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Resolution : Katniss and Peeta return to District 12 and their newly constructed residence in

Victor's Village. They settled in and resumed their regular routine. Prim and Katniss's mother
were overjoyed to see them when they got back on the train. The only difference was that
Katniss was now wealthy, something she wasn't used to because she had been very poor prior
to the games.
Falling action: Because they were the winners of the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta
are well-known throughout Panem. The capital hospitals treated their wounds after the
hunger games. Despite the fact that Panem President Snow dislikes the way they blackmailed
the capital, they defied the capital. As a result, Katniss had to act like she would rather die
than marry Peeta. As a result, the districts did not revolt against the capital.
Exposition: During the reaping phase of the Hunger Games. Prim, Katniss's sister, is chosen to
participate in the Hunger Games, in which two male and two female tributes from each district
compete to the death. As a mark of respect, Katniss volunteers to participate in the Hunger
Games and fight to the death.
Climax: Katniss, Peeta, and Cato from district one remain as tributes. Cato is pursued by Mutt
Dogs until he reaches the location where Katniss and Peeta are fighting. Because of Cato's
armor, the Mutt dogs can't kill him. However, Cato is killed when Katniss shoots a bow through
his head. Although Katniss and Peeta believe they have prevailed, the capital declares that
only one person from the same district can live. Therefore, Katniss procures poisonous berries
so that they can kill themselves so that they do not have to kill one of them. The capital
declares that the rule is reinstated because there must be a winner. They declare Katniss and
Peeta the winners after they spit out the berries.
Rising action: Katniss is put on a train to go to the capital of Panem, to fight in the hunger games. In the
tributes headquarters they train for the games. Once the hunger games start there are many death's in the
first day. Katniss is without allies while Peeta the male tribute from district 12 has many strong allies that
eventually betray him.The capital announces the male and female for each district can live not just one
person. Peeta gets wounded protecting Katniss from a sword that another tribute tried to kill Katniss with.
They end up together hiding from the other tributes. Katniss takes care of Peeta untill his wound heels by
know there was only a few tributes left.

Denouement: Katniss is devastated when Peeta is taken away after suffering severe injuries.
During a televised reunion, they both recover and reintroduce themselves to one another.
Katniss learns that the president considers her behavior rebellious.

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