TPES) 4%
energy supply and electricity fuel
public interests. For instance, if the 67%
mix) Source: IEA Energy
share of natural gas and renewables is Statistics (retrieved:
March 2016)
• b. level of electrification and high, this can reflect a strong interest
average price of electricity and in environmentally friendly policies. IRAN 1% 1%

the percentage of households for A large portion of coal in the fuel mix 1%
Total Primary Energy
which this price is accessible can reflect a higher priority on energy Supply (TPES) 41%
security of supply, by basing energy Source: IEA Energy

• c. energy intensity rate (which is consumption on a fuel source that Statistics (retrieved:
March 2016)
important also for assessing future is easy to import, store, or, in some
economic trends) cases, produce locally. A state’s fuel JAPAN 2% 1%
mix composition can also indicate Total Primary Energy
• d. energy trading partners the level of pollution in a state. For 27%
Supply (TPES) 44%

instance, a fuel mix in which coal 3%

• e. details of refining capacity Source: IEA Energy 23%
comprises a large portion will tend Statistics (retrieved:
March 2016)
• f. the state of energy security to have high air pollution and likely
have high levels of water pollution.
• g. the composition and interrela- Energy Fuel Sources: Two Samples
tionship of the ownership of the The charts on the right illustrate,
energy infrastructure. through the examples of Bulgaria, Coal/Solid Fuels
China, Iran, and Japan, the vast diver- Natural Gas Nuclear
a. Total Primary Energy Supply, sity in the fuel mixes of states. The Renewables: Biofuels/Waste
Fuel Mix, and Electricity Fuel Mix diagrams of the fuel sources of Po- Hydro/Solar/Wind

Study of the relative mix of fuels land and Vietnam also show the great 1%
POLAND 5% 3%
used in a country’s total primary diversity of electricity fuel mixes, 6%
energy supply (TPES) and electricity which lead to different foreign-trade, Electricity Generation
by Fuel
generation yields valuable informa- foreign-relations, economic, pub- 85%
Source: IEA Energy
tion and is readily available.a Yet, lic-health, and environmental effects. Statistics (retrieved:
March 2016)
In addition, they pose different securi-
a. The International Energy Agency (IEA), ty challenges. VIETNAM 2%

for instance, publishes the fuel mix of its

b. Electrification and price Electricity Generation 19%
members and other states. For European by Fuel 34%
Union member states, the data is easily A state’s household electrifica-
Source: IEA Energy 45%
accessible through the European Commis- tion rate is an important indicator of Statistics (retrieved:
sion’s Eurostat. March 2016)

44  Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)

