M1A1 PSY4B PangilinanT

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College of Arts and Sciences

__2nd_Semester|S.Y. _2022-2023___
___Pangilinan______ _____Trish Lovill________ ___P.____ DATE: ___February 02, 2023____
Surname Given Name Middle Initial Month Day, Year


SECTION: ____PSY4B__ NO:_1_ TITLE: __Illustrating the importance of Biochemistry__________

Biochemistry is the study of the chemicals that make up life and how they behave and if we’re going to correlate Biochemistry
and Psychology, this will help us to know the background of the psychological disorders. Biochemistry is also relevant in our field
because as we all know that Psychology is the study of human behaviour, performance, and mental processes. With that being said,
Psychology allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work together. This knowledge can help with decision-
making and avoiding stressful situations. It can help with time management, setting and achieving goals, and living effectively.

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