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Name : Debby Ariansyah Ahmad

University Student Code : G1B020013

Questions for the students - in the current programme(s)

 Why did you choose this university? Why did you choose this study programme?
How did you get into university? What are your expectations from studying within
the framework of study programme?
Answer :
 The first reason I chose this university was because it was close to
my hometown, it only took about 4 hours to drive. Second, this
university has gotten a good accredited in civil engineering . Third,
I heard that the civil engineering study program here has a wide
alumni network, and this helped me get an internship or even a job
after I graduated.
 I chose the civil engineering study program because my father
worked in a contractor company in my city, and he wanted me
to be like him even more than him. So, he directed me to take
this study program.
 I entered this university through the SBMPTN test

I hope, I become an engineer who can give the benefits society by giving and using the
knowledge that I have in building a better society and environment
 Students Fees? How do they deal with?
Answer :
tuition fees is based on parents' income. so the university adjusts parents'
income with the amount of tuition fees. There r 8 groups of students fee and I m
in the 3rd groups. My students fee is 2.300.000. RP/SENESRER
 Scholarships?
Answer :
There r 2 groups of scholarships that is from inside university and from outside
university. From inside university like Kartu Indonesia Pintar scholarship.
Scholarship that from outside university Such as “Bank Indonesia scholarship,
unggulan scholarship, BNI scholarship and many others.
 Are you involved in committees?
Answer :
 I’m. I’m a member of civil engineering student association of bengkulu
university (HMTS) Bengkulu, I m a member of department of interest and
talent develop which has a purpose as a shelter for ciivl engineering student
who want give their talent and interesrin sport and art side.
 I got many friends and I know how to work with a team, I v learned about
myself and develop my soft skills.
 General atmosphere at the university? Mind Set of the university? Academic honesty?
Answer :
 The services provided are good, starting from classroom facilities, libraries, and
laboratories, then the way the lecturers teach and communicate with students is
also very good so that it creates enthusiasm in learning process
 Competitive in all academic side even for class seats. My classmate is
outstanding about studying. In class, the empty seat is not in the front of seat but
in the back seat. Everyone is competing to arrive early in order to get the front
seat. If we arrive a little late, and the front seats are full, will we accept a seat at
the back?… NO!! We'll pull the seats behind us and form a new line up front.
Well… until that much. And after the lecturer explains about a material
everyone will try to provide their arguments and it is not uncommon for debates
in class.
 If you’re a serious  student with true intellectual curiosity, this is probably
the best University in the US to attend. You will be pushed, you will be
stretched, you will be challenged, and you will wrestle with some of the
smartest people on this planet over important issues

 Are you satisfied with your studies?
Answer :
I met many friends here, they are very nice. We always study together so learning becomes
more and more fun. The atmosphere on campus is also very cool, there are lots of trees and
there is also a lake called the lake of inspiration. Campus facilities are also very complete,
especially in the laboratory section which really helps me understand the theory that I have
learned in class. So im very very satisfied

 What kind of teaching methods?

