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The Great Molasses Flood

Hunter Quayle & Landon Sicotte

Middle School Division
Group Website
Process Paper: 341 words

We chose this topic because Hunter said it’s interesting, and fun, and barely anyone knows about it
because it’s a really old topic. We conducted our research on Wiki and and found some
really interesting facts on it like when people died, how many got hurt, what age they died at, what
their work life was, how it impacted peoples lives, how it changed their lives, how much damages
cost, and what animals died. What we created it on was so we could make it a website
and can get people interested on this topic so people can get more research on the website. Hunter
said as a joke that we can get money from our website so we can see it on Google and I think it
would be really interesting so it can give people more help on this topic if they study this project. I
think it’s really important now because it made a law that you need to have someone check over your
building and it's super important to learn it because it is interesting and it can teach you many life
lessons. I thought it was not interesting at first but then I learned things about it that I didn't even
know and I never knew about the Molasses Flood of 1919. When Hunter told me about it, it kind of
rang a bell but I learned more facts. I think it’s important in history that without the Molasses Flood
of 1919 happening we would be in lots of molasses right now if you were in Boston. It would be good
if more people knew about it and now I learned that it was a really sad thing that happened in history.
Many people lost family members, friends, pets, and kids.

The websites we got our information from:

Boston discovery
History Today
Boston Globe
Washington times
Betancourt, Sarah
“Richmond Times Dispatch

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