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A kiss before dying

-first 3 chapters-

In this story the protagonist is a handsome guy, and apparently gentle (whose name is not
mentioned at least this 3 chapters). He grew up poor, in a little town of Menasset, near Fall River,
Massachusetts, his family was unstable, and he was the only child. His mother loves him excessively
because he was the most important thing in her life, always act as he was the perfect man, no
women deserve him. Until 18 he starts to get out with older women who provides him money,
when they don’t need more the body of the young man, they discarded him for someone more
attractive, this encouraged him a great hatred towards women. In the other side we have Dorothy
Kingship, she was a rich kid since her born. She has 2 sisters, and her parents were divorced
because the infidelity of her mother. The father was an angry and unfriendly dad, she always tries
to like another people in my opinion because the absence of love and stability in her life, she was
so submissive and needed everyone's approval. Then a possessive man and a submissive girl make
the perfect match.
They knew each other at the university, they began a relationship, but over time she became
pregnant. This ruined the young man's plans to marry her and keep her father's inheritance. For
me he was a pathological domineering and greedy. He tried to get her to abort, but it didn´t work,
she has more than 2 moths of gestation. The man had promised to marry her in that week, but he
came up with a better idea. He made an evil plan in which made some pills with arsenic with the
objective to kill her and deceive her with the excuse of making a translation of a part of a book
in Spanish where, once taken out of context, could be confused with a suicide note.

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