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Student’s Name: María Fernanda García Ortega Date: 13/02/23

Teacher’s Name: Karla Estela Capetillo Ceron

Written activity
Activity Number: 4
Instructions:1.Individually, Write a report about the last important news in your town. (80 –
85 words)
• Write a short summary of the event (what happened, where and when it happened, who
was involved, etc.)
• Wr9ite a detailed description of the event.
• Write people’s comments as well as the action taken.
2.Use the Written format document for this task.
3.Keep and submit your evidence here and into your Drive folder with the next
-Be careful with the limit of words and verify the grammar topics that you have to use for
this task.

A few days in Pachuca The Secretary of the Environment carried out a campaign to
vaccinate all dogs and cats against rabies. This vaccine is very important because with it
we protect our pets from a deadly disease, it is transmitted through bites or scratches.
These vaccines would be applied from 13 to 18 of february in different places on pachuca.
Pacuca people are very happy with this successful event because the vaccines would be
free and would help a lot of people pets.


Task completion 0 1 2 3 4

Language Use 0 1 2 3 ---

Communicative 0 1 2 3 ---

Final Grade =

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