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Most Populous


Largest Middle
Eastern Country


minority religions: Baháʼí Faith, Yarsanism, Yazidism,
Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism, Druze, and Shabakism

ISLAM Today, Judaism in the Middle Christianity in the Middle East is
Largest religion in Middle East is mostly practiced in Israel. characterized by the diversity of
East its beliefs and traditions
The five top languages, in terms of numbers of speakers:

Middle Eastern economies range from being very poor (such as Gaza and Yemen)
to extremely wealthy nations (such as Qatar and UAE).
As of 2007, according to
the CIA World Factbook,
all nations in the Middle
East are maintaining a
positive rate of growth. UAE




In winter, the weather is usually water supply and distribution is a

Most of the region is characterised
mild or pleasantly warm, with the major problem in the Middle East,
by extremes of heat in summer, and
important exception of some and
even the Mediterranean coast can
mountain areas that experience this precious resource is the subject
be oppressive.
heavy snowfall. of local and even international

Considering its location and resources, the

Middle East region accounts for a relatively
small share of world tourism – almost 3
percent of arrivals.

The population, as in most developing

countries, contains a high percentage of
young people and tourism is seen as a means
of providing much-needed employment
Middle East is wealthy of cultural
attractions due to the fact that this
region gave rise to the world’s earliest Beach Tourism Winter Sports
civilisations and three major world
religions – Judaism, Christianity, and

Ericyes Ski Resort, Turkey


Darbandsar Ski Resort Parsian Territory, Iran

Adventure Holiday

Lebanon Mountain Trail

Skydiving above Palm Jumeirah, UAE

Dubai Desert Safari Taming sand dunes at Khor Al Adaid, Doha, Qatar
Ruth Anastacia Montebon
COURSE OUTCOMES Present the profile of each travel destination Egypt
Develop and present international according to the specifications indicated:
travel destination information to A.Geographical Characteristics
a selected market segment. B.Culture and Traditions
C.Tourism Resources
D. Major Tourist Destination & Gateways
E.Upcoming Trends in the Destination
Egypt is a large country, but a large portion of it is desert. It is one of the
world’s oldest civilizations and it is ranked as the 31st largest country in
the world with more than 82 million inhabitants.
It is situated in the north-east
part of Africa, although the Sinai
Peninsula forms a land bridge
with south-west Asia, and so
Egypt is also called a Middle
East country. It is bordered by
Israel and the Gaza Strip in the
north-east; the Red Sea in the
east; Sudan in the south; Libya in
the west; and the Mediterranean
Sea in the north.
OFFICIAL NAME: Arab Republic of Egypt


POPULATION: 99,413,317
AREA: 386,662 square miles (1,001,449
square kilometers)
Climate: hot season from May to
October and a cool season from October
to May.
CAIRO capital of Egypt and the most populated governorate.

It is the largest city in the Arab world.

Population (2017-census)
● Governorate - 9,539,673
● Estimate (01.01.2020) - 9,908,788
● Metro Density - 3,212/km2

Giza Pyramid Complex

Ancient City of Memphis

Currency: egyptian pound Egyptian Arabic, locally Religion: Islam
known as Colloquial
Egyptian, or simply
Masri, is the spoken
vernacular Arabic
dialect of Egypt.

Language: Arabic Islam is the dominant

religion in Egypt with
As of October 19, 2020 it around an estimated 90% of
is equivalent to 3.09 the population, 8% are
Philippine peso Coptic Christians & 2% are
Jewish or other Christian
denominations. It has been
recognized as the state
religion since 1980.
Egypt is often divided into two sections:
Upper Egypt in the south and Lower
Egypt in the north. The sections are
named this way because the Nile flows
from south to north. The river empties
into the Mediterranean Sea.

Southern Egypt's landscape

contains low mountains and desert.
Northern Egypt has wide valleys
near the Nile and desert to the east
and west.
Egypt is divided for the purpose of public
administration, according to a three-layer hierarchy
and some districts are further subdivided, creating an
EGYPT occasional fourth layer.


