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The total quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from a person's or
another entity's activity is known as their "carbon footprint" (e.g., building,
corporation, country, etc.). It comprises direct emissions, such as those
produced when fossil fuels are used during manufacturing, heating, and
transportation, and indirect emissions resulting from the production of electricity
used to power consumed goods and services. Other greenhouse gases like
methane, nitrous oxide, or chlorofluorocarbons are also frequently included in the carbon footprint idea (CFCs).

The ecological footprint theory, developed in the early 1990s

at the University of British Columbia by Canadian ecologists
William Rees and Swiss-born regional planner Mathis Wacker
Nagel, is connected to and evolved from the concept of the
carbon footprint ecological footprint refers to the total amount
of land required to support a particular activity or population. It
covers environmental impacts like water use and the land devoted to food production. In contrast, a carbon
footprint is usually calculated as tonnes of CO2 or CO2 equivalent annually.

Green building refers to the process of designing, building, operating,

maintaining, renovating, and deconstructing structures in a way that is
resource- and environmentally conscious. This includes everything from
building siting to design to construction to operation and maintenance. The
traditional considerations of economy, usability, durability, and comfort are
expanded and complemented by green practices in building design. The goal
or purpose is to promote social equality and progress while also protecting the environment, conserving
natural resources, and promoting steady economic growth. A clean, safe, and healthy environment is
something that everyone is entitled to. Reducing pollution, unemployment, poverty, and substandard
housing are ways to do this. Thus, carbon emissions can be lowered while the environment is

Firstly, is recycling waste, the majority of the appliances we use at home are
disposed of in landfills, which is bad for the environment. We should recycle the
majority of our waste if we want to reduce the quantity we send to landfills. Plastic,
paper, glass, and metal, for instance, are recyclable and reusable materials. Before
recycling, you should understand how to separate items and recycle them by the
materials they are comprised of. Except for paper products that contain plastic or
metal, almost all paper products can be recycled. Similar to how there are plastic types that can be recycled
and those that cannot. Water bottles made of plastic that contains polystyrene terephthalate can be recycled,
whereas clear plastic food wrappers made of polyvinyl chloride cannot. The same holds for recycling glass and
metal. If this sounds complicated and you're unsure of how to recycle your waste, you may engage an
environmentally friendly garbage removal service to handle it for you.

Secondly, unplugging electrical appliances is another underutilized method of lowering

electricity costs and protecting the environment that may be done at home. Some
appliances, including televisions, computers, air dryers, and electric tea kettles, continuously
drain your wallet and your energy supply. Even after being turned off, these devices still
permit a very tiny electricity flow. Therefore, disconnecting them is the greatest method to
save money. By washing all of your items in cold water, you can also save back on your
utility costs. The World Watch Institute estimates that boiling water consumes 85% of the
energy consumed in clothes washing machines. After washing the clothing, hang them on a clothesline to dry
naturally in the sun. You should also think about opening the windows to let in fresh air rather than using an air

Thirdly reuse paper and plastic bags for shopping. Reuse shopping bags made of
paper and plastic. You are probably aware of the push to reuse paper and plastic
bags unless you have been living under a rock for the past few decades. Numerous
campaigns have been started to get people to recycle their bags. One of the finest
things you can do for the environment is to reuse and recycle paper and plastic
bags. The bags you receive at the supermarket or farmers market can be saved
and brought with you the next time you go shopping. Instead, think about bringing your purchases in tote bags.
Green buildings

Green buildings are those that are designed and constructed with the environment
and energy efficiency in mind. Green construction employs easily recyclable, long-
lasting materials. The goal of green building concepts is to lessen the impact of the
structure on the air, land, and water. A well-designed structure can benefit the
ecosystem and our world. In Malaysia, green buildings are created and accredited using a process called the
Green Building Index (GBI).

The design of a building may have an impact on the health and wellness of its occupants, according to a
growing body of evidence. Three of the top five main causes of mortality, according to the World Health
Organization, are lung and respiratory conditions linked to poor indoor air quality. Additionally, lowering
building emissions, especially in urban areas, can enhance air quality and reduce pollution, both of which are
good for city dwellers' health.

Besides that, it can ensure that everyone has access to modern, sustainable, cheap energy. The cheapest
energy is the energy we don't use, and energy savings from efficient, environmentally friendly structures,
whether they be residences or office buildings, are frequently one of the most discussed advantages. As an
alternative to fossil fuels, green buildings also use renewable energy, which can be less expensive. In Africa,
for instance, home solar systems may be able to power families for as little as $56 per year, which is
significantly less expensive than the cost of fuel or kerosene. This estimate comes from the International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The fact that renewable energy doesn't emit any carbon dioxide further
reduces its negative environmental effects. Energy security is also increased when local renewable energy
sources are combined with energy efficiency.