The Potential of Energy Data

Relevant data can also point to energy security challeng-

economic and human development es, many of which are or can become national security
trends. Accordingly, many major in- challenges.
telligence services routinely include
this information in basic reports on d. Energy trading partners its energy trade relations. Refineries
a state. Capacity to provide acces- and potential partners vary in the types (and thus origins)
sible and affordable electricity is an For insight into key trading of the oil they can process. Under-
indicator of state strength and can relationships, analysts may turn to standing the specific refining capacity
influence the popularity and legitima- the ratio of imported versus local- of a state indicates its potential oil
cy of a ruling government. However, ly produced fuel sources. Among sources. Similarly, for oil producing
in many states that have the infra- the imported (or exported) energy states, the grade of their oil indicates
structure to provide electricity, large volumes, a breakdown of where the to which countries they can export.
swaths of their populations cannot energy is imported from (and/or
afford it. Thus, adding information on exported to) provides useful infor- f. Energy security challenges
electricity prices and the percentage mation on a country’s foreign trade Relevant data can also point to
of households for which electricity relations and, by extension, political energy security challenges, many of
is affordable provides an additional strengths and vulnerabilities. Data which are or can become national se-
variable in political circumstances. on gas trade should be broken down curity challenges. Knowledge of this
between pipeline trade and liquefied data can point to the greatest threats
c. Energy intensity rate to stability and economic growth and
Energy intensity refers to the natural gas (LNG).
the most serious points of potential
amount of energy used per unit In assessing the potential polit- vulnerability to external influence.
of gross domestic product (GDP). ical importance of energy trading
Energy intensity rates reflect levels partners, it is important to focus on In looking at energy security
of economic efficiency and thus trade in natural gas, and less on oil challenges, it is important to identify
sustainability. High energy intensi- and coal. Oil and coal are traded which fuels are used for which sectors
ty rates are a liability that can hurt on global markets, with little direct in order to identify supply vulnerabil-
future economic growth and leave connection between the supplier and ities. While supplies to most sectors,
an economy highly vulnerable to the consumer. In addition, oil and such as industry, are interruptible
the ebbs and flows of global energy coal trading is conducted primarily without major crises, large disruptions
prices. Economies with high energy on spot markets with few long-term to power supplies can severely affect
intensity rates that are experiencing contracts binding suppliers and con- the functioning of states. In addition,
economic growth may be relying sumers. electricity can be used to supplant
on government subsidized energy other disrupted supplies (such as
supplies, a policy that may not be In contrast, international natural heat).
sustainable over time or continue to gas trade occurs primarily via per-
enable growth in the future. manent infrastructure and long-term Identification of sectors that
contracts between suppliers and con- consume imported energy is vital
Energy intensity rates also can sumers. Even LNG is traded primar- to understanding vulnerabilities to
point to the dominant sector of an ily via long-term contracts between disruption of supplies. For example,
economy (for instance service-based suppliers and consumers. Due to the many observers have attempted to
economies tend to have lower energy physical connection and the long- assess how vulnerable European
intensity rates than those based on term nature of gas trade today, there states are to interruption of Russian
manufacturing). As a result, signifi- is much more room for political and energy supplies by focusing on the
cant changes in energy intensity rates foreign policy considerations, than in percentage of a state’s gas that Russia
can reflect economies transitioning oil and coal trade.2 supplies.3 Poland is often cited as a
from agricultural to industrial or highly vulnerable state, since more
service-based. e. Detailed refining capacity than 90 percent of its gas comes from
The specifics of a state’s oil refin- Russia. However, these commenta-
ing capacity are useful in analyzing tors fail to point out that Poland uses

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)  45

The Potential of Energy Data

In major energy exporting states, the centers of political

power are usually different from those in other types of political and economic outcomes.
states. It is therefore important to integrate
energy data trends into political and
very little gas as part of its overall local political and commercial elites. economic analysis of the Middle East
fuel consumption (under 5 percent) Local energy companies may also where a majority of the states are
and that almost none of that gas is maintain special relationships with either major oil and gas producers
used for power generation. So, Rus- foreign entities (governments and/or or possess economies that are highly
sian disruptions of supplies to Poland companies) worthy of analysis. influenced by the economic trends in
likely would have little impact on oil and gas producing neighbor states.
Warsaw’s ability to continue basic In major energy exporting states,
the centers of political power are The International Monetary Fund
functions.4 (IMF) defines a “major energy ex-
usually different from those in other
In examining a country’s energy types of states. In states of this type, porter” as a country in which the av-
security situation, it is important to supervision of the energy production erage share of oil and/or natural gas
look at the capacity to supply energy and export sectors are usually in exports comprise at least 40 percent
when there are disruptions of regular the hands of groups and individuals of total exports. In 2016, 32 states
supplies (due to weather, technical that are closely linked and loyal to were classified as “major energy
breakdowns, acts of nature, terrorism, the political leadership. Thus, when exporters.”a Most of the major oil and
intentional disruptions by suppliers mapping out the centers of power in a natural gas exporters have “rentier”
etc.). Particularly relevant in this major energy exporting state, a focus economies: First, this means that
case is assessing the energy storage on the power brokers in the energy income derived from the state’s nat-
capacity (especially of natural gas) of sector often helps identify the power ural resources is the most significant
states. Thus the collection of energy centers in a state. input into the economy; second, the
storage data on states should be done majority of this revenue comes from
routinely.5 It is useful to look at the extent of abroad; third, only a small part of the
concentration of ownership or control population is engaged in generating
g. Power brokers are of energy infrastructure and distribu- the rent; last, the state is the primary
often power brokers tion in a state. Do certain individual recipient of economic revenue.6
Identifying the owners or major and/or companies own various parts
of an energy or electricity supply Rentier states also possess em-
stakeholders in energy infrastructure
chain? Do entities own multiple blematic economic and political de-
in states often lead to identification
pieces of energy infrastructure in a velopment patterns, often manifesting
of the important members of politi-
certain state? Study of these power as the “resource curse.”7 The major
cal and economic elites. This group
brokers can advance understanding of characteristics of rentier states are:
includes owners of power generation
the functioning of the energy market economic underperformance, lack of
facilities, natural gas and electricity
in a state. For example, do a large transition to democratic regimes, and
grids, refineries, and energy storage
number of players have access to the a high propensity for involvement in
sites. In addition, it is useful to iden-
market or is it concentrated in the conflicts. A factor in the economic
tify individuals or companies that
hands of a small number of individu- underperformance is the volatility of
hold contracts for the import and/or
als or entities. oil and other natural resource com-
export of major energy sources.

