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In language teaching and sociolinguistic is according to say that there are a relation especially in how they affect each other. For that reason the importance of language into the communities and their interaction, it is fundamental to examine it from a wider view from our position into the educative process, as teachers and English students. I want to talk about the consequence of the language into the teaching process; remembering that we are a society with customs, culture and policies that affect positively and negatively our Colombian context. In this line, I think that language is the most fundamental teaching tool, it is appropriate that we, as teachers, are expected to use it as an effective means for the development of linguistic skills, and to improve their knowledge for example every word, phrase, sentence, that we as teachers pronounce and show has power to help students develop self-control and confidence when they are learning English. I consider important to mention that language is necessary in the society because people need to development social skills and our educational process require to our student to be good motivation to promote their learning, besides when teachers and students use the language to learn about own culture and the same time the others cultures, and to express ideas, feelings, emotions and, of course, to define their own world. Our teacher needs to know that there are different mixtures between the cultures, languages and idioms and dialect, in the same way, it also essential to take into account, that the teacher among the globalized world is able to build an environment, in which everybody is included, to develop personal interests and needs. Thus students can communicate with their context, culture, and everybody easily.

Other important aspect that is essential to mention is the slang because

is quite

relevant if we understand that since it is the basis for the accepted language. So, the teachers need to be conscious about the reality that language is to make meaning. For instance the people can understand different words in English, and it is not necessary to translate those words are ok, blue jean and others, therefore, the slang, student are now acquiring, is to be meaningful. Here, we can see how languages affect the society and we can understand that there are diverse ways to communicate with anothers, there are different languages, and when we study a different language, its necessary to learn about their culture, their costumes and their beliefs. About this, Benveniste (1963) suggests that language is a specific linguistic structure inseparable from a specific society1. And Teachers are also entrusted to go a lot deeper when it comes to study culture. On the one hand, Knowledge of other languages is a help, as we develop some skills and also complement our own. Language is an essential way for interaction, not only to express them selves, but to build friendship, cultural issues, and economic relationships to represent a elemental expression of social identity. As Bakhtin (1929), proposes it: social communication as the main purpose of language.2 it is very important that we think in our students, not as things, but as human beings, because they need to communicate themselves, so, we have to permit that they learn from mistakes to be an excellent speakers, to use the language is complex but is a challenge to be satisfied Every time that our students express something, think about the fact that anyone else can hear it, it should be something that we have to force them to do, as a teaching tool. It should pleasing, the point of being able to use the language in a good way is that they express information to other people in a clear well organized way, and this allows us to spread knowledge, educate the world, and procreate sociolinguistic.


Benveniste (1963) Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching by Diana Jaramillo


Bakhtin (1929) Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching by Diana Jaramillo

For this reason, we, as teachers, are challenged to improve ourselves with the new technologies, strategies, in which the subjects are formed to be critical, to know how to think, to be able to make decisions. Always looking for the construction of autonomy, but taking into account of the sociocultural aspects, in order to integrate ones culture with the world. Today Colombia is concerned to improve the teaching of English, for this reason the educational policies have very ambitious goals for the year 2019 with the national program of bilingual, which takes international where the teaching and learning process are similar to those of the common European framework. As such which says article 2 adoption of the international reference Language use, embracing language learning, comprises the actions performed by persons who as individuals and as social agents develop a range of competences, both general and in particular communicative language competences. They draw on the competences at their disposal in various contexts under various conditions and under various constraints to engage in language activities involving language processes to produce and/or receive texts in relation to themes in specific domains, activating those strategies which seem most appropriate for carrying out the tasks to be accomplished. The monitoring of these actions by the participants leads to the reinforcement or modification of their competences1

Thus, I think that national program of bilingual is not according to our Colombian context because it was creating to European context that has different things such as culture, customs, religions and economical factors that prevent same results and consequences, besides, I believe that to be bilingual is necessary to interchange culture in all aspects of our life with the English language not only for the principal cities or urban areas, it is necessary for everyone.


Ministerio de educacion plan nacional de bilinguismo la Constitucin Poltica, el

artculo 2 de la Ley 115 de 1994 y la Ley 1064 de 2006.

In conclusion, the teacher should understand that is part of a very important for the society, in which at the same time, there is a ministry of education that regulates and give the standards for him to follow when performing his profession. This idea of taking English as a second language in our country Colombia, looking for a social transformation, improvement of the educational competitiveness, and modernism.

All these goals and proposals are presented as part of the educative revolution. Trying get involved all of the social strata, and types of education, formal and informal education. But, there is a fact that I do not consider accorded for our context and is the basis taken for our educational system. I am talking about the European frame work, which was developed in a different context than ours. Thus, I believe that this should be evaluated before being projected for the whole country. In addition to this, I think that we, as the main performers of the education practice, have to be given the rights to participate in the making of such general decisions that affect the whole society.

Lastly, education can not become a mechanism for economical benefits, neither can the subjects in formation be taken as things, or means for carrying out political strategies.


Eliana Shohamy, video. Policy factors Colombian Linguistic Policy plan nacional de bilinguismo Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching by Diana Jaramillo Bilingual Colombia by Carmen Helena Guerrero

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