The practice that can use in green buildings is Net-Zero Structures. Buildings with net-zero energy
consumption—those whose energy use is roughly equivalent to their energy production—are the goal of many
constructors. This kind of construction project aims to reduce carbon emissions, water use, and solid waste
transportation to landfills. People who want to construct a net-zero structure often hunt for on- and off-site
renewable energy sources. Wind turbines, solar water heating, and photovoltaics are a few examples of
common on-site generation technologies. Large-scale wind farms, solar power plants, geothermal power
plants, and hydroelectric facilities are examples of off-site possibilities.

For the government, they can promote green building, therefore, employment, education, and awareness of
Public empowerment is regarded as a crucial force in the transition to green practices. Empowering the
general public would increase social responsibility and encourage everyone to take an active role in protecting
the environment. Public consultation with decision-makers, business leaders, and the general public will be
prioritized. A green-minded society will emerge as a result of public consultations, which seek to involve
everyone relevant in green practices on numerous platforms.

Currently, we just cannot live without transportation. However, the existing

transportation systems come with a host of issues, such as greenhouse gas
emissions, global warming, environmental deterioration, and effects on physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In the world’s greenhouse gas emissions,
which the transportation sector is responsible for. Road transport accounts for the
lion's share, or 75%, of all greenhouse gas emissions, and if this trend persists
unchecked, future emissions are expected to rise.

The sector being targeted in this campaign is transportation because it is the main source of greenhouse gas
emissions. Greening the transportation industry, which refers to any type of vehicle or habit that is
environmentally friendly and doesn't emit toxic gases that could hurt the environment and human health, is the
most obvious and immediate solution to this wanton environmental pollution. This brings us to "Green
Transportation," which is any mode of transportation that is environmentally friendly and has no detrimental
effects on the immediate environment. Making more environmentally friendly travel decisions and using
resources more wisely all revolve around green mobility. The management of privately owned automobiles,
innovation, and production of vehicles that use renewable sources of energy like wind, sun, biofuels, and
hydroelectricity are all needed for this to be successful. Additionally, public knowledge and engagement are

Fewer to no environmental pollution is one of the benefits of green transport The current modes of
transportation rely on energy sources like fossil fuels, which release a significant amount of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere. Since these forms of transportation produce few to no emissions, switching to them would
help get rid of these harmful chemicals from the atmosphere. Fossil fuel energy sources including coal, oil, and
natural gas release poisonous fumes that are bad for our health. These gases have been linked to an increase
in cardiovascular and cancer cases. Adopting green transportation can only increase a nation's health because
the pollutants produced by green cars are not hazardous to human health this can Improve health

GSCM procedures aid in reducing factors that hurt the supply chain process. These actions have a positive
impact on the environment as well as several financial or social benefits Customers have expressed a strong
interest in the goods produced by businesses that focus on environmentally friendly production and marketing
practices. Organizations are putting a lot of effort into integrating GSCM with their logistical operations, as well
as integrating green transportation. In terms of accelerated global warming, health risks, and gas emissions,
transportation is currently the main culprit. Government is under pressure from these issues to develop
environmental safety regulations to lessen the harm done by greenhouse gas emissions. The overarching goal
of implementing green supply chain management practices is to end the overuse of resources, reduce carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, and do away with recycled goods. Additionally, GSCM practices have incorporated a
wide range of elements, such as corporate relationships with suppliers and customers that support the
integration of green practices, green transportation, and reverse logistics.
solid waste management

Waste Collection, Treatment, and Disposal: Waste collection, treatment, and

disposal are all parts of solid waste management. The origin of solid waste must be
identified by students. One of the most crucial chapters in geography, and also a
component of social studies, is solid waste management. Three subjects make up
social studies: geography, history, and civics. Social studies will be judged based on
the average marks earned in these subjects.

Around the world, including India, environmental contamination brought on by hazardous waste has become a
complex issue. It is not possible to manage the waste using conventional technologies without having an
impact on the environment because the types of waste have changed and the amount has increased to a very
high level. The development of new, cutting-edge, and environmentally friendly waste management
technologies as alternatives to traditional technology has led to the creation of sustainable green technology. A
process or product design strategy known as sustainable green technology places an emphasis on
environmental responsibility rather than trying to get around environmental limitations. Technology is the use
and development of tools and systems, followed by the creation of products that protect the environment and
natural resources while minimising the detrimental effects of various human activities (Billatos, 1997).
Sustainable green technology is a type of technology.