As part of this analysis, it is Political economies of major

important to map out the political oil and natural gas producers a. Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bah-
affiliations of the players in the States that are major exporters of rain, Bolivia, Brunei, Cameroon, Chad,
Columbia, The Republic of the Congo,
energy sector as well as ties they oil and natural gas possess distinctive Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran,
have within their families and other economic and political characteris- Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria,
commercial interests. In the case of tics and propensities that affect their Norway, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Ara-
foreign investors, it is useful to map economic performance, regime type, bia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad
and Tobago, Turkmenistan, United Arab
out their identities and their ties to and regime stability, and many other Emirates, Venezuela, and Yemen.

46  Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)

The Potential of Energy Data

The inability of a state to maintain stable supplies of elec-

modity prices, leading to recurring tricity is an indicator of the state’s poor capacity, more
cycles of boom and bust.8 broadly, to deliver public goods, and it is a precursor of
domestic unrest.
During times of high-energy prices
and large state revenues, energy and
natural resource exporters tend to the beginning of their depletion of the Many major energy exporters,
undertake large-scale state spending. sources of their wealth. despite their vast energy resources,
When the price of the exported com- have been unsuccessful in delivering
modity falls, the states are left with stable electricity to their popula-
expensive spending commitments Part II. Specific indicators tions.10 When electricity supplies are
and a substantially reduced ability to that yield forecast value disrupted in oil and gas producers, the
meet them. Thus, states with boom public often is angered by the sense
The indicators with specific fore-
and bust economies are not effec- that “their” resource is being sold
cast value are:
tive in developing infrastructure and abroad, while they do not get basic
public goods over time. These states • a. electricity supply disruptions energy provision at home. Lack of
operate in an environment of constant capacity to provide electricity is often
uncertainty, which creates a built-in • b. electricity demand viewed by publics as a symptom of
challenge to budgets on every level the weakness of a ruling regime and
• c. resource depletion of major oil can encourage demonstrations and
of government. This uncertainty leads
and natural gas producers demands for regime change.
to unstable state investments and thus
often produces inadequately main- • d. the gap between energy export In recent years in the Middle East,
tained infrastructure, such as roads revenue and revenue needed for extended power outages have been
and electricity grids.9 This cycle can a balanced budget together with associated with public mass demon-
also contribute to the emergence of currency reserves strations and even regime overthrows.
political radicalism.
• e. policies on subsidies In Egypt, the falls from power of
Due to the emblematic character- both Presidents Hosni Mubarak and
istics of major energy exporters, the a. Electricity supply disruptions Mohammed Morsi were proceeded
policy options available to states of The inability of a state to maintain by extensive power outages in Cairo
this type differ from that of non-ma- stable supplies of electricity is an and other major Egyptian cities. In
jor energy exporters. It is important indicator of the state’s poor capacity, August 2015, insufficient electricity
for policy analysts to recognize this more broadly, to deliver public goods, supplies triggered mass demon-
difference and reflect it in policy rec- and it is a precursor of domestic un- strations in Baghdad.11 Power cuts
ommendations. For instance, due to rest. Disruption of electricity supply triggered large demonstrations in the
the concentration of political and eco- disturbs citizens’ ability to carry out Gaza Strip12 in September 2015, and
nomic power in most major energy routine tasks, heightens their ex- Nigeria’s unstable electricity supplies
exporters, US- and European-spon- posure to crime, harms appliances, were a major issue of contention in
sored projects aimed at strengthen- machinery and food stocks. Water that country’s March 2015 presiden-
ing the power of nongovernmental supplies are generally threatened, as tial elections.
organizations as a means to bringing water supply systems are typically
democratic transition, have not yield- dependent on electricity for their op- b. Electricity demand trends
ed significant results. Additionally, eration. In agricultural areas, disrup- Electricity consumption trends
while all major international econom- tion of electricity supplies can cause often dovetail with economic growth
ic institutions recommend economic the shutdown of water pumps and trends: when the economy is expand-
diversification to resource dependent lead to loss of crops. Unable to work ing, demand for electricity typically
economies, no major energy produc- or engage in other activity, people increases and vice-versa,a with paral-
ers have succeeded in significantly become more likely to be drawn to
diversifying their economies prior to protests.
a. An exception to this connection is when
energy efficiency mechanisms are also

