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20200128558 FEBRUARY 08, 2023

Analyze the following situations and make your insights on what ethical principle have
been violated.

1. At the end of the semester, all students in a general psychology course are told they
will not receive credit for the course unless they take part in the instructor's research
project. Students who refuse to participate are given "Incompletes" and do not get credit
for the course.

Answer: In this case, the instructor is blackmailing the students in regards to taking part
for his/her research. The ethical principle that has been violated is the Respect for
People’s Rights and Dignity wherein the researchers respect the dignity and worth of
people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination
and the Justice. In conducting research, we need to respect their rights to choose of
whether they will take part of the research. It happened that the students who refused
had no other path but to fail just because they didn’t participate to the instructor’s

2. Lee had put off doing a lab report until the end of the term. He was badly pressed for
time. His roommate said, " No problem. I took the course last year. You can use my
report. Just put your name on it." Lee decides it is all right to use the paper because he
has the author's consent. Is that Ethical? Why or Why not?

This is not ethical even if Lee has the author’s consent because this is considered as
plagiarism because it is still someone else’s ideas, words or written work as one’s own.
Lee should cite sources and it is unethical to copy all the work of his roommate and put
his name on it because lab reports or any types of research must be original.

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