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"Measuring the Readiness of Navotas Polytechnic College for SLO Adoption: A Faculty



Dear Faculty Members of Navotas Polytechnic College,

We hope this survey finds you well. The purpose of this survey is to gather your perceptions and
attitudes towards the School as a Learning Organization (SLO) approach that has been applied in
the academic management of the college. The SLO approach is a highly effective way of
fostering continuous improvement and innovation in teaching and learning. It is based on eight
principles, which are focused on creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment,
prioritizing results and fostering professional growth and development.

By participating in this survey, you will help us to assess the extent to which the SLO approach
has been implemented at Navotas Polytechnic College, and identify areas for improvement. Your
feedback is valuable and will contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of
education at the college.

The survey is composed of multiple-choice questions, and it should take approximately 10-15
minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and confidential.

Thank you in advance for your participation and cooperation.


Shared Vision

To what extent do you believe that the college has a shared vision for student learning and
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the clarity of the shared vision for student learning and development
in the college?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How often do you feel that the shared vision for student learning and development is reflected in
your daily work and practices?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college values and incorporates the perspectives of its
students in its shared vision for student learning and development?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How frequently do you feel that the shared vision for student learning and development is
communicated effectively throughout the college?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

To what extent do you believe that the college values and leverages the latest research and best
practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of support provided by the college for your professional
growth and development in curriculum, instruction, and assessment?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that your teaching practices align with the latest research and best
practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college values and incorporates the perspectives and
expertise of its staff and teachers in decision-making for curriculum, instruction, and assessment?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of resources and support provided by the college for
implementing effective curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied
Student-Centered Culture

To what extent do you believe that the college has a student-centered culture?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of support and resources provided by the college to create a
student-centered culture?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that your teaching practices prioritize the needs and perspectives of
your students?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never
Student-Centered Culture

How frequently do you feel that your teaching practices prioritize the needs and perspectives of
your students?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college values and incorporates the feedback and
suggestions from its students in decision-making and continuous improvement?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of student engagement and participation in the college's
academic and co-curricular activities?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied
Professional Community

To what extent do you believe that the college values and supports the development of its
professional community?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of collaboration and communication among the college's
staff and teachers?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that your professional growth and development is valued and
supported by the college and your colleagues?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college values and incorporates the perspectives and
expertise of its staff and teachers in decision-making and continuous improvement?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the opportunities for professional growth and development provided
by the college?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied
Collaborative Relationships

To what extent do you believe that the college values and supports the development of
collaborative relationships with its stakeholders, including parents, community members, and
local businesses?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of collaboration and communication between the college
and its stakeholders, including parents, community members, and local businesses?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that the college values and incorporates the perspectives and
feedback of its stakeholders, including parents, community members, and local businesses, in
decision-making and continuous improvement?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college is successful in fostering a sense of community
and collaboration among its students, staff, and stakeholders?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of community engagement and participation in the college's
academic and co-curricular activities?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied


To what extent do you believe that the college prioritizes the achievement of academic and co-
curricular results in its management and operations?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of academic and co-curricular achievement of the college's
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that the college values and uses data and evidence in decision-
making and continuous improvement?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never
To what extent do you believe that the college regularly assesses and evaluates its academic and
co-curricular programs and activities to determine their effectiveness and make improvements?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of support provided by the college for continuous
improvement and innovation in teaching and learning?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

Organizational Structure and Process

To what extent do you believe that the college has a clear and effective organizational structure
and governance processes in place?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of transparency and accountability in the college's
governance and decision-making processes?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

How frequently do you feel that the college values and uses data and evidence in decision-
making and continuous improvement?
a. Almost always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never

To what extent do you believe that the college's policies and procedures are effective in
promoting a positive and supportive learning environment?
a. To a great extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a small extent
d. Not at all

How satisfied are you with the level of support provided by the college for continuous
improvement and innovation in its organizational structure and processes?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Not very satisfied
d. Not at all satisfied

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