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Experiment No.

Dew point measurement

2-Purpose:The purpose of experiment to air conidition.

3- Theory:
The Dew point is the temperature at which the steam in the air becomes saturated and therefore begins
To condense to a liquid.
Above the dew point the steam in the air superheated at pressure < Psat for the temperature. Below
dew point The water in the air will be mixture of saturated steam and liquid water.
Hence by slowly cooling polished metal surface and observing when water begins to condense as mist,
The dew Point temperature can be determined if the temperature of the surface is known.
The partial pressure of the steam In the atmosphere at the dew point temperature is the saturated pressure
of the water vapor at that temperature . Hence if we know the atmospheric temperature and the dew
Point temperature we can determine the Relative Humidity with reference to the Relative Humidity

For example, if the ambient temperature is 20⁰C and the dew point temperature has been measured as 11⁰C
From steam tables.
Temperature Saturated Pressure
20⁰C 0.02337Bar absolute
11⁰C 0.01312Bar absolute

Relative Humidity=0.01312/0.02337*100%
The measurement of dew point temperature is carried out to measure air condition.

4- Procedure of test.
1- Start the air sampling pump in order to draw air throw the sampling chamber.
2- Press the red button on the dew point hygrometer and observe the thermometer in the sensing block
The temperature will be seen to reduce.
3-Release the button and observe the thermometer as the reduction slow. At the same time observe the
Surface of the mirror for sings of condensation. the will appear as a haze or an apparent reduction in
Shine on the mirror surface.
4-The objective is to determine the temperature at which the haze or dew first from on the mirror and then
Determine the dry bulb temperature of the air stream at the same time.
Note that in conditions high humidity the dew point temperature will be closed to the ambient
Temperature and little temperature reduction will be required to from haze on the mirror .
In low humidity conditions a large reduction in temperature will be required.
5-It may be necessary to repeatedly press the red button to reduce the sensing block temperature
Sufficiently to from the haze on the mirror.
6-If the dew point is missed then either releasing the red button and allowing the sensing block to warm
Or connecting the low voltage power supply plug to the lower socket and pressing the red button will
Rapidly warm the block. Returning the power lead to the upper socket and pressing the red button will
Again lower the block temperature. this procedure may be repeated again and again until a repeatable
Dew point is determined.
7-Finally record Tdew and Tdry.
8-Repeat the procedure of test (5 times) with interval between them (5 minuts).

5- Calculation:-

Calculate the flowing properties of air:

A-Specifc volume.
B-Specific humidity.
C-Spcific enthalpy.
D-Wet bulb temperature.
E-percentage saturation.

6-Results and Discussion.

Compare between the results in each case and discuses that.

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