PROVINCIAL DIVISION At the municipal-level are (District)
markaz, kism, The village is the smallest local unit
Top level hierarchy with 27
police-administered areas, and in rural communities, and is the
governorates. Each has a equivalent of a district in urban
capital and at least one City. new cities. Generally, rural areas
areas. The heads of villages or
Each governorate is are divided into markaz whereas districts are appointed by the
administered by a governor urban areas are divided into respective governors. In addition to
who is appointed by the this, districts are occasionally
kism. As of 2013, there were 351
President of Egypt and serves further divided into sub-district
at the president’s discretion. subdivisions, of which 177 were
neighborhoods called sheyakha in
kism, 162 markaz, 9 new cities, rural areas, or residential districts in
and 3 police-administered areas. urban areas.
Most populated:
Cairo (16) - 9,788,739
Least Populated:
South Sinai (18) - 105,953
Damietta (6) 910km2
New Valley (21) - 440,098km2

KISM has a total of 177 urban areas

El Marg - 801, 222 (most populated)
Qasr El Nil - 10, 596 (least populated)
Markaz has a total of 162 rural areas
Kafr El Dawwar - 719, 079 (most
Baris Shurta - 14,067 (least

Al-Qāhirah [Cairo] 9,840,591

Al-Jīzah [Giza] 8,982,178

3 Police Administered Areas

Ash-Sharqiyah 7,459,413

Ad-Daqahiyah 6,725,059
9 New Cities
New Borg El Arab - 45,012 (most
New Akhmim - 0 (least populated)
Al-Minyā [Minya] 5,808,847
Four Geographic Regions
1. Nile Valley & Delta
The Nile delta, or Lower Egypt, covers an area of 9,650 square miles (25,000 sq km). It is
about 100 miles (160 km) long from Cairo to the Mediterranean, with a coastline stretching
some 150 miles (240 km) from Alexandria to Port Said
The cultivated portion of the Nile valley
between Cairo and Aswān varies from 5 to 10
miles (8 to 16 km) in width
2. The Western Desert
comprises two-thirds of the land surface of Egypt and covers an area of about 262,800 square miles
(680,650 square km). It is an area of the Sahara which lies west of the river Nile, up to the Libyan
border, and south from the Mediterranean sea to the border with Sudan. It is named in contrast to the
Eastern Desert which extends east from the Nile to Red Sea. The Western Desert is mostly rocky
desert, though an area of sandy desert, known as the Great Sand Sea, lies to the west against the
Libyan border.

The Western Desert in

The Great Sand Sea Egypt
3. The Eastern Desert (Red Sea Hills, The Arabian Dese & The Arabian Mountain Ranges)

comprises almost one-fourth of the lan It is the part of the Sahara desert that is located east of the Nile
river, between the river and the Red Sea. It extends from Egypt in the north to Eritrea in the south, and also
comprises parts of Sudan and Ethiopia.d surface of Egypt and covers an area of about 85,690 square miles
(221,900 square km).

Main Geographic Features:

Western Read Sea Coastline with the Eastern Desert Mounatin Range which is
“Red Sea Riviera” Shaiyb al-Banat
4. The Sinai Peninsula (Arabia Petraea)
It is a peninsula in Egypt and the only part of the country located in Asia. It is situated between the
Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south, and is a land bridge between Asia and
Africa. It is one of the coldest provinces in Egypt because of its high altitudes and mountainous
topographies. The Sinai Peninsula is considered to be one of the most dangerous places to visit in
Egypt, although the popular resort area of Sharm El-Sheikh at the southern part of the peninsula is
deemed safe by the U.S. State Department as long as travelers arrive by air.

Sharm El-Sheikh
Chronology of Ancient Egypt
both a modern and ancient construct which has
been developed from a variety of sources. In the
simplest sense the chronology of ancient Egypt
can be divided into four key historical periods,
each of varying lengths;

● The Predynastic and Early Dynastic Periods

(c. 5000 – 2686 BCE)
● The Pharaonic or Dynastic Period (c. 2686 –
332 BCE)
● The Ptolemaic Period (332 -30 BCE)
● The Roman Period (30 BCE – 395 AD).
Culture and Traditions


most popular street food Another Egyptian street One of the famous
snack food staple, known Egyptian dishes
elsewhere as falafel


one of the tasty This is their favorite
Egyptian dishes Egytpian meal
Flax grown by farmers was woven into fine linen for clothing. Working-class men wore loincloths or short kilts, as well as long
shirt-like garments tied with a sash at the waist. Wealthy men wore knee-length shirts, loincloths or kilts and adorned themselves
with jewellery – a string of beads, armlets and bracelets. Working-class women wore full-length wraparound gowns and
close-fitting sheaths. Elite women enhanced their appearance with make-up, earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

Both men and women wore sandals made of papyrus. Nevertheless, men and women, including the wealthy, were frequently
portrayed barefoot.

Ancient Egyptian children did not wear clothes until they were about six years old when they would wear the same clothes as
men and women.

