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PANGILINAN, Trish Lovill P.


Write about the 4 most important things that you have learned in Module 1: Abnormal Behavior
in Historical Context and how you think the knowledge you are gaining from the module will
impact your values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior.

Being a Psychology major is a big help when it comes to character development because
we tend to learn and understand things that we can apply in our daily lives. On this module, I’ve
learned a lot of things that made an impact on my values, attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Among
those lessons I’ve learned, I have the four lessons that is remarkable for me and these are the
clinical description, the Science of Pathology, the definition of psychological disorder and the
psychological abnormality.

As we all know, clinical description which represents the unique combination of

behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that make up a single disorder. When we tackled the Science of
Pathology, that’s the time where I just knew who are conducting scientific study of
psychological disorders. I thought that psychological disorder and psychological abnormality are
the same but when this was discussed, it became clear to me what there difference is. When we
say abnormality, we consider four D’s like Deviance, Distressing, Dysfunction and Danger
which is very important for us to know because these things will able to help us distinguish what
are the possible reason of why people are showing symptoms of a specific psychological
disorder. These four things created a huge impact on my values, thinking or attitude, beliefs and
a behavior as an individual and especially as a psychology student.

All in all, learning these four things made me realize that it has a lot of psychological
disorders that we need to discuss in every small detail since it has a lot of similarities with each
other. This is a critical topic that we need to absorb and be cautious with because it is important
for us to identify all symptoms to provide our clients/ patients the right care and cure in the

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