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)  47

The Potential of Energy Data

Despite clear evidence that energy export revenue to the

regimes in Syria and Egypt was rapidly declining, few income. Furthermore, representatives
analysts in academe published assessments that the re- of some intelligence services publicly
gimes in Syria and Egypt were vulnerable to instability. admitted that they did not anticipate
instability in Egypt.14
lel shifts in employment. For exam- US Department of Energy’s Energy
d. Balanced budgets and
ple, change in the electricity con- Information Agency (EIA) website
currency reserves
sumption rate in China led analysts to in 2010. There was no need for any
It is useful to calculate the rela-
correctly assess the 2015 downward special or covert intelligence gather-
tionship between a state’s balanced
trend in Chinese economic growth, ing; instead, analysts needed only to
budget requirements and energy
even before Chinese authorities and analyze data the US government was
export revenue (based on trends in
international financial institutions routinely collecting and publishing:
prices of oil, natural gas, or coal).
recognized the change.13
Despite clear evidence that energy Many intelligence services, aca-
c. Energy production rate and export revenue to the regimes in Syr- demics and political risk companies
resource depletion rate ia and Egypt was rapidly declining, regularly analyze the gap between a
In non-democratic energy-ex- few analysts in academe published state’s total revenue needs and en-
porting states, government revenues assessments that the governments ergy-based revenue.15 However, the
from energy exports are critical for in Syria and Egypt were vulnerable relevance of this information is im-
maintaining patronage networks and to instability because energy export proved when combined with analysis
funding security services that under- revenues were their main sources of of a state’s currency reserves. The re-
pin the regime’s stability. Analysis of serves can be used to preserve public
energy resource production rates and DRY NATURAL GAS
spending levels at times when there
resource depletion rates contribute to Production and Consumption in Egypt is a significant gap between revenue
the ability to forecast regime insta- 2.5
trillion cubic feet from energy export and the balanced
bility in those states. For instance, 2.0
budget. Combining the two indicators
energy production rates declined 1.5
produces a far more accurate picture
steeply in Syria and Egypt in the de- 1.0
of potential challenges to regime
cade preceding the outbreak of large 0.5
stability, one that is based on num-
anti-regime activity, making an ad- 0.0
Production Consumption
bers that point to a regime’s ability
ditional dramatic decline prior to the
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
to maintain levels of spending rather
outbreak of mass protests. During the than looking only at the gap between
PETROLEUM AND OTHER LIQUIDS a balanced budget and revenue from
year the protests began, Egypt transi-
Production and Consumption in Egypt energy export.
tioned from being an oil exporter to 800
thousand barrels per day

an oil importer. At the same time, the 780

760 Following the recent steep decline
gap between Egypt’s gas production 740 net imports
in the global oil price (beginning in
and domestic consumption narrowed, 700
2014), many journalists, academics,
leaving less gas available for export. 660
620 and policymakers foresaw instability
That meant dwindling revenue as Production Consumption
in oil exporters, a judgment based on
well as shortages for the domes- 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration the exporters’ ability in the low price
tic market. The data on Egypt and
environment to balance their budgets
Syria’s production rates was readily SYRIAN TOTAL PETROLEUM BALANCE
without major budgetary cuts.16 Many
available and openly published on the thousand barrels per day
perceived that Russia, for instance,
500 would experience severe econom-
being implemented during a period of 400 ic challenges and thus potentially
economic growth. In this case, there can
experience challenges to its domestic
be economic growth without a correspond- 100 Production Consumption stability and maintenance of its mil-
ing growth in energy demand. This has 0
itary forces. These assessments did
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
taken place in the United States in the past Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration not pan out for a variety of reasons,
decade, for instance.

