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The Language of

Technical Writing
Prepared by: Pauline Grace M. Castro
3. Use non-sexist

instead of sexist

What is sexist language?

Language which excludes one sex or the other,

or which suggests that one sex is superior to

the other.


Using generic masculine terms to reference a

group of mixed gender, such as "mankind", "man"

(referring to humanity), "guys"

What is non-sexist language?
The use of language that does not demean or stereotype

men or women.

Sexist language Non-sexist language

A person must exercise A person must exercise

his right. his or her right.

If a student has a question

A student who has a question

concerning his grade, he

concerning a grade should

should consult with his

consult with the teacher.
More exampleS
Sexist Language Non-sexist Language

mankind humanity, people, human beings

man’s achievements human achievements

man-made synthetic, manufactured, machine-made

the common man the average person, ordinary people

man the stockroom staff the stockroom

How to Use non-sexist instead

of sexist language?
a. Using plural pronouns instead of single pronoun
Change singular nouns to plurals and use a gender neutral pronoun.

Example 1
Instead of: Each student must have his notebook with him in class.
Write: All students must have notebooks with them in class.

Example 2
Instead of: If a student wants a good grade, he must study for several

hours per day.

Write: If students want good grades, they must study for several hours

per day.
Example 3
Instead of: The technician has to show his ID card to the guard.
Write: The technicians have to show their ID cards to the guard.
b. Using 2nd person point of view instead of 3rd person
point of view Replace the masculine pronoun with you, as appropriate.
Example 1
Instead of: A student who forgets to bring his book to class will be assessed

a ten-point penalty for his daily work.

Write: If you forget to bring your book to class, you will be assessed a ten
point penalty for your daily work.

Example 2
Instead of: The applicant should submit his resume by Nov. 1.
Write: Submit your resume by Nov. 1.
C. Using expressions like He or She; avoid using a slash

mark- He/She –him/her

In writing, we can use (s)he, he/she, him/her or his/her to refer to both sexes at the

same time. When speaking formally, we say he or she and his or her.

Example 1
Instead of: Each student can choose his/her major.
Write: Each student can choose his or her major.

Example 2
Instead of: Each alumnus/alumna gets a vote.
Write: Each alumnus or alumna gets a vote.

4. Avoid using words that

explicitly favor one gender

Avoid words and other linguistic features that foster stereotypes, or
demean or ignore women or men. Use words that treat the genders as
equal in value, dignity, integrity and respect.

Avoid Alternatives Example

Chairperson Instead of: The chairman has arrived.

Chair Write: The chairperson has arrived.

Instead of: The foreman is busy.

Foreman Supervisor
Write: The supervisor is busy.

Mail carrier Instead of: The mailman is early.

Postal worker Write: The mail carrier is early.

Instead of: The fireman is brave.

Fireman Fire fighter
Write: The fire fighter is brave.
Avoid Alternatives Example

Instead of: The congressman is competent.

Congressman Legislator
Write: The legislator is competent.

Instead of: The landlord is strict.

Landlord Owner
Write: The owner is strict.

Instead of: The salesman is hardworking.

Salesman Salesperson
Write: The salesperson is hardworking.

Instead of: The manpower is efficient.

Manpower Workforce
Write: The workforce is efficient.

Instead of: The stewardess is elegant.
Stewardess attendant Write: The flight attendant is elegant.

Instead of: The policeman caught the criminal.

Policeman Police officer
Write: The police officer caught the criminal.
Why use non-sexist language in

technical writing?
To convey information to an audience, in a form that the
audience can easily understand.
When writing, it is a courtesy to your readers to use language
that does not demean or stereotype men or women.

Gender-neutral technical writing can help ease the document

development process by avoiding issues that may raise.

In technical writing, ALWAYS

ask yourself, is the language

i am using gender-sensitive?
If not, NOW you know what to do...

a. Use plural pronouns instead of single pronouns.

b. Use 2nd person point of view instead of 3rd person
point of view.
C. Use expressions like He or She; avoid using a slash

mark- He/She –him/her.


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