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Assalamualaikum W.R W.

Hello, my name is …………………………..NIM

and my friend ………………………. NIM………… o six o five two six eight two one two five
o o tree

We will be acting out a conversation about “COULD I BORROW THAT?”

Helo pekenalkan nama saya…………………………..NIM………………………… dan teman saya

………………………. NIM…………

Kami akan memperagakan percakapan mengenai “COULD I BORROW THAT?”

A: Hi there! How can I help you today?

B: Hello, I was hoping to make a request. I was wondering if I could borrow a

sleeping bag for the weekend.

A: I'm sorry, but all of our sleeping bags are currently checked out. Can you tell me a
bit more about your situation and why you need a sleeping bag?

B: Sure, I have a camping trip planned and I don't have my own sleeping bag.

A: I understand. Unfortunately, we do not have any sleeping bags available for

borrowing right now. Have you considered renting one from an outdoor gear store?

B: Yes, that's a good idea. Do you have any recommendations for stores in the area?

A: There's a store called "Campers' Heaven" that specializes in outdoor gear. They
have a wide variety of sleeping bags for rent and for purchase.

B: That sounds great, thank you.

A: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

B: No, that's all. Thank you for your assistance.

A: My pleasure. Have a great weekend and happy camping!

B: Thank you, you too!

A: Is there anything else I can help you with today?

B: Actually, now that I think about it, do you happen to know any places where I can
buy a sleeping bag for a good price?

A: Of course! There's a store called "Outdoor Adventures" that has a great selection
of sleeping bags at affordable prices. They also offer a wide range of outdoor gear
and equipment.

B: That sounds perfect! Thank you so much for your help.

A: You're welcome. Have a great day!

B: You too, thank you again.

A: No problem, happy to help. Let me know if you need anything else.

B: Actually, I was also wondering if you have any advice on choosing a sleeping bag.

A: Of course! When choosing a sleeping bag, it's important to consider the

temperature rating, the type of insulation, and the size and shape of the bag. It's also
a good idea to consider your own personal preferences, such as the level of warmth
and comfort you prefer.

B: That's great advice, thank you.

A: You're welcome. Enjoy your camping trip and stay warm!

Assalamualaikum W.R W.B

Hello, my name is Ahmad Zarkasih Nur my number student is o six o five two six
eight two one two five o o tree

I will read you a story

However, despite the beliefs of these seventen to twenty one million people,
there is no evidence that accidents are more likely to happen on Friday the
threeteenth. On the contrary, some studies have shown there are actually
fewer accidents on Friday the threeteenth. A recent report completed by a
Dutch insurance company showed that there were fewer incidents of fires
and theft on Fridays that fell on the threeteenth than on any other Fridays in
the same year. It is highly prabebel that this reduction in accidents owes
itself to the fear of Friday the threeteenth itself. If people are more causes on
Friday the threeteenth, then there are likely to be fewer accidents. If, then,
there is no significant evidence that Friday the threeteenth is any more
danjerous than any other day of the year, why do friggatriskaidekaphobics
remain convinced of its unluckiness? While the historical or folk traditions
discussed earlier may have something to do with this belief, people may also
use associational links to justify their superstitions. If a
friggatris kaidaka phobic loses his wallet on Tuesday the twowentyfirsh, for
example, he would probably not assain any meaning to the date on which
this event akerd. If the same individual lost his wallet on Friday the
threeteenth, however, he might be likely to kenklud that the ˌinôˈspiSHəs
nature of Friday the threeteenth was at fault.
Assalamualaikum W.R W.B

Hello, my name is Ahmad Zarkasih Nur my number student is o six o five two six
eight two one two five o o tree
I will tell you about tirex
The popular belief about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as the "tyrant lizard", is
that it was one of the biggest, fastest and most ˈviSHəs predatory dinosaurs.
However, recent research suggests otherwise. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, which has
fascinated generations with its fəˈrōSHəs rePutation, was actually a ˈkləmzē creature
with an average running speed of only TWENTY FIVE kilometers per hour, which is
much slower compared to modern animals like the cheetah. Unlike the predators of
today's African savannah, which can change direction almost instantly, the
Tyrannosaurus Rex would have had to turn slowly or risk falling over. While a human
can turn FOURTY FIVE degrees in a ˈtwen(t)ēəTH of a second, it would have taken the
Tyrannosaurus Rex as long as two seconds to do so, due to its long tail. Luckily, all its
prey, such as the triceratops, would have also been slow and not very agile.
Researchers used computer modeling and biomechanical calculations to determine
the dinosaur's speed, agility, and weight. The calculations were based on
measurements taken from a fossil dinosaur that was representative of an average
Tyrannosaurus, and the researchers concluded that the creatures probably weighed
between six and eight tonnes. The calculations of the leg muscles indicate that the
animal would have had a top speed of FOURTY kilometers per hour, which is much
slower than a cheetah's top speed of ONE HANDRET kilometers per hour. It's
sobering to think that even an Olympic sprinter, who runs at about TRETYFIVE
kilometers per hour, would not be able to outrun a Tyrannosaurus, if humans existed
at that time.

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