Beledi / Baladi Sharqi

Sha'abi It is the classical dance that cabaret is
It is the most common style of dance
It is the general term for all those based on. It is also the most refined of
in Egypt today and is used to dance to
dances performed by peasants in the Egyptian dances. The music is
all sorts of music, including Western
the countryside. It bonds the more emotional and spiritual so it
pop and Al Jeel. It is performed to
community together and happens appeals to women who want to show
earthy music based on the
during celebrations, such as depths of feeling. It is not really
easy-to-dance-to Beledi rhythm. This
weddings and can also be flirtatious danced to just for fun because it is
dance brings women together and can
although the men and women do more balletic than earthy so most
also be flirtatious and celebratory as
not dance together. Egyptian women would be more likely
well as emotional.
to watch it than do it.
Is the main sport in Egypt. The Pharaohs
is the national team of Egypt and is
administered by the Egyptian Football

They won the African Cup of Nations 7 times. Egypt won the
inaugural Cup in 1957, 1959, 1986, 1998, 2006, 2008 and 2010,
making them record holders of most African cup wins and
most wins in a row (for winning 3 times in a row).
family practices
Cultural Attitudes - Pays attention to family values and etiquette
- generally very helpful
- Family members encourage their - Public modesty in dress and
- accustomed to refusing every
children to live with them until
invitation the first time it was deportment is highly valued in
offered, so if your offer is genuine, Egypt
- Main responsibilities for women
repeat it a second time - greetings must precede all forms
are home and childcare and
- If you get invited for a meal in an of social interaction
financial support for men
Egyptian home and you do not - People are generally addressed
- They deeply mourn for a loved
show, the hosts would be by their given name, often
one. It is customary to wear black
humiliated preceded by a title of some kind
for 40 days after a member passes
- friendly, open to other cultures and
which can last until a year
known for their hospitality
- For weddings, they like to throw
big parties
- pray five times a day - at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset,
and evening. The exact time is listed in the local
newspaper each day. Friday is the Muslim holy day.
Everything is closed. Many companies also close on
Thursday, making the weekend Thursday and Friday.
- During the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast
from dawn to dusk and are only permitted to work six
hours per day.
- Each night at sunset, families and friends gather together
to celebrate the breaking of the fast (iftar).
- things happen more slowly during Ramadan.

Not Finishing Your Glass of Juice Burying a Weasel Step in With Your Right
Those visiting an Egyptian family Those who want wealth and
should remember to drink all of their prosperity to come to their house, When going into a new place,
juice—especially if the family has then bury a weasel at the like a new house, step in with
daughters. It is a common doorstep. Some Egyptians your right leg. Doing so can
understanding that if a guest doesn’t believe that burying a weasel at bless it and bring in good,
finish their glass of juice offered by a their doorstep will allow them to happiness, and prosperity.
host family with daughters, then these gain a lot of money and have a
girls won’t get married. better life.
Beware of The Turned Hold the Wood Having Girls
Slipper! When someone talks about the Some Egyptians believe that
great things they have, the good having girls mean a better
Whenever Egyptians see a turned that has happened to them, or livelihood. Although many
slipper, they put back to its right how blessed they are, impressed Egyptians prefer to have boys
position or tell someone close to it and amazed listeners tell them to because they can depend on
to do that immediately. Why? “Hold the Wood” to prevent envy. them in work and carrying on
Because they believe the turned the family name and business,
slipper brings Satan inside the girls are still believed to bring
house. more wealth than boys.
Important holidays E
It is the most important
holiday in Egypt. It is
Eid al-Fitr marks the end
of the month of Ramadan
named for the month of —and the end of the

A the Islamic calendar in

which it occurs as a
fasting. The cities are
marked by big
celebration of the first part celebrations. Many
M of the revelation of the
Qur’an to the Prophet
Egyptians who can afford
it take this time to travel.
"Eid al-Fitr" is the ending L
Mohammed. Most
A Muslims fast from sunrise
to sunset throughout the
of a big fasting event and
it means"fetival of Fast
Breaking". It lasts for

month. This celebration is
three days, depending on
generally a time of how it falls on the
heightened piety. calendar, the festivities

Non-Muslims are
expected to observe the
not could last much longer if
they including weekends I
fast, but should be
or national holidays.

