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Day 1 we forgot to bring our materials, so we decided we will just
discuss on what we are going to do what method and how it will turn out
in the final day. After discussing on what we are going to do the
methods and all, Jasmin and I assigned our groupmates on who will
draw,shade and who will buy the materials that we require to start our
project in Day 2.

To wrap things up in our Day 1, all of us were present in our Day 1.

The only problem that we encounter was forgetting to bring our
Illustration board and because of that we weren't able to make any
progress in Day 1.
Day 2, We finally have our materials to gain progress in our project.
Lacerna started to do the task that Jasmin and I gave him while
Orevillo and Castillia was guiding Lacerna on his task, interval Jasmin
and I were doing the Narrative report as she wrote and I tell her what
to write.

In summary, we didn't encounter any absence in our group in Day 2.

Problem we encoutered was, the output we did was a mistake and we have
to erase it and redo it all over again, owing to ma'am Deygabi for
criticizing our output, spotting our mistake and guiding us the end of
our output.

None of our group members were absent, therefore we were all present in
Day 3.The Problem we encountered was the lack of time, we were still at
our 30 percent when we ended in Day 2, despite that we have manage to
think of a way to speed things up by two person working at the same
time since the only thing they need to do is shade the drawings that
Lacerna did.
Day 4, Ma'am Deygabi permitted us that we can bring our output home,so
we can finish it on time and present it as soon as possible so we'll be
able to rest at ease before school break. Adjoining we have a huge
progress in our output Lacerna finished the Calligraphy for the title
and he also finished shading the remainig sphere that we haven't shade
in our Day 3.
To finish it up ,we didn't gather in our Day 4 since we completely
forgot to make a schedule for us to gather therefore , there was no
attendance to be examined. The Problem that we encoutner were, Lacerna
was the only one who was doing our work without any physical help from
us,Unfortunately we weren't able to make a solution for us to solve our
Day 5 the last day to complete the project, Finalizing of everything.
In the nutshell Lacerna did all the work again, since we didn't gather
in our Day 5. Lacerna did the best that he could to finish everything
and put much detail as he could, so that we can submit it on the day of
The Problem that we encountered was the same as our Day 4 we didn't
schedule for a gathering to complete the project in the last Day, the
only solution that we can think of was to help Lacerna by guiding him
through chatting in messenger.
Day 1-5 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5

LACERNA 00 00 00 20 20

BONILLA 00 00 00 00 00

ESQUIVEL 00 00 00 00 00

CASTILLIA 00 00 00 00 00

OREVILLO 00 00 00 00 00

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