Analysis 1

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Throughout this activity, we examined how simulation will be a useful tool for us to experiment
for the things we are still unsure about, to evaluate the effect of process changes, new procedures, and
to assess the performance of an existing system or predict the performance of a planned system It can
also be a platform for practicing for our weekly laboratory experiment to find the flows and insights that
would help our actual performance. For this kind of experiment, simulation will be adequate and won't
require any difficulty or expensive equipment purchases. It will accurately read voltage and current in
accordance with the computed result, and you have the freedom to use as many main tools as you like.
We've also noticed that visualizing how a power supply converts an AC to DC helps us grasp how each
device works, since we can see how a sinusoidal waveform transforms into a completely rectified
waveform simply by adding a transformer, rectifier, filter, and regulator. Conversion of logic gates has
become much easy since we can just paste the function and the table is supplied in an instance.
Simulation would enable visual familiarization with various electrical gadgets, as well as their function
and use.

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