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First Quarter – Module 7

Evaluate Spoken Texts Using the Given Criteria
English- Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Quarter-Module 6: EN10LC-IIe-13.2: Evaluate spoken texts using the given criteria
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.)
included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate
and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors
do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Editors : Sonia M. Lauronal, Imelda Pineda Lazaga, Blessilda Pitogo
Reviewer: Abigail Villamor
Illustrator: Maria Gina Nuñez Cabello
Layout Artists: Achilles B. Mendez, Resdale Venz Palabrica
Quality Assurance Team: Emma C. Olandria (Moderator for Key Stage 3)
Leonita Bureros (Evaluator for Grade 10)

Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent:
Marilyn S. Andales, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents:
Cartesa M. Perico
Esther A. Futalan
Leah B. Apao
Chief, CID: Mary Ann P. Flores
EPS in LRMS: Isaiash T. Wagas
EPS in English: Ma. Chona B. Redoble

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Region VII Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
E-mail Address:

First Quarter – Module 7
Evaluate spoken texts using the given criteria

Key Message
For Educators:

Learning is a constant process. Amidst inevitable circumstances, Department of Education extends their
resources and looks for varied ways to cater your needs and to adapt to the new system of Education as a
fortress of Learning Continuity Plan. One of the probable solutions is the use of Teacher-made Educational
Modules in teaching.

You are reading the English Grade 10 – First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
“Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion, correctness- EN10LC- as
stipulated and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.

The creation of this module is a combined effort of competent educators from different levels and various
schools of Department of Education Cebu Province. In addition, this module is meticulously planned, organized,
checked, and verified by knowledgeable educators to assist you in imparting the lessons to the learners while
considering the physical, social and economical restraints in teaching process.

The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to surpass the challenges of teaching in a new
normal education set-up. Through this module, the students are given independent learning activities, which
embodies in the Most Essential Learning Competencies based from the K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work
on in accordance to their capability, efficiency and time. Thus, helping the learners acquire the prerequisite 21 st
Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in considering the whole well being of the learners.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher!

This part of the module gives you helpful

tips, suggestions or strategies that will
make the learning process easy and
efficient to the learners.

Points to Ponder!

As the main source of learning, it is your top priority to explain clearly on how to use this module to the learners.
While using this module, learner’s progress and development should be recorded verbatim to assess their
strengths and weaknesses while doing the activities presented independently in safety of their homes. Moreover,
you are anticipated to persuade learners to comply and to finish the modules on or before the scheduled time.
For the Learners:
As a significant stakeholder of learning, Department of Education researched and explored on innovative
ways to address your needs with high consideration on social, economic, physical and emotional aspects of your
wellbeing. To continue the learning process, DepEd comes up with an Alternative Delivery mode of teaching
using Teacher-Made Educational Modules.

You are reading the ENGLISH-Grade 10: First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module which
is to evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone, cohesion, correctness (EN10LC-).”

This module is especially crafted for you to grasp the opportunity to continue learning even at home.
Using guided and independent learning activities, rest assured that you will be able to take pleasure as well as
to deeply understand the contents of the lesson presented using; recognizing your own capacity and capability
in acquiring knowledge.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

The first part of the module will keep you on tract on the
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW Competencies, Objectives and Skills expected for you to
be developed and mastered.

This part aims to check your prior knowledge on the

WHAT I KNOW lesson to take. If you answered this part with full marks,
you can decide to skip this module.

WHAT’S IN This part helps you link the previous lesson to the current
one through a short exercise/drill.

The lesson to be partaken is introduced in this part of the

module creatively. It may be through a story, a song, a
poem, a problem opener, an activity, a situation or the like.

A brief discussion of the lesson can be read in this part. It

guides and helps you unlock the lesson presented.

A comprehensive activity/es for independent practice is in

this part to solidify your knowledge and skills of the given
WHAT’S MORE topic. Check the answers to the exercises using the
Answer Key at the end of the module.

This part of the module is used to process your

WHAT I HAVE LEARNED learning and understanding on the given topic.

A transfer of newly acquired knowledge and skills to
WHAT I CAN DO a real-life situation is present in this part of the

This activity assesses your level of mastery towards

the topic.

In this section, enhancement activities will be given

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES for you to further grasp the lessons.

