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New law

Dear Mr. Rignald Armour,

I am writing to you today to propose to you a new law that I think
would be great for our country. The law that i had in mind is that all
pre-mediated, and unprovokerd murders the person that commited
them shall be hanged as soon as they have been caught. This is
excluding self defense muders and abortion muders. This law is
needed because many times murderers commit their crimes and get
away with some even get off of ‘good behavhoir’ then go right back to
their behaviour out of jail and start committing crimes again. Which is
unfair to the person life thry have taken away and unfair to those
persons families.
If this law is put into the system More murders might differ and
change their mind about ending someones life. Because they are
afraid that they themselves will also die from this decision. It can
persudade some peoples thinking and change their mind sets. There
will always be the ones where don’t care about their lives because
they have went through something traumatic and is thinking it can’t get
better but their are ones, that actually are and want to change for the
better it. This law can help reduce the amounts of murders we have
everyday and for the year.
The penaltiy of this law if broken by any of the prison officers is that
they would have to do jail time of 5years, Or they would have to resign
from the job as and officer and not work in the field again, as well as
they would have to personally help out the victims family because you
have rufused to serve them proper justice.

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