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Subject: English
Topic: ‘The Giver’ – Lois Lowry (Novel)

Student Name: __________________________________________

Due Date: Wednesday March 30th 2022 Week: 9

Submission Instructions:
 Submit this sheet, stapled to the front of an A4 printed copy of your task to your class teacher
on the due date during class time.

Font Style: Times New Roman or Calibri

Font Size: 12

Spacing: 1.5

 Plagiarism (copying work from an internet or book source or another student) is not
acceptable and will receive a zero mark.
 Penalty for Late Submission: All late submission of formal assessment tasks without certified
misadventure or illness may result in a zero mark being awarded for that task. A 20% penalty
will apply per day tasks are handed in late.
 Computer hardware or software failure (including printers) will not be accepted as an excuse
for late submission.

Student Confirmation:
 This is all my own work. I have not plagiarised the work of others.
(N.B. In placing a tick in the space provided you are indicating, as you would by signing your name, that
this is all your own work.)

Outcomes being assessed

EN4-1A: responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and

EN4-2A: effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing
texts in different media and technologies

EN4-3B: uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences
and contexts

EN4-5C: thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to respond to
and compose texts
Speculative Fiction is a genre that explores the possibilities of a futuristic world or society. Lois Lowry’s novel
‘The Giver’ has explored some of the genre’s issues and concerns.

For this assessment task, you must write the introduction of a speculative fiction novel based on ONE of the
following images. (See images below)

Your creative excerpt should introduce:

a) A protagonist and their place in their world / society

b) The setting: a society /world in which this protagonist lives in (consider whether it is a utopia or

Try to include at least two of the following conventions and themes:

 Class Struggle – (e.g. Rich v. Poor)

 War
 Power
 Technology / Magic
 Religion
 Good v. Evil
 Civilisation v. Nature
 Nature of Humanity
 Prophecy and Vision

Use language techniques and devices, such as tension, metaphors, allusions, sensory imagery, etc., to create
an intriguing and descriptive introduction to your epic story!

You should keep within the word limit of: 800-1000 words.

Reflection: In the lesson when you submit your creative piece, you will write a reflection which
 The concept behind your work and the influences that helped develop your ideas
 Outlines which conventions or themes you used
 How you used language to make your ideas appealing or engaging to your audience

Image 1
Image 2:

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