DLP Eng.-8-Q 3D3

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga City

Division of City Schools
Landang Gua National High School




Teacher NELYN GRACE V. LEBITA Quarter 3 Module

Learning English Teaching Dates & Duration 1 hr



Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as
mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.

Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech
based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

Learning Competencies/Code EN8RC-IIIa-12.1: Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:

● Knowledge Can able to evaluate biases found in text by determining the author’s use of
diction and evidences

● Skills Create a brochure that can determine and identify between a

biased writing and unbiased writing through the use of localized
indigenous learning materials.

● Attitude Appreciate the importance on how to determine, identify and evaluate

which the author’s message being subjective or objective sense as well as
to avoid biases issues.

II. CONTENT Examining Biases


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages None

2. Learner’s Materials pages None

3. Textbook pages None

Quarter 3 Module 1: BIAS

4. Additional Materials from Learning Writers: Rushdi Kho Tan

Resource (LR) portal Editor: Jessie Lou L. Ecleo

Reviewers: Judelyn N. Bicoy and Florife S. Gentles

B. Other Learning Resources Visual aides, pictures, and books

C. Supplies, Equipment, Tools, etc.


A. Review/ ● Prayer
● Greetings
● Checking of Attendance

● Review on the previous lesson

Going to the beach Going to the mountain
 What kind of outdoor activities you like most?
Example: can swim, surf, or dive Example: Has a strong and fresh air.
 Students are given a piece of paragraph that shows evidences and diction of the
author which can used to recognize the positive and negative evidences.
B. Activity/ Motivation

Directions: let’s analyze the evidences and the diction used by the author refer in the paragraph.

C. Analysis/Presenting
examples of the Directions: Based on the given paragraphs, identify the idea which the author favors. Write the word
new lesson where FOR under the topic if the author is biased towards it. If not, write AGAINST. Write your
the concepts are answers on a separate sheet of paper.
D. Abstraction Discussion:
When does an author become bias?

An author becomes bias when he/she persuades the reader to believe on his/her own stand of the
issue by giving inaccurate information or false impression even with or without the intention of
misleading the readers.

How do you determine the author’s biases?

To determine the author’s biases and to understand his/her underlying purpose, you must look at the
use of evidence and diction. Evidences can be in a form of facts and information, testimonies and direct
observations, scientific and legal findings, and anecdotes and philosophical evidences. Diction refers to
the words or expressions that help convey the stand of the author towards an issue. These words and
expressions may indicate a positive or negative connotation or meaning. The table below shows an
example of a word with a positive and a negative connotation.

E. Valuing: Finding
Practical Now, after relearning and understanding with those explanations about bias, let us try to
Applications of apply your learnings by doing these sets of activities. Never be afraid of committing
Concepts and Skills mistakes, for it is part of your learning. Enjoy!
in Daily Living

Exercise A. Read the text below. Then, examine and evaluate biases made by the author about the
issue on social media by completing the paragraph below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
The Consequences of Social Media

Social media is never without consequences. First, most people who seek attention may
post their pictures or videos for them to gain likes and views without knowing that they
are already compromising their privacy. Also, news on social media that is readily
available and has a wider reach is not always objectively written and bias-free. Lastly,
social media which appears to embrace self-expression and freedom now allows more
and more people to disrespect other people online thru bashing. People love to air their
subjective criticisms to the point that they make dummy accounts just to rant and ruin
the reputation of personalities they oppose. While it may be true that social media has
benefits, we might want to consider being more careful about its consequences.

I find the article entitled _____________ biased because the author used words that purely favors one
side of the topic. These words are
____________________________________________________________________. Also, the
evidences found in the text are more on the _______________ side of the issues. These evidences are
____________________________________________________________________. More so, the
author failed to point out that _________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________. To avoid such bias,
the author should have ________________________________________.

F. Generalization

Directions: Review the lesson on CONTEXT CLUES. Then write your reflection in your
notebook by completing the statements below.

I have learned that_______________________________________

I have realized that_______________________________________

I will apply_____________________________________________
G. Assessment After getting a lot of practice in examining bias, let us measure your understanding of the lesson.

Direction: Analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers
on a sheet of paper.
1. “Pageants are amazing platforms that promote different advocacies such as women empowerment,
child protection, and environmental conservation.” Which of the words below makes the statement
A. amazing B. conservation C. different D. protection
2. “To have a vaccine for COVID-19 before the opening of classes on August 24, 2020 is unbelievable.”
What word makes the sentence biased?
A. before B. opening C. unbelievable D. vaccine
3. “Buying a brand new android cellphone is a waste of money.” Which of the words in the statement
shows bias?
A. brand new B. buying C. money D. waste
4. Which of the following statements is an example of unbiased writing?
A. Filipinos are the best singers in the world. B. High school dropouts will not be successful in life. C.
Asian people have a diverse and rich cultural heritage. D. Students who are good in Science and Math
are brainy.
5.Which of the following statements expresses bias?
A. The Earth rotates on its own axis. B. Jose Rizal is our country’s national hero. C. Putting rubbing
alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses. D. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new
strain of coronavirus.
6.Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?
A. Filipinos are considered the best English speakers in the world.
B. Women leaders are better than men when handling a health crisis. C. Research studies are
undertaken to help improve human condition. D. Online games are the main cause of mental health
problems among teenagers nowadays.
7.Which statement of the writer expresses bias?
A. This bag is made of leather. B. This shampoo uses organic ingredients.
C. This perfume costs twice the price of a sack of rice. D. The car that he bought was impossible to
purchase given its price.
8.Which of the following statements shows the positive view of the author about mobile games?
A. It distracts teenagers from their academic priorities.
B. It enhances the analytic and critical skills of players.
C. It promotes messages about violence among teenagers.
D. It negatively affects their physical and psychological health.
9.Which of the following statements shows the negative view of the author about social media?
A. It breeds cyber bullying and depression.
B. It can be an avenue for business opportunities.
C. It develops the information and communication (ICT) skills of teenagers.
D. It allows people to create online communities and friendship.
10.What should an author do to avoid being biased? The author must…
A. present evidences to support personal opinions
B. present solid evidences on both sides of an issue
C. use words and expressions that appeal to the readers
D. use words and expressions to convince readers to take a stand
H. Additional Activities ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY:
for Application or Awesome! You have done a great job! Finally, you have improved how to recognized
remediation if your BIAS skills and be able to apply all your learnings not only in your English classes but also
Needed to other subject areas that are necessary for you to use. You have also increased your
vocabulary and have developed your reading comprehension skills. To achieve your full
potential of using context clues, keep on reading, and practice these skills always.
For the last stretch, you are going to create a brochure about local cultures in the
Philippines. With all your knowledge about bias, apply those insights as you write and design
your brochure. Don’t forget to show your creative skills in making your brochure. Enjoy and
good luck!

DIRECTIONS: As you create your brochure, about the celebrations done in your hometown
cite the differences which you think is common and not to yours.

(Use the rubric reflected in module 1 for the specific activity as your guide.)



A.No.of learners who

learned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No.of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the

D.No.of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Checked by:
Prepared by:
Nelyn Grace V Lebita Winelson P. Buenaflor
English Teacher OIC

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