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pragma solidity^0.8.


import "./PLCR/PLCRVoting.sol";
import "../node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "../node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";

contract Parameterizer {
// ------
// ------

event _ReparameterizationProposal(string name, uint256 value, bytes32 propID,

uint256 deposit, uint256 appEndDate, address indexed proposer);
event _NewChallenge(bytes32 indexed propID, uint256 challengeID, uint256
commitEndDate, uint256 revealEndDate, address indexed challenger);
event _ProposalAccepted(bytes32 indexed propID, string name, uint256 value);
event _ProposalExpired(bytes32 indexed propID);
event _ChallengeSucceeded(bytes32 indexed propID, uint256 indexed challengeID,
uint256 rewardPool, uint256 totalTokens);
event _ChallengeFailed(bytes32 indexed propID, uint256 indexed challengeID,
uint256 rewardPool, uint256 totalTokens);
event _RewardClaimed(uint256 indexed challengeID, uint256 reward, address
indexed voter);

// ------
// ------

using SafeMath for uint256;

struct ParamProposal {
uint256 appExpiry;
uint256 challengeID;
uint256 deposit;
string name;
address owner;
uint256 processBy;
uint256 value;

struct Challenge {
uint256 rewardPool; // (remaining) pool of tokens distributed
amongst winning voters
address challenger; // owner of Challenge
bool resolved; // indication of if challenge is resolved
uint256 stake; // number of tokens at risk for either party
during challenge
uint256 winningTokens; // (remaining) amount of tokens used for voting
by the winning side
mapping(address => bool) tokenClaims;

// ------
// ------

mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public params;

// maps challengeIDs to associated challenge data

mapping(uint256 => Challenge) public challenges;

// maps pollIDs to intended data change if poll passes

mapping(bytes32 => ParamProposal) public proposals;

// Global Variables
IERC20 public token;
PLCRVoting public voting;
uint256 public PROCESSBY = 604800; // 7 days

@dev Initializer Can only be called once
@param _token The address where the ERC20 token contract is deployed
@param _plcr address of a PLCR voting contract for the provided
@notice _parameters array of canonical parameters
function init(
address _token,
address _plcr,
uint256[] calldata _parameters
) public {
require(_token != address(0) && address(token) == address(0));
require(_plcr != address(0) && address(voting) == address(0));

token = IERC20(_token);
voting = PLCRVoting(_plcr);

// minimum deposit for listing to be whitelisted

set("minDeposit", _parameters[0]);

// minimum deposit to propose a reparameterization

set("pMinDeposit", _parameters[1]);

// period over which applicants wait to be whitelisted

set("applyStageLen", _parameters[2]);

// period over which reparmeterization proposals wait to be processed

set("pApplyStageLen", _parameters[3]);

// length of commit period for voting

set("commitStageLen", _parameters[4]);

// length of commit period for voting in parameterizer

set("pCommitStageLen", _parameters[5]);

// length of reveal period for voting

set("revealStageLen", _parameters[6]);

// length of reveal period for voting in parameterizer

set("pRevealStageLen", _parameters[7]);

// percentage of losing party's deposit distributed to winning party

set("dispensationPct", _parameters[8]);

// percentage of losing party's deposit distributed to winning party in

set("pDispensationPct", _parameters[9]);
// type of majority out of 100 necessary for candidate success
set("voteQuorum", _parameters[10]);

// type of majority out of 100 necessary for proposal success in

set("pVoteQuorum", _parameters[11]);

// minimum length of time user has to wait to exit the registry

set("exitTimeDelay", _parameters[12]);

// maximum length of time user can wait to exit the registry

set("exitPeriodLen", _parameters[13]);