48  Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)

The Potential of Energy Data

Subsidized gasoline and other liquid fuels are often

including the capacity of Russia to smuggled to neighboring states.
fall back on its immense currency
reserves. The factor of the access to Low energy costs encourage high at the pump” or a change in their
currency reserves was overlooked in and often wasteful consumption and monthly electricity bill. Political op-
most published assessments. thus increased resource depletion position groups often criticize ruling
rates, often turning energy exporters governments and mobilize populist
e. Energy subsidy policies
into importers within a short period opposition when they try to remove
Significant changes in energy
of time. Energy subsidies tend to subsidies. Thus, states that subsi-
subsidy policies can trigger public
benefit the rich, who consume much dize energy products frequently face
protests and affect regime stability.
more energy than the poor. Subsi- the same dilemma: the need to cut
Most major oil and gas producers and
dized gasoline and other liquid fuels subsidies in order to improve eco-
many developing countries subsidize
are often smuggled to neighboring nomic prospects and prevent resource
energy supplies to domestic con-
states (when there is a gap in price— depletion while at the same time ad-
sumers. The subsidized energy can
see graphic below) often leading to dressing the potential of public unrest
include gasoline, electricity, natural
shortages of fuel at home in the oil and instability cuts could unleash. In
gas, fuel oil, and propane. Subsi-
producing state and essentially to recent years, in many cases increases
dies of fuel to the domestic market
the government subsidizing energy in fuel prices in oil and gas export-
(through loss of revenue from lack of
consumption in some neighboring ing states triggered violent protests
export, direct costs of imported goods
countries. as they did in Iran (June 2007),19
sold at a lower cost to the domestic
Nigeria (January 2012),20 Jordan
market or externality costs due to Despite the wide consensus that (November 2012),21 Sudan (Septem-
the higher consumption of energy), energy subsidies rarely promote pub- ber 2013),22 and Mexico (January
usually form one of the largest items lic interest,18 the subsidized energy 2017).23
in the government budgets in oil and goods are often highly popular and
gas exporting states, often close to a governments that attempt to remove The converse is true, as well:
quarter of the state’s annual budget. them often encounter serious oppo- increases in subsidies can help
sition. Citizens may doubt, or not be regimes weather challenges. This is
Countries have diverse goals in
informed, that saved funds would be illustrated by the responses of various
providing subsidized energy to their
used for an alternative public good, governments in the Middle East to
citizens. In developing countries, the
such as lower education and health the “Arab Spring” in 2010. A major
subsidized products are supposedly
costs, but they do notice the “price trigger of the protests was the rise in
intended to help the poor move up
the development ladder. In energy MAJOR GASOLINE SMUGGLING ROUTES
exporters, low energy prices are Russia > Finland
often viewed as an entitlement to the $2.95
public to receive direct benefit from Iran > Turkey
the country’s energy riches. How- $6.78
ever most of the subsidies of energy Algeria > Morocco China > Hong Kong
do not promote public good and, in $3.41 $3.79
the end, tend to benefit the country’s
rich more than its poor. There is a Venezuela > Colombia Egypt > Iran > Pakistan
broad consensus among economists, Gaza Strip $3.48
especially in international financial $3.75
Nigeria > Chad
institutions, that subsidized energy $3.03
leads to low energy efficiency, and
high externality costs (such as from Origin country
higher pollution, and thus subsequent Destinaton country
increased public health costs).17 Argentina > Brazil Price difference
$2.42 per gallon

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)  49

The Potential of Energy Data

fuel and food costs that had occurred enues from energy exports. In the strong and also possesses capacity for
over the year preceding the outburst case of Egypt, the state did not have economic reform.
of demonstrations. In response to access to sufficient domestically pro-
these demonstrations, Middle East duced energy resources as well. Thus,
major energy exporting states, such we see that except for Libya, which In Sum
as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, dramati- was a target of external intervention, Having provided a framework for
cally increased their public subsidies, all the ruling regimes that fell during the use of energy data in intelligence
blunting the impact of the rise in the “Arab Spring” were not major assessments on a broad range of
costs to the population. energy exporters. In contrast, the oil intelligence issues, I trust this article
and gas rich countries in the region will encourage analysts and manag-
In contrast, their resource-poor survived the challenge, supported by ers of analysts to more aggressively
counterparts did not possess this raising subsidies of energy and other apply energy data to their analysis. I
capacity. States that have gone from goods. also hope, having pointed to some of
being energy exporters to energy
the most accessible sources of data,
importers, such as Egypt, and states In sum, changes in policies
analysts will monitor those sources
with dwindling oil production rates, on subsidies should be regularly
for meaningful shifts in energy-relat-
such as Syria, were not able to monitored, Successful reduction or
ed trends in their areas of responsibil-
mitigate the effects of rising costs elimination of energy subsidies can
ity. A fuller list of the most potential-
through increasing subsidies, since indicate that a ruling government is
ly useful sources for such data are
they no longer had extensive rev-
shown in the table below.

