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W e e k 4: Assignment 4

What is fhe fulI form of PSC I poinf

OPorfland Slag Cemenf

OPoriland Sugareane Bagasse Cemenf

OPoriland Staeked Cement

OProduetive Slag Cement

2) Whaf is serviee life? I poinf

OThe useful life of ihe siruefure wifhouf

losing ifs quality

OThe fime taken for îhe repair proeess

during ihe life of ihe siruefure

OTolal time fo eonstruet ine siruefure

OAII he above

3) Study of eonsiruefion materials is I point

importani fo

OImprove ihe qualify of ihe exisling


OTo engineer new malerials wifh beffer


OUfilisafion of wasie produeis as a value

added resouree in eonsiruefion

All fhe above

12:38 eRllO48%

Week 4: Assignmení 4

4) What are ihe faefors influeneing ihe 2 poinis

ehoiee of eonsfruefion malerials?




UTime taken for eonsiruefion

5) What is ihe main advaniage of using 1 point

reinfored masonry?

O Addifional supporf fo fhe subsiruefure

Inerease in ihe laferal load earrying

capacily of Ihe struefure

ODeerease in ihe dead weighf of ihe sfruefure

ONone of Ihe above

No Conneefion

= O

Week 4 Assignmenft 4
6) Cemenf was invenfed by

I poinf

7) Whieh of ihe following paramefer/s is/are 1 point

assessed fo measure fhe developmenf of
Ihe eounfry?

OInfrasfruefure Qualily

OAmount of green eover

OFresh waler availabilily

OAll of ihe above

8) The first malerial used for binding Ihe 1 point

masonry bloeks logeifher is:





9) Idenify fhe following piefure 1 noinf

12:38 399 E l 48%

Week 4: Assignment 4

9) Idenify fhe following piefure 1 poinf


OConerele bloek

Inferloeking eonerefe bloek

Reinforeedeonerete bloek


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