// -----------------------
// -----------------------

@notice propose a reparamaterization of the key _name's value to _value.
@param _name the name of the proposed param to be set
@param _value the proposed value to set the param to be set
function proposeReparameterization(string calldata _name, uint256 _value)
public returns (bytes32) {
uint256 deposit = get("pMinDeposit");
bytes32 propID = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name, _value));

if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name)) ==
keccak256(abi.encodePacked("dispensationPct")) ||
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name)) ==
keccak256(abi.encodePacked("pDispensationPct"))) {
require(_value <= 100);

require(!propExists(propID)); // Forbid duplicate proposals

require(get(_name) != _value); // Forbid NOOP reparameterizations

// attach name and value to pollID

proposals[propID] = ParamProposal({
appExpiry: block.timestamp.add(get("pApplyStageLen")),
challengeID: 0,
deposit: deposit,
name: _name,
owner: msg.sender,
processBy: block.timestamp.add(get("pApplyStageLen"))
value: _value

require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), deposit)); // escrow

tokens (deposit amt)

emit _ReparameterizationProposal(_name, _value, propID, deposit,

proposals[propID].appExpiry, msg.sender);
return propID;
@notice challenge the provided proposal ID, and put tokens at stake to do so.
@param _propID the proposal ID to challenge
function challengeReparameterization(bytes32 _propID) public returns (uint256
challengeID) {
ParamProposal memory prop = proposals[_propID];
uint256 deposit = prop.deposit;

require(propExists(_propID) && prop.challengeID == 0);

//start poll
uint256 pollID = voting.startPoll(

Challenge storage c = challenges[pollID];

c.challenger = msg.sender;
c.rewardPool = SafeMath.sub(100,
c.stake = deposit;
c.resolved = false;
c.winningTokens = 0;

proposals[_propID].challengeID = pollID; // update listing to store

most recent challenge

//take tokens from challenger

require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), deposit));

(uint256 commitEndDate, uint256 revealEndDate,,,) = voting.pollMap(pollID);

emit _NewChallenge(_propID, pollID, commitEndDate, revealEndDate,

return pollID;

@notice for the provided proposal ID, set it, resolve its
challenge, or delete it depending on whether it can be set, has a challenge which
can be resolved, or if its "process by" date has passed
@param _propID the proposal ID to make a determination and state
transition for
function processProposal(bytes32 _propID) public {
ParamProposal storage prop = proposals[_propID];
address propOwner = prop.owner;
uint256 propDeposit = prop.deposit;

// Before any token transfers, deleting the proposal will ensure that if
reentrancy occurs the
// prop.owner and prop.deposit will be 0, thereby preventing theft
if (canBeSet(_propID)) {
// There is no challenge against the proposal. The processBy date for
the proposal has not
// passed, but the proposal's appExpirty date has passed.
set(, prop.value);
emit _ProposalAccepted(_propID,, prop.value);
delete proposals[_propID];
require(token.transfer(propOwner, propDeposit));
} else if (challengeCanBeResolved(_propID)) {
// There is a challenge against the proposal.
} else if (block.timestamp > prop.processBy) {
// There is no challenge against the proposal, but the processBy date
has passed.
emit _ProposalExpired(_propID);
delete proposals[_propID];
require(token.transfer(propOwner, propDeposit));
} else {
// There is no challenge against the proposal, and neither the
appExpiry date nor the
// processBy date has passed.

assert(get("dispensationPct") <= 100);

assert(get("pDispensationPct") <= 100);

// verify that future proposal appExpiry and processBy times will not

delete proposals[_propID];

@notice Claim the tokens owed for the msg.sender in the
provided challenge
@param _challengeID the challenge ID to claim tokens for
function claimReward(uint256 _challengeID) public {
Challenge storage challenge = challenges[_challengeID];
// ensure voter has not already claimed tokens and challenge results have
been processed
require(challenge.tokenClaims[msg.sender] == false);
require(challenge.resolved == true);

uint256 voterTokens = voting.getNumPassingTokens(msg.sender, _challengeID);

uint256 reward = voterReward(msg.sender, _challengeID);

// subtract voter's information to preserve the participation ratios of

other voters
// compared to the remaining pool of rewards
challenge.winningTokens -= voterTokens;
challenge.rewardPool -= reward;

// ensures a voter cannot claim tokens again

challenge.tokenClaims[msg.sender] = true;

emit _RewardClaimed(_challengeID, reward, msg.sender);

require(token.transfer(msg.sender, reward));