v v v

Open sources of Energy Data:

International Energy Agency (IEA): Publications and Statistics -

U.S. Energy Information Administration: Country Analysis Reports -

BP Statistical Review of World Energy -


European Union Statistics Database (Eurostat): Energy -

World Bank Databank: World Development Indicators -


International Monetary Fund (IMF): Primary Commodity Prices -

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): Publications -

Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports -

European Commission: Energy News -

Wall Street Journal: “Energy Journal” -

Politico Europe: Energy and Environment -

Central Intelligence Agency: The World Factbook -

50  Studies in Intelligence Vol. 61, No. 4 (Extracts, December 2017)

The Potential of Energy Data

1. See for example: “Country Comparison: Crude Oil - Production,” The World Factbook 2017 (Central Intelligence Agency, 2017). Re-
trieved from
2. For more on the differences in foreign policy implications between natural gas and oil and coal trade, see Brenda Shaffer, “Natural gas
Supply Stability and Foreign Policy,” Energy Policy, Vol. 56 (2013): 114–25.
3. See for example: “European Energy Security: Conscious Uncoupling,” Economist (3 April 2014); Paul Belkin, Jim Nichol, and Steven
Woehrel, “Europe’s Energy Security: Options and Challenges to Natural Gas Supply Diversification,” Congressional Research Service
7-5700 (2013); Ralf Dickel, Elham Hassanzadeh, James Henderson, Anouk Honoré, Laura El-Katiri, Simon Pirani, Howard Rogers,
Jonathan Stern and Katja Yafimava, “Reducing European Dependence on Russian Gas: Distinguishing Natural Gas Security from Geo-
politics.” Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Paper: NG 92 (2014); Zeyno Baran, “EU Energy Security: Time to End Russian Lever-
age,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 30(4) (2007): 131–44.
4. For more on how to assess sectors utilizing natural gas and their impact on energy security, see Brenda Shaffer, “Europe’s Natural Gas
Security of Supply: Policy Tools for Single-Supplied States,” Energy Law Journal, Vol. 36 (2015): 179–201.
5. For more on policy instruments that expand a state’s energy security of supply, see Ibid.
6. Hazem Beblawi, “The Rentier State in the Arab World” in Hazem Beblawi and Giacomo Luciani (eds.), The Rentier State (Croom Helm,
1987), 51.
7. Ibid., 59–62; Brenda Shaffer and Taleh Ziyadov (eds.), Beyond the Resource Curse (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012); Brenda
Shaffer, “Energy and Regime Type,” in Energy Politics (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009), 19–27; Jeffrey Frankel “The Natural
Resource Curse: A Survey,” in Shaffer and Ziyadov, 17–57.
8. See Jan Dehn, “The Effects on Growth of Commodity Price Uncertainty and Shocks,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2455,
World Bank Development Research Group: Rural Development (2000).
9. Brenda Shaffer, “Introduction,” in Shaffer and Ziyadov, 1–13; Theresa Sabonis-Helf, “Power to the Producers: The Challenge of Elec-
tricity Provision in Major Energy-Exporting States,” in Shaffer and Ziyadov, 161–200.
10. See Sabonis-Helf, “Power to the Producer” in Shaffer and Ziyadov, 161–200.
11. “Iraqis Protest Over Baghdad Heat Wave Power Cuts,” BBC News (1 August 2015). Retrieved from:
12. Majd Al Waheidi, “Power Cuts Prompt Palestinians to Take to Gaza Streets in Largest Protests in Years,” New York Times (14 Sep-
tember 2015). Retrieved from:
streets- in-largest-protests-in-years.html.
13. “China’s Power Consumption Growth Forecast Down by Half in 2014,” Reuters (4 November 2014). Retrieved from: http://www.reu-; Brian Spegele, “Powering Down: Chinese Electricity Demand Stalls Amid
Slowing Growth,” Wall Street Journal (20 October 2015). Retrieved from Chinese-electricity-demand-stalls-amid-slowing-growth/.
14. “New IDF Intelligence Chief Failed to Predict Egypt Uprising,” Haaretz (3 January 2011). Retrieved from
new- idf-intelligence-chief-failed-to-predict-egypt-uprising-1.340062.
15. For instance, see Brad W. Setser and Cole Frank, “Using External Breakeven Prices to Track Vulnerabilities in Oil-Exporting Coun-
tries,” Council on Foreign Relations (11 July 2017); Claudia Carpenter, “Kuwait Is Best Off, Nigeria Worst in Fitch’s 2017 Oil Break-
Even,” Bloomberg (6 April 2017). Retrieved from
worst-in-fitch-s-2017-oil-break-even; International Monetary Fund, “MENAP Oil-Exporting Countries: Adjusting to Cheaper Oil,”
REO Update (April 2016).
16. See for instance: Edward Hunter Christie, “Does Russia Have the Financial Means for its Military Ambitions?” NATO Review Mag-
azine (21 October 2016). Retrieved from
for-its-military-ambitions/EN/index.htm; Paul Sonne, “Low Oil Prices Force Russian Defense Cuts, Top Military Business Boss Says,”
Wall Street Journal (10 March, 2016). Retrieved from
tary-business-boss-says-1457656937; Chris Giles, “Winners and Losers of Oil Price Plunge,” Wall Street Journal (15 December 2014).
Retrieved from; John W. Schoen, “Ticking Time Bombs: Where
Oil's fall is Dangerous,” CNBC (16 December 2014). Retrieved from
crash-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly.html; Tim Bowler, "Falling Oil Prices: Who are the Winners and Losers?" BBC News (19 January
2015). Retrieved from
17. See Ahmad Mojtahed, “The Illusion of Unlimited Supply: Iran and Energy Subsidies,” in Shaffer and Ziyadov, 110–136; Vitaliy Kra-
marenko, Leo Bonato, and Roman Zytek, “Islamic Republic of Iran: Selected Issues,” in International Monetary Fund Report (Interna-
tional Monetary Fund Publications Services, 2008), 23–34; Trevor Morgan, Reforming Energy Subsidies: Opportunity to Contribute to
the Climate Change Agenda (United Nations Environment Programme, 2008).

