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Anastasia Chiarini p.

Prepare to Read
Word Dictionary



Build Insight

1. Personal Connections Which part of the poem did you find the most compelling
—the frame or the interior story? Why?
The interior story because it carried many important themes and was beautifully

2. Reading Check (a) What has Everard Hall written? (b) What does Arthur ask
Sir Bedivere to do? (c) Who arrives to take King Arthur away?

a)A retelling of Arthur's legend

b) he tells Bedivere to throw excalibur into a lake
c)The three queens and one of them is Morgana

3. Strategy: Create Mental Images At what points in the poem did you pause to
monitor your comprehension? What adjustments, if any, did you make to your
reading process? Explain.

I didn’t really pause to evaluate my comprehension but when I was clueless of a word I
either used context clues or the internet. My reading process will forever be skimming.

4. (a) Distinguish What complaints about the nature of modern life does the parson
make in the frame narrative? (b) Connect In what ways does Everard Hall's
poem suggest an answer to those complaints?

a)He complains about the decay of faith b) Faith is about dependence and
answers when all is lost. The poem surrounds Arthur's death and what the
characters do as a result.
5. (a) What does Arthur request of Bedivere? (b) Compare and Contrast What
different concerns or fears motivate Bedivere’s failures to obey the king the first
two times he tries? Explain.

a)He begged him to throw excalibur in a lake.b)It was hard for him to rid himself
of something so beautiful and valuable.

6. (a) Analyze Reread lines 277 – 289. What did the Round Table symbolize, or
represent, to Bedivere? (b) Interpret What greater significance does the
symbolic meaning of the Round Table give to its failure and the death of the
king? Explain.

a)It was everything that he lived for. b) The round table collapsing was like
Bevideres whole world collapsing

Analyze and Interpret




rathful= wrathful


1. (a) Make Inferences What are the speaker and his companions like in the frame
story? Cite details that support your inferences. (b) Compare and Contrast How
do the characters in the poem’s interior story compare to those of the frame?

They are laid back but intellectual speechwise. An example is Parson’s

complaints surrounding modern life.b)The ones in the story are much more
serious and dramatic.

2. (a) Analyze In the frame, what aspects of the modern world do the characters find
disappointing? (b) Connect How does the interior story, especially Bedivere’s
fears and complaints, echo similar themes? Explain.

a)They feel they have nothing to depend on or to believe in, no faith.b)Without

the round table Bevidere had nothing left to depend on

3. (a) Analyze In the frame, why does Hall dismiss the value of his poem, the interior
story? (b) Assess Was Hall correct in his judgment of his poem? Explain. (c)
Interpret In what ways does the frame story add even greater poignancy to the
interior story? Explain.

a)He thinks that since it is a retelling it will be boring since everyone knows the
story.b)No,it was engaging.c)It creates parallels and ties to the modern world
making the themes more relatable and meaningful.

4. Bedivere’s efforts to fling Excalibur into the lake follow the dramatic structure of
threes. (a) Analyze Explain the reasons Bedivere fails on each of his first two
attempts. What character flaw or weakness does he reveal each time? (b)
Interpret Why does he succeed on the third attempt?

a)The character flaws revealed as he fails numerous times are greed and
selfishness/human desire/lust.b)he has a revelation and threw it with his heart

5. Evaluate What effects does the dramatic structure of threes have on this poem?
For example, what ideas does it help the poet explore? What expectations does
it create in the reader?

The authors use of the rule of three structures creates opportunity for many
scenarios and creates anticipation in the reader.

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