@dev Called by a voter to claim their rewards for each
completed vote.
Someone must call updateStatus() before this can be
@param _challengeIDs The PLCR pollIDs of the challenges rewards are being
claimed for
function claimRewards(uint256[] calldata _challengeIDs) public {
// loop through arrays, claiming each individual vote reward
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _challengeIDs.length; i++) {

// --------
// --------

@dev Calculates the provided voter's token reward for the given
@param _voter The address of the voter whose reward balance is to be
@param _challengeID The ID of the challenge the voter's reward is being
calculated for
@return The uint256 indicating the voter's reward
function voterReward(address _voter, uint256 _challengeID)
public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 winningTokens = challenges[_challengeID].winningTokens;
uint256 rewardPool = challenges[_challengeID].rewardPool;
uint256 voterTokens = voting.getNumPassingTokens(_voter, _challengeID);
return (voterTokens * rewardPool) / winningTokens;

@notice Determines whether a proposal passed its application stage without a
@param _propID The proposal ID for which to determine whether its application
stage passed without a challenge
function canBeSet(bytes32 _propID) view public returns (bool) {
ParamProposal memory prop = proposals[_propID];

return (block.timestamp > prop.appExpiry && block.timestamp <

prop.processBy && prop.challengeID == 0);

@notice Determines whether a proposal exists for the provided proposal ID
@param _propID The proposal ID whose existance is to be determined
function propExists(bytes32 _propID) view public returns (bool) {
return proposals[_propID].processBy > 0;
@notice Determines whether the provided proposal ID has a challenge which can
be resolved
@param _propID The proposal ID whose challenge to inspect
function challengeCanBeResolved(bytes32 _propID) view public returns (bool) {
ParamProposal storage prop = proposals[_propID];
Challenge storage challenge = challenges[prop.challengeID];

return (prop.challengeID > 0 && challenge.resolved == false &&


@notice Determines the number of tokens to awarded to the winning party in a
@param _challengeID The challengeID to determine a reward for
function challengeWinnerReward(uint256 _challengeID) public view returns
(uint256) {
if(voting.getTotalNumberOfTokensForWinningOption(_challengeID) == 0) {
// Edge case, nobody voted, give all tokens to the challenger.
return 2 * challenges[_challengeID].stake;

return (2 * challenges[_challengeID].stake) -

@notice gets the parameter keyed by the provided name value from the params
@param _name the key whose value is to be determined
function get(string memory _name) public view returns (uint256 value) {
return params[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name))];

@dev Getter for Challenge tokenClaims mappings
@param _challengeID The challengeID to query
@param _voter The voter whose claim status to query for the provided
function tokenClaims(uint256 _challengeID, address _voter) public view returns
(bool) {
return challenges[_challengeID].tokenClaims[_voter];

// ----------------
// ----------------

@dev resolves a challenge for the provided _propID. It must be checked in
advance whether the _propID has a challenge on it
@param _propID the proposal ID whose challenge is to be resolved.
function resolveChallenge(bytes32 _propID) private {
ParamProposal memory prop = proposals[_propID];
Challenge storage challenge = challenges[prop.challengeID];

// winner gets back their full staked deposit, and dispensationPct*loser's

uint256 reward = challengeWinnerReward(prop.challengeID);

challenge.winningTokens =
challenge.resolved = true;

if (voting.isPassed(prop.challengeID)) { // The challenge failed

if(prop.processBy > block.timestamp) {
set(, prop.value);
emit _ChallengeFailed(_propID, prop.challengeID, challenge.rewardPool,
require(token.transfer(prop.owner, reward));
else { // The challenge succeeded or nobody voted
emit _ChallengeSucceeded(_propID, prop.challengeID,
challenge.rewardPool, challenge.winningTokens);

@dev sets the param keted by the provided name to the provided value
@param _name the name of the param to be set
@param _value the value to set the param to be set
function set(string memory _name, uint256 _value) private {
params[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_name))] = _value;

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