Each facility should create a waste management strategy based on the following three hierarchical principles,
according to the NSC . The practice is create less waste by enhancing production techniques that will reduce
all waste, recognize the value of waste and use strategies to avoid its disposal in landfills or incineration, such
as reuse, recycling, composting, selling, and creating new products and properly manage waste: Comply with
laws regarding the legal disposal of waste that cannot be given a second chance.A proactive and sustainable
waste management strategy can be developed with the help of the information on the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Solid Waste website in addition to the recommendations made in this
document.A quarry or manufacturing facility can benefit greatly from the creation of a comprehensive waste
management plan. They consist of the following decreasing the amount of scrap piles, airborne particles, and
general trash makes the workplace safer and healthier for the workers. Employers pay less for health care
when their employees are healthy and reduced costs for disposal, transport, and storage: Reduced waste
storage and transportation expenses

The majority of the solid waste stream generated by the natural stone industry is unique in that it serves as its
raw material. A portion of this waste may be used on site, such as for excavation pit refill or berm construction,
but it is frequently challenging to find a use for all scrap stone and fines produced. Every operation in the
natural stone industry must create and adhere to a waste management plan given this and the other waste
streams in the sector, which include heavy machinery, wastewater sludge, and general site trash.Unnecessary
fines, workplace exposures, and environmental degradation can all be prevented by implementing a proactive
waste management strategy. This document offers strategies for implementing such procedures at a quarry or
manufacturing facility. If it is not properly organised or if piles are allowed to be stacked carelessly, scrap stone
can produce unsafe working conditions in addition to an unfavourable visual impact. Fines discharged into
natural waterways can suffocate nearby ecosystems, and runoff from the scrap mounds can exacerbate
erosion issues. In addition, landfill fees can result in extra costs for quarry and fabrication operators if waste
must be disposed of off-site.

Firstly, is recycling waste, the majority of the appliances we use at home are disposed of in landfills, which is
bad for the environment. If this sounds complicated and you`re unsure of how to recycle your waste, you may
engage an environmentally friendly garbage removal service to handle it for youSecondly, unplugging electrical
appliances is another underutilized method of lowering electricity costs and protecting the environment that
may be done at home.Thirdly reuse paper and plastic bags for shopping. Reuse shopping bags made of paper
and plastic. One of the finest things you can do for the environment is to reuse and recycle paper and plastic
Green buildings are those that are designed and constructed with the environment and energy efficiency in
mind. The goal of green building concepts is to lessen the impact of the structure on the air, land, and water.
Additionally, lowering building emissions, especially in urban areas, can enhance air quality and reduce
pollution, both of which are good for city dwellers` health. The cheapest energy is the energy we don`t use, and
energy savings from efficient, environmentally friendly structures, whether they be residences or office
buildings, are frequently one of the most discussed advantages. As an alternative to fossil fuels, green
buildings also use renewable energy, which can be less expensive. The fact that renewable energy doesn`t
emit any carbon dioxide further reduces its negative environmental effects.
The practice that can use in green buildings is Net-Zero Structures. This kind of construction project aims to
reduce carbon emissions, water use, and solid waste transportation to landfills. People who want to construct a
net-zero structure often hunt for on- and off-site renewable energy sources.However, the existing
transportation systems come with a host of issues, such as greenhouse gas emissions, global warming,
environmental deterioration, and effects on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
The sector being targeted in this campaign is transportation because it is the main source of greenhouse gas
emissions. Greening the transportation industry, which refers to any type of vehicle or habit that is
environmentally friendly and doesn`t emit toxic gases that could hurt the environment and human health, is the
most obvious and immediate solution to this wanton environmental pollution. This brings us to "Green
Transportation," which is any mode of transportation that is environmentally friendly and has no detrimental
effects on the immediate environment.
Fewer to no environmental pollution is one of the benefits of green transport The current modes of
transportation rely on energy sources like fossil fuels, which release a significant amount of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere. These actions have a positive impact on the environment as well as several financial or
social benefits Customers have expressed a strong interest in the goods produced by businesses that focus on
environmentally friendly production and marketing practices. Government is under pressure from these issues
to develop environmental safety regulations to lessen the harm done by greenhouse gas emissions. The
development of new, cutting-edge, and environmentally friendly waste management technologies as
alternatives to traditional technology has led to the creation of sustainable green technology.
1. What is Green Practices | IGI Global (
2. Importance of Green Building | Green Built Alliance
3. What is a carbon footprint - definition of carbon footprint (
4. What is Green Practices | IGI Global (
5. Green Building Practices | Planning for Complete Communities in Delaware (
6. Government to promote green building policy | News | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific
7. Importance of Green Building | Green Built Alliance
8. Green-Technology-Master-Plan-Malaysia-2017-2030.pdf (
9. Green Transportation in Green Supply Chain Management | IntechOpen
10. Solid Waste Management: Definition, Types, Methods - Embibe
11. Modes and Benefits of Green Transportation - Conserve Energy Future (
12. Solid Waste Management Best Practices – Natural Stone Council
13. Sustainable Approaches in Engineering, Implementation of Sustainable Green Technologies in Waste
Management (

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