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PANGILINAN, Trish Lovill P.


Write about the 4 most important things that you have learned in Module 2: An Integrative
Approach to Psychopathology and how you think the knowledge you are gaining from the
module will impact your values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior.

Abnormal Psychology gets interesting as we tackle lessons each meeting. On this module,
the most important things I considered that I have learned are the two different influences on
having a phobia like the biological influences, Behavioral influences, emotional and cognitive
influences, and Social Influences. I consider this as important because this is where we can be
able to know what would be the cause for someone to experience or obtain psychological
disorder. Beforehand, all I know is that nature and nurture are the main factors of an individual’s
behavior but right after we have briefly discussed other influences, it became more clear to me
of what are affecting and how it affects someone that could lead to a psychological disorder.

Another important thing that I have learned for this module is the behavioral genetics
where we briefly discussed the role of genes on having a psychological disorder. On this part, we
have briefly discussed how genes affects how the brain works. As a psychology major, it is very
important that we need to know the connection of genes to someone who has a psychological
disorder so that we can discuss to them on a manner that they could not blame their genes
because we all know that it is hard to accept if we or someone is diagnosed on any disorder or
disease. With that being said, another important lesson that we’ve discussed for this module are
the neurotransmitters and the implications of it to the Psychopathology.

In conclusion, this module helped me to build a foundation before we discuss the next
modules. I considered the four things I’ve learned important because as time goes by, it
strengthen my passion in helping other people who are diagnosed with psychological disorder.

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