This contains answers to all activities in the module.


At the end of this module you will also find:

References Printed in this part is a list of all reliable and valid

resources used in crafting and designing this

In using this module, keep note of the following reminders:
1. The module is government owned. Handle it with care. Unnecessary marks are
prohibited. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering all the given exercises.

2. This module is organized according to the level of understanding. Skipping one part
of this module may lead you to confusion and misinterpretation.

3. The instructions are carefully laden for you to understand the given lessons. Read
each item cautiously.

4. This is a Home-Based class, your reliability and honor in doing the tasks and checking
your answers are a must.

5. This module helps you attain and learn lessons at home. Make sure to clearly
comprehend the first activity before proceeding to the next one.

6. This module should be returned in good condition to your teacher/facilitator once you
completed it.

If you wish to talk to your teacher/educator, do not hesitate to keep in touch with him/her for further
discussion. Know that even if this is a home-based class, your teacher is only a call away. Good
communication between the teacher and the student is our priority to flourish your understanding on
the given lessons.
We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample knowledge and skills for you to be
fully equipped and ready to answer the demands of the globally competitive world. We are confident
in you! Keep soaring high!


GOOD DAY Learner!

This module is especially crafted for you to be abreast with the learning method amid these
trying times. It provides you to access and acquire lessons fitted to your grade level. The exercises,
drills and assessments were carefully written to fit your level of understanding. With this learning
resource, you will fully understand how to evaluate spoken texts using given criteria such as fluency,
tone, cohesion and correctness. With your full cooperation, you can do this independently as you will
be guided with the given instructions so you won’t be overturned as you go through this module.

You need to go over this module and do the exercises, activities and assessment all by yourself.
Don’t you worry you will be guided totally, just read the instructions carefully as you do it.
Using this learning resource, you have to learn how to evaluate spoken texts using given criteria
such as fluency, tone, cohesion and correctness (EN10LC-IIe---), as stipulated in the K-12 Most
Essential Learning Competencies.
At the end of this module, you are expected to achieve the following objectives for this session:

❖ determine set of criteria in evaluating spoken texts;

❖ evaluate spoken texts read using given criteria, such as fluency, tone, cohesion,
correctness, and
❖ show willingness in accomplishing the given tasks.

Task 1. Directions: Study the pictures below, what does each illustrate?

1 2 3


Answers here:
1._________________________________ 4. _______________________________
2. __________________________________ 5. _______________________________
3. __________________________________ 6. _______________________________


TASK 2. Directions: Read the telephone conversation with any member in the family and answer the
questions that follow:

Ms. Anderson (sales representative Jewels and Things): ring ring...ring ring...ring ring...
Mr. Smith (Secretary): Hello, Diamonds Galore, this is Peter speaking. How may I be of help
to you today?
Ms. Anderson: Yes, this is Ms. Janice Anderson calling. May I speak to Mr. Franks, please?
Mr. Smith: I'm afraid Mr. Franks is out of the office at the moment. Would you like me to take
a message?
Ms. Anderson: Uhm...actually, this call is rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a delivery
problem that Mr. Franks mentioned. Did he leave any information with you?
Mr. Smith: As a matter of fact, he did. He said that a representative from your company
might be calling. He also asked me to ask you a few questions...
Ms. Anderson: Great, I'd love to see this problem resolved as quickly as possible.
Mr. Smith: Well, we still haven't received the shipment of earrings that was supposed to
arrive last Tuesday.
Ms. Anderson: Yes, I'm terribly sorry about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our
delivery department and they assured me that the earrings will be delivered by tomorrow
Mr. Smith: Excellent, I'm sure Mr. Franks will be pleased to hear that.
Ms. Anderson: Yes, the shipment was delayed from France. We weren't able to send it along
until this morning.
Mr. Smith: I see. Mr. Franks also wanted to schedule a meeting with you later this week.
Ms. Anderson: Certainly, what is he doing on Thursday afternoon?
Mr. Smith: I'm afraid he's meeting with some clients out of town. How about Thursday
Ms. Anderson: Unfortunately, I'm seeing someone else on Thursday morning. Is he doing
anything on Friday morning?
Mr. Smith: No, it looks like he's free then.
Ms. Anderson: Great, should I come by at 9?
Mr. Smith: Well, he usually holds a staff meeting at 9. It only lasts a half-hour or so. How
about 10?
Ms. Anderson: Yes, 10 would be great.
Mr. Smith: OK, I'll schedule that. Ms. Anderson at 10, Friday Morning...Is there anything else
I can help you with?
Ms. Anderson: No, I think that's everything. Thank you for your help...Goodbye.
Mr. Smith: Goodbye.