Answer :
 Project Based Learning is a way of learning that leads to a training process based on
real problems that are carried out by themselves through certain activities (projects).
 • The learning steps using the Project Based Learning method are containing:
1. Students are divided into small groups and each group carries out a real project
(connecting the problem).
2. Each group is given an explanation of the tasks and responsibilities (setting the
structure) that must be carried out by the group in practice.
3. Students in each group try their best to identify business problems (visiting the
problems) they face according to their knowledge; (a). identify the problem carefully to
find the core business problem being faced and (b) identify ways to solve the problem.
4. Students in each group seek information from various sources (books, manuals and
other sources) or ask the accompanying experts to gain an understanding of the
problem (re-visiting the problem).
5. Armed with the information obtained, students cooperate and discuss each other in
understanding problems and finding solutions (produce the product) to problems
encountered and immediately applied. The coach acts as a companion.
6. Each group disseminates experience in solving problems to other groups to get input
and evaluation from other groups.
 What is the workload like?
Answer :
At Bengkulu University we apply a credit system, for 1 credit consists of 50 minutes of
face-to-face study, 60 minutes of structured assignments and 60 minutes of independent
study. In each semester students can take 18-24 credits, the number of credits are
determined from the previous semester's GPA. To become a scholar at Bengkulu
University we are required to complete around 140 credits, And civil engineering study
program we are required to complete around 145 credits.
 Are you involved in the development of the study programmes?
Answer :
yes I am. At the end of each lecture period, students are allowed to give advice to the
lecturer by filling out the SIEPEL application on the suggestion section. The suggestions are
used by lecturers to evaluate themselves regarding teaching patterns and other social values.
 How is blended learning integrated into the study programmes?
Answer :
Learning at bengkulu university are using online and offline system, online
system has been very efective in the past 2 years since the covid 19 pandemic.
We use e-leraing website for on line learning. You can acces the website on The E-Learning system at the University of Bengkulu
uses Moodle, which is integrated into the material and lecturer user who is officially
registered at the 116 Self-Assessment Report Accreditation of The Study Programmes
University of Bengkulu. The E-learning system can ease the student and lecturer to
access the learning materials and help the lecturers to reach their students during the
pandemic that occurred in 2020. Since it is Moodle standard, all the modules will be
integrated automatically into the e-learning facility, including online discussion,
quizzes, task collection, online exams, etc. Besides that, we also used another
application for on line learning like zoom, Google classroom, and Google meet.
 Do you feel well supervised?
Answer :
Yes I do. I think supervised has guided me well. at the time, when filling out
the study plan card, before the learning period began, I was required to consult
first by the supervisor about what courses I would take. At the end of the
learning period, I am required to report the results of my study to the supervisor
for evaluation. And also during the learning period if there is a problem with
my study, I can report the problem to the supervisor to find a solution.

 What can you say about the University Student Code?

Answer :
The University Student Code provides the identity of each student in the study
program. for example my university student code is G1B020013. G means the
faculty, 1 means u take the bachelor grade, B means study programe namely
civil engineering student, 020 means year of university entry and 029 is the
student number of that year. in addition, G1C for mechanica engineering, G1A
for computer science. so, this can make it easier for lecturers and students to get
to know each other.
 Where do they go if you have problems? Is there a complaints office?
Answer :
Student complaints in education and teaching services can be submitted through a
student complaint procedure by sending a list of complaints to the FT UNIB Quality
Assurance Unit following the Standard Operating Procedure (henceforth SOP) for
student complaints (attached). The complaints will be discussed and resolved in stages,
starting from the settlement through the academic supervisor and Head of Study
Programmes to the recommendations to other related parties by UPM FT.
What are your chances on the labor market? Are you well prepared for the job market?
Answer :
I think I have great job opportunities after graduating from Unib. This is because
during college, I was equipped with several computer programming soft skills such
as AutoCAD, SAP 2000, Plaxis, ZIN macro simulation. We are also provided with
several practical courses that can be applied in the world of work as well as
additional courses such as enterpreneur learning which provide us with provisions
to work as entrepreneurs.
 Are you planning to study abroad?
Answer :
Yes I’m. I want to continue my education abroad

 When and how are you evaluated? Are the results discussed with you?
Answer :
 I m evaluated by facing examination, task and also practicum. . Examinations
are usually held in the middle and end of the semester. There r bis assignments
and practical reports. There is a quiz/mini exam every 2 weeks. so that lecturers
can see the development of students' abilities. In addition, I will also face
pretest and posttest when facing practicum.
 For exam results, if we are not satisfied with the results, we can disscuss with
lecture and ask value transparency and confirm with the lecturer so that a
solution is found.

 How do they rate the studyability?

Answer : university has the academic information page that is “learning evaluation
system (siepel)”, contains a page to assess how lecturers have taught students. This
page will be filled by students at the end of the semester to evaluate the performance of
the lecturer after teaching for one semester. Exam, presentation, aktif di kelas.

 Do they have enough contact persons?

