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Morphology is a field of linguistics that refers to the internal

structure of words i.e. (grammar/syntax) of words.


It deals with studying forms and the
formation of words in a language.

Forms Formation

Inflection Derivation
Morphology also deals partially
with the meanings of words.
What is morphology in linguistics?

It is the study of :

1. Words
2. How they are formed
3. Words' relationship to other words in the same language.
What is morphology in linguistics?

It is the study of :

It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words,

such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes.
What is morphology in linguistics?

Morphology also looks at:

1. Parts of speech
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. The ways context can change a word's pronunciation and meaning.
How is morphology related to other fields of
Morphology Syntax

Grammar of words Grammar of sentences

Morphology Semantics

Both study meaning

Morphology Phonology

Sound Variation

Allomorphs allophones
Morphology psycholinguistics

1. Mental lexicon.
2. How words are: stored

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