N conscious and respectful

of the people observing
E The last major Islamic A
I It marks the holiday which is the
Prophet’s birthday It is W
willingness of
D Abraham to sacrifice
his son in the name
intended to obtain
blessings from the L
saint being honored,
of God. Families but in practice they I
remember the sheep are huge social
A that he ultimately
sacrificed instead of
events. Large moulids
may attracted crowds

L his son with their

own sacrificial
in the
slaughter. There will selling goods, and
be sheep and other
generally having a
good time. These
livestock tethered all
A over the cities and
events are
biggest displays of

villages in the weeks
leading up to the
Egyptian popular
culture in the entire
holiday, waiting to be year. A
H slaughtered after the
morning prayers B
A when the holiday
arrives I

Coptic Christmas is on January 7th and in recent It coincides with a much older holiday that traces its
years more of the trappings of the Western roots back to Pharaonic times called Sham al-Nessim
Christmas celebration have been making it to
. It means sniffing the breeze’ and it is a celebration of
Egypt. You may see more Santa hats, Christmas
the arrival of spring that usually takes place in April.
lights and Christmas trees than you ever
expected to see in Egypt around this time of
1. The Pyramids of Giza just outside Cairo, which are the only survivors of the ‘ seven
wonders ’ of the ancient world;
2. The temples and other antiquities near Luxor, which is the main centre for touring
Upper Egypt, including the world famous Valley of the Kings and
3. The temple at Abu Simbel near Aswan, which UNESCO campaigns saved from
inundation by the Aswan High Dam project.
4. The Fayyûm oasis, 100 kilometres to the west of the Nile Valley is culturally interesting
and a good deal less hectic than Cairo. A number of hotels have been built in this area.
Sailing in a traditional felucca on the Nile offers a more authentic experience of rural
Egypt than a luxury cruise in a ‘ flfl oating hotel ’
5. Trekking in the Sinai Desert, including a visit to St. Catherine’s Monastery with its biblical
6. The Mediterranean coast, west of Alexandria, has long attracted well-off domestic
tourists, with beach resorts such as Mersah Matruh.
7. The Red Sea coast, promoted by the Ministry of Tourism as the Red Sea Riviera ’ , has
clear water and coral reefs that are a major attraction for divers.
Giza Necropolis Karnak Temple
The last surviving of the Seven Wonders of the It is the largest ancient religious site ever built, and
Ancient World, the Pyramids of Giza are one of represents the combined achievement of many
the world's most recognizable landmarks. Built generations of Egyptian builders. an ancient Egyptian
as tombs for the mighty Pharaohs and guarded temple precinct located on the east bank of the Nile
by the enigmatic Sphinx. A scattering of River in Thebes. It covers more than 100 hectares, an
satellite pyramids in the area were built as a area larger than some ancient cities.
place to bury their wives and royal family
Red Sea Reef Nile River Cruise
The Red Sea, off the coast of Egypt, Cruising the Nile is a popular way of visiting
is one of the most beautiful places upper Egypt. There is no better way to trace
in the world to go diving. The the passage of Egypt’s history than to follow
waters of the Red Sea are the course of the Nile. Almost all Egyptian
renowned for their spectacular cruise ships travel the Luxor-Aswan route
visibility and features some of the which is safe, scenic and terminates at two
of Egypt’s most important towns.
most exotic seascapes.
Abu Simbel Egyptian Museum
It is an archaeological site comprising two Home to at least 120,000 items of ancient Egyptian
massive rock-cut temples in southern Egypt on antiquities. It is one of Cairo’s top attraction. There are
the western bank of Lake Nasser. The complex two main floors of the museum. On the first floor
was relocated in the 1960s to avoid being there are artifacts from the final two dynasties of
submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser. Ancient Egypt and also many artifacts taken from the
They are now situated on an artificial hill made Valley of the Kings. Highlights include the objects
from a domed structure high above the Aswan from the Tomb of Tutankhamen and the Royal
High Dam reservoir. Mummy Room containing 27 royal mummies from
pharaonic times.
Alexandria Sinai Peninsula
Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in It is a popular location offering a number of
Egypt. It is a main summer resort, due to its amazing Sinai attractions which combine
beaches, ancient history and Museums. sightseeing, fun and relaxation all in a single
travel experience.Sinai has the beach resorts of
Hellenistic Alexandria was best known for the
Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba as
Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos), one of the well as locations mentioned in the Bible such as
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; its Great Mount Sinai. Saint Catherine's Monastery may
Library (the largest in the ancient world); and be the oldest working Christian monastery in the
the Necropolis, one of the Seven Wonders of world.
the Middle Ages.
Valley of the Kings Aswan
It is studded with often highly decorated
It is known for its beautiful Nile Valley
tombs, constructed to house the regal
scenery, significant archaeological sites
sarcophagi-enclosed mummies of the and its peaceful aura. Its weather is warm
mighty pharaohs awaiting their passage all year round, which makes it a perfect
into the after-life. Partly rock-cut, partly winter destination. The city provides
freestanding, it is one of Egypt’s finest and splendid views and attractions to sail
through the Nile with a felucca.
most photographed monuments.
5 top rated resorts in egypt