1. What was the conversation all about?

2. How did Mr. Smith answer the call?
3. How did Ms. Anderson express her complaint? What was her tone?
4. How did Mr. Smith help Ms. Anderson on her problem?
5. Was the complaint of Ms. Anderson being attended to? How?


Directions: Read the lyrics of the song and try singing it with any member of the family.
Let me hear you sing it
With A Smile
Eraserheads [Chorus 1]
Lift your head, baby, don't be scared
Lift your head, baby, don't be scared Of the things that could go wrong along the
Of the things that could go wrong along the way
way You'll get by with a smile
You'll get by with a smile You can't win at everything but you can try
You can't win at everything but you can try
Baby, you don't have to worry [Verse 1]
'Cause there ain't no need to hurry Baby, you don't have to worry
No one ever said that there's an easy way 'Cause there ain't no need to hurry
When they're closing all their doors No one ever said that there's an easy way
They don't want you anymore When they're closing all their doors
This sounds funny but I'll say it anyway And they don't want you anymore
It sounds funny but I'll say it anyway
Girl, I'll stay through the bad times
Even if I have to fetch you everyday [Chorus 2]
We'll get by with a smile Girl, I'll stay through the bad times
You can never be too happy in this life Even if I have to fetch you everyday
'Cause in a world where everybody We'll get by with a smile
Hates a happy ending story You can never be too happy in this life
It's a wonder love can make the world go
'round [Verse 2]
But don't let it bring you down Cause in a world where everybody
And turn your face into a frown Hates a happy ending story
You'll get along with a little prayer and a song It's a wonder love can make the world go round

But don't let it bring you down And turn your face into a frown
And turn your face into a frown Get along with a little prayer and a song
Get along with a little prayer and a song
[Chorus 1]
[Bridge] Lift your head, baby, don't be scared
(Too, doo-doo-doo) Of the things that could go wrong along the
Let me hear you sing it way
(Too, doo-doo-doo) You'll get by with a smile
So now it’s time to kiss away the tears
[Verse 2] goodbye
Cause in a world where everybody
Hates a happy ending story Source:
It's a wonder love can make the world go round a-smile-lyrics
But don't let it bring you down

2. How did
1. Are you familiar express their
of the song? What feelings?
is it all about?

“With A Smile”

4. Do you like the song?

3. What is the How can you relate it to
message of the the present situation of
song? How is it our country?


▪ Key Points:
What are spoken texts?

Spoken texts are spoken language produced by articulate sounds as opposed to written
language. Examples to these are oral stories, interviews, dialogues, monologues (e.g. a speech, a
presentation to the class or a reportorial), phone conversations, discussions, role plays, or any other
piece of spoken language.

Why do we evaluate spoken texts?

• We need to know if the speaker pronounces individual sounds clearly, understand the
functions of language, and follow the conventions of turn-taking.

• We need to know the production of the phonological features of speech that is well enough
to be understood, and understand them when we hear them.

• We need to understand that evaluating spoken text helps adopt the style and language
register required in different situations, identify the assumptions and references in what
people say and assess whether they listen effectively and critically.

How can we evaluate a spoken text?

Spoken text is being evaluated through the following criteria:
1. Fluency- the flow and efficiency with which you express your ideas, particularly when speaking.
This also involves correct pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences.
2. Tone- the attitude shown by the speaker or writer in conveying his feelings across opinions and
thoughts on the situation which is being discussed.
The following are examples of tone:
sarcastic, pessimistic, formal, informal, threatening, joyful, casual, sad, angry, dull.
3. Cohesion – the “glue” that holds ideas together and allows them to flow smoothly. It shows how
the speaker or writer organized his ideas that is easier for the listeners or readers to understand.
The following are the linkers used to make ideas cohesive:
Adding ideas : also, in addition, as well as, another reason is,
Contrasting ideas : however, even though, although, in contrast, despite, whereas,
Showing reasons : as, since, given that,
Giving examples : for example, for instance, to illustrate this
Explaining results : consequently, for this reason, as a result

4. Correctness –the means of addressing the intended audience in an appropriate manner. This
also entails good grammar because correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the
audience and increases the credibility and effectiveness of the message. It is the notion that certain
words, word forms and syntactic structures meet the standards and conventions (that is, “the rules”)
prescribed by traditional grammarians.
For example, a letter to a principal would use much more formal language than a letter of invitation
to your friends.