Answer :
I have enough contact person like lecture and supervised that can help me and
guide me in my student life in campus.
 What can you say about your student life?
Answer :
Talking about my student life, tbh i can say that is exciting and exhausting.
Every Monday-Friday I have lectures from morning-afternoon. If I have a
practical work, I follow that after lectures. At night, I do my task and practicum
reports. But, in the Saturday and Sunday, that time is to be healing. I can rest
my brain with playing badminton, cuz badminton is my hobby. Or luckily, my
university is close to the beach, u just need 10 minutes to reach beach. It s
called Panjang beach. I can go to there and enjoy the sunset that make me fell
so fresh, calm down, happy andn forgeting about my academic matters for a
 How is the living situation?
Answer :
Talking about my student life i can say that is exciting. Here I got gorgeous
experience. People here r so kind, they help each other, treat me better. If I
have aproblem, they help me to fix it, I enjoy with them and they act never
 Are gender equality, equal opportunities and inclusive education sufficiently
taken into account?
Answer :
Men and women have equal opportunities here. in Civil Engineering study program, the
main study program is mostly occupied by men, in fact, almost half of the force is filled
by women, even in other study programs in the Faculty of Engineering, such as study
programs, the number of women are more than men. Women as students certainly have
the same access as male students both in the academic field and to access services, there
is no difference in treatment. more than that, we students in the Faculty of Engineering
in particular always treat our female friends like queens who we always protect.

 How do you get the necessary information?

Answer :
Information from the university is given offline-online. such as through
Instagram, yt and academic information pages of bengkulu university. As long
as we are connected to the internet we can access information anywhere and
anytime. Information also is given through wall magazines and university
information centres.
 If you were advising the university, what would be your advice and what would you
like to see? Do you have any suggestions for improving the training program? What
would you like to change?

Answer :

 How are the practices going, what are you doing there? What foreign practices
have you had? Who paid for the practice? How and by whom was the practice

Answer : internship
 What kind of training system do you have?

 Are the administrative processes well designed? Exam registration? Admission?


 How are the internships going, what are you doing there? What foreign internships
have you had? Who pays for the practice? How and by whom was the practice
 How do they rate the supervision ratio?
Answer :
 How does the internship work? Do you do other internships besides the
compulsory internship?
 Are they actively involved in
committees? Do you have all the
 Dosen mengajar tidak monoton satu arah, lebih banyak yang mengajar gaya
 Metode belajar CL dan PBL diterapkan pada banyak mata kuliah. CL = collaborative
learning dan PBL = problem base learning. Dosen membagi mahasiswa menjadi
beberapa kelompok belajar.
 Pada CL ada home group ada study group. Home group berisi orang-orang dari
beberapa study group yang berbeda. Sementara study group adalah orang-orang
dengan fokus bahasan yang sama. Jadi ketika pertemuan home group, masing-
masing anggota dari study group yang berbeda-beda harus membuat presentasi
dan menerangkan ilmu yang mereka dapat di study group. Setelah pertemuan
home group, dosen akan memberikan studi kasus untuk dipecahkan tiap home
group. Cara belajar ini sangat besar manfaatnya ketika bekerja di tim yang
multidisiplin. Semua orang harus menularkan ilmunya ke orang lain dan mengatasi
masalah engineering bersama-sama.
 Berbeda dengan CL, PBL hanya terdiri dari satu grup tetap, tidak ada home group
dan study group. Pada PBL, dosen tidak memberikan teori namun langsung
memberikan problem atau studi kasus di suatu pabrik atau lab. Dari masalah ini,
tiap grup harus mendefinisikan masalah, ruang lingkup masalah dan pengetahuan
apa yang harus dicari untuk mendapatkan solusi. Biasanya tiap orang dalam grup
akan dibagi untuk mendalami pengetahuan yang berbeda. Pertemuan selanjutnya,
tiap orang presentasi tentang tugas yang mereka peroleh dan mengumpulkan
pengetahuan tersebut untuk mencari solusi studi kasus yang diberikan di awal.
Pola belajar ini sangat berguna juga pada saat bekerja. Tidak semua ilmu kita dapat
dari bangku kuliah, ada yang harus kita pelajari dari nol.

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