Sofitel Legend Old Cataract

Abtal El Tahrir Street, Aswan
Egypt's most famous hotel, the Old Cataract in
Aswan is an opulent hideaway overlooking the Nile.
The resort grounds spread out along the Nile bank,
with the infinity pool overlooking riverine life, while
inside the decoration effortlessly blends fine, classic
French design and palatial Arabic style.
Marriott Mena House
6 Pyramids Road, Giza, Cairo
The hotel sits right next door to the main
entrance to the pyramid plateau, with many
rooms boasting direct views out to the
pyramids themselves. Cairo's most relaxing
resort option. All have balconies either
looking over the palm tree grounds or the
Savoy Sharm el-Sheikh
Soho Square, Sharm el-Sheikh, Sinai
It is located in a prime spot on South
Sinai's sought after coastline. In here you
can enjoy and explore the coral reefs of
the Red Sea.
Al Moudira Hotel Luxor
West Bank, Luxor
This boutique resort on Luxor's west bank
is the most tranquil place to base yourself
while exploring Egypt's most famous
Pharaonic ruins. this is a much more
intimate resort option than most in Egypt.
Hilton Luxor Resort & Spa
New Karnak, Luxor
This is the most luxurious place to
stay in Luxor. The Hilton Luxor Resort
& Spa sits beside the Nile, near the
Temples of Karnak, on the East Bank.
Luxor International Airport (LXR)
Cairo International Airport (CAI)
is the main airport serving the city of Luxor, Egypt.
It is located 6 km (4 miles) east of the city. Many
Is the principal international airport of Cairo and charter airlines use the airport, as it is a popular
the busiest airport in Egypt and serves as the tourist destination for those visiting the River Nile
primary hub for EgyptAir and Nile Air as well as and the Valley of the Kings.
several other airlines.
Get to the city by taxi or regular bus.
Get to the city by taxi or the airport shuttle bus.
Borg El Arab International Airport (HBE)
is the principal airport serving Hurghada Airport (HRG)
Alexandria, Egypt. The airport also It is one of the main gateways (along with Sharm
serves the nearby areas of the Nile Delta. El-Sheikh) to Egypt's popular Red Sea resorts,
and handles millions of passengers each year.
It had a major expansion in terms of the The airport offers all the basic facilities travellers
airport's passenger and cargo handling might expect, as well as a number of duty-free
capacity in response to growing demand stores and restaurants. It has been modernised
and the new facilities were inaugurated and expanded fairly recently.
in 2010.
Get to the city by a taxi, minivan or a bus.
Get to the city via airport bus service.
Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport
is an airport well known by many
holidaymakers from across Europe. The
airport, also known as Ophira Airport, is
the main gateway to Egypt's popular
Sharm el-Sheikh and Dahab resorts.

Get to the city by tourists taxis or bus

Tourist Application Requirements for an Egypt Visa
ID Picture
VisaCentral Order Form
Visa Application
Yellow Fever Vaccination
Reasons Why You
Should Plan an Egypt
Trip in 2021

Egypt tour packages are affordable considering Egypt has an incredible ancient history. The majority
that everything is included. (accomodation, of visitors to Egypt are most interested in the history
transportation, meals, entrance to the temples, of Ancient Egypt, the time of the Pharaohs,
Pryamids, King Tutankhamun, Queen Cleopatra and
tombs, museums and other sites which also
the conquering by Alexander the Great. The best
includes a private, professional Egyptologists as part about the history in Egypt is you get to see the
guides along the way. ruins, remains and archaeological finds yourself.

A Nile cruise is one of the best things to do

in Egypt, and an absolute must for any There are three main beach cities in Egypt:
Egypt vacation. Nile cruises are smaller Hurghada, Sharm el Sheikh, and Dahab.
Scuba diving is one of the biggest draws of
river boats and are designed more for Egypt’s coastal areas. The Egyptian Red Sea is
sight-seeing and enjoying your known for its beautiful corals and there are
surroundings rather than partying. some world-famous dive sites in the area. The
Blue Hole, located near Dahab, is a diver

It’s one of the most anticipated openings in the world

when it comes to museums and tourism.

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