Directions: Read aloud the poem in front of the mirror by Elizabet Barret Browning. Answer the
questions that follow.

1. How did you feel reading the poem aloud in front of the mirror?
2. What made you feel that way?
3. What do you think is the tone of the poem?
4. How is your fluency being done?
5. In what way was love expressed in the poem?
6. Can you relate the feelings with the author? How?


Expressing My Side

Why do we need to evaluate spoken text we

read and listened to?

How does evaluating a speaker/writer’s literary

work/s help you as a student?


Filling My Cup Have you

experienced listening to
speeches of politicians or
your friends in front of a
In a three to five
describe/tell how was the
delivery of the speech.

Write your answer here.

Lend Me Your Ears
Directions: Read the speech of DepEd Secretary and answer the questions that follow.
Secretary’s Message on the Graduation/Moving-up Ceremonies for
School Year 2019-2020

My warmest greetings and congratulations to the graduates and

completers of the School Year 2019-2020.

Graduation and moving up ceremonies are significant occasions for the

graduates and completing learners as these marks the milestones of your
educational achievement. May these occasions inspire you to study harder
for the fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations. Life may constantly offer you
challenges, but you have to forge on.

I salute the teachers, our unsung heroes, for molding the minds of our
Filipino youth and producing among these learners the much-needed knowledge and competencies
under the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Hours may be long and the prescribed duties may be
exhausting, but shaping the future of these youth will definitely improve their lives.

To the parents, we thank you for your sacrifices in attending to the needs of your children. Your
guidance and support have helped build their confidence in themselves. You have exerted a powerful
influence on their overall development.

The theme of this year’s end-of-school rites (EOSR), “Sulong EduKalidad: Championing the
Nation’s Future” is consistent with the Department’s call for national effort towards quality basic

DepEd is committed to providing you with 21st century skills through the delivery of quality,
accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education. We continuously strive to institute reforms in our
educational system to ensure that you become globally competitive and able to meet the demands of
the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Again, congratulations!

Sama-sama tayo sa pagsulong ng EduKalidad! Mabuhay!



1. What is the title of the speech?

2. Who is the speaker?

3. To whom is the speech addressed?

4. How did the speaker start her speech?

5. What cohesive devices were used in the


6. What is the tone of the speech?

7. What is the theme of the speech?

8. What part of the speech needs

correcting? Why do you say so?
9. Do you like her speech? Why?


Moving On
Directions: Ponder on this quote and in a two- to three-sentence paragraph, express in your own
words what you have understood.

Write your answer here.


What I know; 1. Stage play or class presentation

2. interview
3. lecture
4. telephone conversation
5. speaking engagement
6. rally

What’s In : Answers may vary

What’s New : Answers may vary
What’s More : Answers may vary
What I Have Learned: Answers may vary
What I can do : Answers may vary
Assessment : 1. Secretary’s Message on the Graduation/Moving-up Ceremonies for School Year 2019-2020
3. to the completers, to the graduating class and to the parents

Nos. 4.-10. (all answers may vary)

Additional activities: answers may vary

Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Strand, K to 12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies with Corresponding Codes. P. 140, accessed June 29, 2020, K-to-12-
MELCS-with-CG- Codes, pdf.
accessed by …July18,

.accessed by July 18, 2020
accessed by July19,2020

accessed by july19,2020


accessed by July 19, 2020.


Accessed by July2020

Accessed by July 20,2020.

accessed by July20,2020.

more-cohesive-a-look-at-linkers/ .

Accessed by July 21, 2020
Accessed by
Sipacio, Philippe John Fresnillo, Anne Richie Garcia Balgos. Features of Effective Communication:
Oral Communication in Context for SHS, C & E Publishing, Inc.2016. p.8

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region VII
Division of Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Lahug, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
E-mail Address:


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