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Class 10th Paper :ENGLISH Test # : FLP-1

Name: ____________________________ Roll No. _________

Time: 2 hour Marks: 19 Date: 06-01-2023
OBJECTIVE Paper Code: 7011
Note : Four possible answers A,B,C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is
correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or
filling two questions will result in zero mark in that question.
Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubble sheet.(19)
1 The baby ……..for milk now
(a) Cry (b) cried (c) crying (d) is crying
2 I ………this bike a month ago
(a) Bought (b) buy (c) buys (d) will buy
3 I shall …….my work in a minute
(a) Finished (b) finish (c) will finish (d) finishing

4 I have already………three cups of coffee

(a) Taken (b) take (c) taking (d) took
5 Good students always …….hard
(a) works (b) working (c) work (d) am working
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet.
6 Traits trats treits traites
7 Mynor minor minere mainor
8 intercede intrecede intreside inntereced
9 masinger mesenger massenger messenger
Choose the correct option and fill up the bubble sheet.
10 Leisure means:
(a) busy (b) free (c) lazy (d) brave
11 Luxury means:
(a) comfort (b) report (c) hard (d) coverage
12 Justice is a /an noun:
(a) abstract noun (b) common (c) proper (d) material noun
13 Foe means:
(a) enemy (b) friend (c) relatives (d) forefathers
14 Glorious means:
(a) splendid (b) fabulous (c) lustrous (d) bright
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubble sheet.
15 This is an old fashioned hat. Underlined phrase is a which phrase:
(a) adjective phrase (b) noun phrase (c) adverb phrase (d) none
16 The sun shines brightly. Underlined verb is a/an verb
(a) transitive (b) intransitive (c) regular (d) regular
17 She writes.. unerlined verb is :
(a) regular verb (b) transitive verb (c) intransitive (d) regular verb
18 Everybody enjoys a good environment. Underlined word is a / an pronoun…
(a) reflexive (b) personal (c)interrogative (d) indefinite
19 I have given up smoking. The underlined word is a/an
(a) gerund (b) infinitive (c) verb (d) participle

Q.2#. Answer any five of the following Questions.(10)
(1) Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
(2) What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolized?
(3) What should your first aid kit consist of?
(4) What can we learn from failure?
(5) How did the Rasool (P.B.U.H) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
(6) How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool (P.B.U.H)?
(7) what will happen after the rain stops?
(8) what do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?

Q.#3. Translate the following paragraphs into Urdu.(8)

In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I held several summer jobs in the preceding two years. I
also worked to help myself financially in a boarding school. My first summer job was at the English language center. My second
job was at McDonalds, and my past summer job was at D.K Academy. I am thankful to all these institutions for these job
experiences. They have prepared me mentally and financially. This is important in a way that I am now more mature.
Q.#4. Write down the summary of the poem “Try Again”.(5)
Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context:
If we strive tis no disgrace
Though we did not win the race
What should you do in that case?

Q.#5. Write an essay of 150-200 words on any one of the following topics (15)
Sports and Games Courtesy A true Muslim
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any one of the following topics:
My school Girl Guides A visit to a museum

Q.#6. Change any Five of the following sentences into Indirect form.(5)
1- He said, “May Allah help me do my duty".
2- my father said to me, “ Be regular”.
3- She said, “I have returned the books.”
4- I said to him, “ where are you going”
5- the teacher said, “is the period over".
6- He said, “May you prosper".
7- he said to the peon, “ Ring the bell.”
8- She said, “I do not agree with you.”
Q.#7. Use any five of the following pair of words in your own sentences. (5)
(i). Aldvice,Advise (ii). Bale , Bail (iii). Bare , Bear (iv). Berth , Birth
(v). Elder , Older (vi). Feet , Feat (vii). Eligible , Illegible (viii). Except , Accept
Q.#8. Translate the following paragraph into English. (8)
‫والدین کی عزت کرنا ہمارا اخالقی فرض ہے۔ وہ ہمارا بہت خیال رکھتے ہیں۔ وہ یمیں خوراک دیتے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں لباس دیتے ہیں۔وہ ہمیں چیزیں مہیا‬
‫کرتے ہیں۔جن کی ہمیں ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔وہ ہمیں سکول بھیجتے ہیں۔تاکہ تعلیم حاصل کرنے کے بعدان کی خدمت کر یں۔ اس سے ہمیں راحت ملے گی۔‬

Exclusively for candidates whose medium of examination is English(Q.#8 Alternative to Urdu Translation)
Q.#8. Write ten sentences about “My School”

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