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Name: Christine Ashley P.

List 5 key points from the Monday morning or evening session, March 14 and make a short
reflection on each point on how this will prepare you for Jesus soon coming.
1. God is not sleeping, but He is working
There are times that when we pray and ask God, God does not answer our prayers
immediately. We may feel disappointed and even lose our trust to God. However, we must not
lose our faith to Him because He is working on our prayers. Our prayers may not be answered
immediately but He is waiting for the perfect time to give it to us because He wants the best for
This lesson will help me prepare for Jesus second coming. It will help me remember
that even though God may not answer our prayers immediately and despite the problems that
surrounds me, I should trust and have faith in God because He wants the best for us.

2. Accept the treasure

Jesus is the treasure that God gave us. He is the instrument of how we can be close to
God the Father. By His Spirit, we can be transformed into new beings that has the Christlike
character. And if we have the treasure, we can obtain riches and can face any obtacles that we
face now.
With all the turmoil that going around our world, it is hard to focus on something. But if
we have the treasure which is Jesus, we can face all the obtacles and challenges that we are
facing now. And amidst the problems that surrounds, we will have the strength to face it all, be
a model of having Christlike character and spread the gospel which will help us prepare for
Jesus second coming.

3. Change our target from heaven to Jesus

Many people including me focus themselves on heaven because they want to be saved
and have an eternal life. But for me, it is hard to only focus on developing yourselves to be a fit
for heaven. And that is wrong, we should focus on Jesus. From the readings I got from Ellen
G. White and my teachers, I learned that we can’t do things and shoulder the burden by
ourselves, we can do it by the help of Jesus. We should focus on the treasure that God gave
us which is Jesus Christ. And if we focus on Jesus, before we know it, we already been
transformed and fitted to heaven.
This lesson helps me to realize that we change our target from heaven to Jesus
because we can’t do it by ourselves. We need Jesus’ help and to be faithful to Him to be
transformed. And this also help me to prepare for Jesus second coming by readying me to
know Jesus and worship Him which will be the focus on living in heaven.

4. There is nothing that you could do that God will love you less and love you more.
We shouldn’t dwell on whether if we are doing our service to Christ is perfect or it is still
lacking because God love us equally. Even before the time when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of
knowledge that causes them to sin, God’s love for them didn’t change. Although, they hide
from God and blame others instead of coming to God and asking Him for forgiveness, God still
is ready to forgive them for He loves us. God even gave His Begotten Son to die for us, just for
us to be avoid the eternal death. That’s why we should just serve with all heart and focus on
Him because even though Adam and Eve sin His love for them didn’t change just like His love
for us.
This reminds me that I should just serve with all my heart and focus on Jesus instead of
dwelling into things like being perfect. Because I know that God loves me, and He is
trustworthy being that will not break His promise of eternal life if I serve Him all my heart and

5. Love is risky
Love isn’t all about rainbows and happy feelings, but it is choice that you need to think
carefully because it is very risky. This can be illustrated when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of
knowledge. God already knows that Adam and Eve will sin since He is an omniscient God that
knows all things. Despite the fact of knowing their disobedience on Him, He still give them their
own decision because of His love for us. God choose to take the risk because He
unconditionally loves us and wants the best for us. God doesn’t want to control us, but He
wants us to have a decision for ourselves whether to come to Him and serve Him with all our
heart and soul or do the things that we want to do. And that is the love that will help me to
prepare for Jesus second coming. It will remind me that despite the fact of the turmoil
surrounds us, I should also love others like how God love me.

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