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APY2205- PSY4B
20200128558 FEBRUARY 09, 2023

Formation of Word Association and Perceptual defense


The word association test developed by Carl Jung is among the most intriguing psychological
tests. It is predicated on the notion that occasionally; your subconscious can override your conscious
will. The first word that comes to mind must be used as the patient's response. The therapist must also
examine the clients' emotional and physical reactions. They will interpret them along with the 100
words when the test is over.

Inspired by Carl Jung’s test, the experimenter needs to let the subject read the 60 stimulus
words on a 3x5 index card. Afterwards, the subjects must mention at least 15 out of 60 stimulus words
while being recorded.

The findings suggest that while some taboo words may slow down association times, they also
have quicker recognition times.


60 stimulus words, 15 stimulus words written on 3x5 index cards, a timer


To determine the degree of emergence for each chosen stimulus and measuring any emotional


There should be two participants, one is the experimenter and the other one is the participant
( one recorder and one experimenter for each subject)
The experiment has two phases:

1. Determination of association reaction time

2. The measurement of the recognition threshold.

Part 1. The experimenter will present the 80 words written on a 3x5 index card one at a time. The
subject then read through the eyes or verbally say the words presented by the experimenter. Observe
the reaction of the subject. Then let the subject say the words presented without the index card. Write
the first word mentioned by the subject and the other words. take note of the time when the words are

Part 11.In the second part of the experiment, from the words remembered /mentioned by the subject,
take 15 words or three sets of 5 words. Again present it again one at a time. After that let the subject
remember again the 15 words presented to her/him. Record the five words that yielded the fastest
association reaction time; the 5 words which yielded the slowest reaction times; and the 5 words which
were midmost in reaction times, "Slow", "Medium", and "Fast" are to be based on the range of each
individual subject. Request the subject to return after the association experiment. Present again the
fifteen selected stimulus words but in random order.

Instruct the S to report what he sees or what he thinks sees after each presentation. Present each word
typed in capital letters at increasing exposure time 0.01, then at 0.02 sec., 0.03 sec, and so on- until the
subject recognizes the stimulus word correctly. Record all responses preceding correct recognition.

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