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The Potential of Energy Data

18. For instance, see “The Global Addiction to Energy Subsidies,” The Economist (27 July 2015). Retrieved from https://www.economist.
com/blogs/economist-explains/2015/07/economist-explains-19; “IMF Survey: Counting the Cost of Energy Subsidies,” International
Monetary Fund (17 July 2015). Retrieved from; Neil McCull-
och, “Energy Subsidies and the Politics of Reform,” Brookings (24 January 2017). Retrieved from
19. “Iran Fuel Rations Spark Violence,” BBC News (27 June 2007). Retrieved from
In contrast, under sanctions, the Iranian leadership succeeded in mobilizing public support for austerity, and in 2015 a fuel price rise did
not generate mass protests.
20. Stephanie Bursari, “‘Searing Anger’ as Nigerians Protest Fuel Price Increase,” CNN (4 January 2012). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.
21. “Jordan’s Markets Contain Local Jitters,” Financial Times (21 November 2012). Retrieved from
world/africa/sudan-erupts-in-deadly-protests-as-gas-prices-rise.html?_r=0 .
22. Isma’il Kushkush, “Sudan Erupts in Deadly Protests as Gas Prices Rise,” New York Times (26 September 2013). Retrieved from http://
23. “Mexico Gas Price Hike Spurs Looting, Blockades as Unrest Spreads,” Reuters (5 January 2017).
us-mexico-gasoline-idUSKBN14P0HP .

v v v

The author: Professor Brenda Shaffer is an often-published specialist on global energy trends and policies, European
energy security, politics in the South Caucasus and Black Sea region, Azerbaijan, ethnic politics in Iran, as well as
Caspian and Eastern Mediterranean energy. She is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center in
Washington, DC, and a visiting researcher and professor at Georgetown University. Her book, Energy Politics, serves
as a textbook on the geopolitics of energy in over 200 university courses.

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