Mind Priest

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Mind Priest

New Cleric Domain

This is a new Thought Domain for clerics that worship Psionic Gods. In Forgotten Realms this is a sleeping
deity known as Auppenser. The domain gives such Mind Priests limited access to psionic disciplines as
outlined in the Mystic class playtest.

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Thought Domain
Bonus Talent
The gods of thought and psionics are generally When you choose this domain at 1st level you
distant and sometimes even alien in their gain a single Psionic Talent of your choice from
behavior. They include celestial beings such as the mystic class.
Xan Yae, Zuoken, the Beyonder and Auppenser.
Their portfolios generally include the art of Channel Divinity: Limitless
psionics as well as mental enlightenment. Such
Starting at 2nd level whenever you use Sublime
gods bestow on their faithful psychic powers
Transference you can also choose to use your
that function like a mystic’s but are powered by
Channel Divinity to recover all spent spell slots
belief; which itself is a sort of mental
from that action.
enlightenment. Their priests are generally
monastic but almost as commonly they are
Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts
militant as well. Their flocks are small in
number though the priests will openly shelter At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to awaken your mind for a period of time. You
any with psionic potential even if they keep
their doors closed to others, including even the can then use your opened mind to access the
sick or dying. thoughts of other creatures and even command
them via your will.
Domain Discipline
As an action, choose one creature that you can
Unlike normal clerics, priests of the mind do not
see within 60 feet of you. That creature must
gain Domain Spells at 1st level upon choosing
make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature
this domain. Instead they gain a single Lesser
succeeds on the save you cannot use this
Discipline of their choice from the Mystic class.
feature again until you finish a long rest.
They can use its Psychic Focus as normal,
activing it with a bonus action. Unlike a Mystic
If the creature fails its save, you can read its
however their Wisdom modifier is used in place
surface thoughts when it is within 60 feet of
of Intelligence as follows:
you. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Discipline save DC = 8 + your proficiency
During that time, you can use your action to end
bonus + your Wisdom modifier
this effect and cast the Suggestion spell on the
creature without expending a spell slot. The
Discipline attack modifier = your proficiency
target automatically fails its saving throw
bonus + your Wisdom modifier
against this spell.
Sublime Transference
Potent Mind
Starting at 1st level a Thought Priest can, as a
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom score
free action, spend spell slots to power their
modifier as bonus force damage when you deal
chosen Discipline by converting them to psi
at least 1 point of psychic damage to a target.
points. The level of the spell slot indicates the
number of psi points gained. Multiple spell slots
can be spent at once. The priest cannot store
these transferred psi points so any unspent At 17th level you gain another Discipline of your
choice which can be either lesser or greater.
points that had been converted after discipline
expenditure are lost.

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