6 転移

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## 転移


「転移性恋愛についての見解」〔『フロイト全集 13』岩波書店、所収〕の中で、フロイトは、転移と愛の間に
<!-- In Observations on Transference Love, Freud says that no difference exists
between transference and love. Transference is merely love under special conditions
(of analysis and resistance), and thus represents merely a special case of love. --

<!-- Repeating and supplementing our earlier discussion of love in transference, we
believe that the difference between the two lies in the fact that while in love the
object is put in the place of the ego ideal through projection, in transference the
physician unites in his person via projection the superego, ego ideal and daimon.
In the last, anxiety predominates. With the former there is overestimation of the
object, the work of love. Dread of the physician, or the desire to be loved by him,
are thus the characteristic attitudes of transference. -->

<!-- In the positive transference the patient wants to be loved by the doctor as
his ego ideal. The consequence of this desire to be loved by the physician and of
the fear of him is a narcissistic identification with him. The nucleus of all
positive transference, as in the case of love, is the narcissistic phenomenon of
wanting to be loved. Equally, what has previously been said about active loving and
the passive desire to be loved applies also to transference: the actively loving
person represents his ego in the object, while he himself imitates his ego ideal.
For the person wanting passively to be loved, the object represents the ego ideal
by which he wants to be loved, and he himself represents the ego. -->

<!-- In the negative transference the hatred directed against the physician (the
parents) is also directed against the ego. This hatred often disguises love
(positive transference under the guise of negative transference), or the aggression
of the patient is merely an attempt to test the love of the physician. Sometimes
the discharge of the aggressions of the person's own ego upon the object has been
unsuccessful. This is the difference between 'normal' and neurotic hatred; in the
former, the directing of Thanatos onto the object has been successful. Neurotic
hatred is directed against the ego through anxiety and guilt. -->

<!-- This leads to the psychopathology of ambivalence. According to the conception
here outlined, love is the desire to be loved by the ego ideal which has been
projected onto the object; hate is the attempt to transfer Thanatos onto the
object. The attempt is unsuccessful; the aggression is inhibited because the object
is the person's own ego ideal, so that the aggression is after all again directed
against the ego. -->

<!-- Thus, in positive and negative transference narcissistic elements are as
predominant as they are in love. What distinguishes it from love is the extent of
the participation of the superego which is projected onto the object (in love, only
the ego ideal; in transference, the ego ideal and the daimon). Progress in analytic
treatment lies in overcoming the projection of the daimon upon the doctor in the
interest of projecting the ego ideal upon him, in order to resolve this too at the
end of treatment. Thus, the patient learns to 'love'. Identification as a defense
against anxiety gives way also to that identification which we have previously
designated as an integral part of love. -->

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