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Castellanos 1

Nestor Castellanos
Mr. Francis
10th grade
How the First World Started?
World War I was a war that took place in Europe between 1914 and 1918. It was a
conflict that began in Europe and involved the world’s major powers in a large scale war. This
war happened because of a lot of factors such as political, social and economic factors that
characterized Europe at that time. The political factors that contributed to the outbreak of World
War I included rivalries between European powers, military investment, tensions between
European nations and a complex system of military alliances. Rivalries among the European
powers had grown stronger as each struggled for control of markets and resources, and sought to
gain dominance in the world. In addition to political factors, social problems in Europe also
contributed to the outbreak of war. Nationalism was on the rise in many countries, and tensions
between different ethnic. Finally, the economic crisis that had begun in the early 20th century
had also created tensions in Europe. Competition for economic resources and the struggle for
power in the world had led to a military race, which had led to a large investment of money and
resources in the development of new military technologies. World War I was an conflict that
began in 1914 and lasted until 1918, and had a profound impact on world history. Although the
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo was the immediate cause of the war, the
causes are complex and varied.
The conflict began with Germany's invasion of Belgium in August 1914, and quickly
escalated into a war involving millions of soldiers and civilians. The most significant battles of
World War I include the Battle of the Marne, the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme.
As the war progressed the United States entered the conflict in 1917, which eventually allowed
the Allies to gain an advantage in the war. "the U.S. Senate voted 82 to 6 to declare war against
Germany" ( Editors). The war came to an end in 1918 after the signing of the
Armistice of Compiègne, which ended the fighting on the Western Front. World War I had a
profound impact on the world. The conflict caused the deaths of millions of people and left many
more injured and traumatized. The war also led to significant changes in international politics,
and laid the groundwork for World War II and other subsequent conflicts(Sawers).
Before World War I, Europe was experiencing a series of political, economic and social
tensions that combined to create an atmosphere of instability across the continent. One of the
main political tensions was the rivalry between the major European powers, especially between
Germany and the United Kingdom. (Bilinski )In addition to political rivalry, Europe was also
experiencing social and ethnic tensions. In many places, including the Austro-Hungarian Empire,
different ethnic groups felt marginalized and sought more autonomy and rights. Europe before
World War I was experiencing a series of political, social and ethnic tensions that threatened the
stability of the continent. These problems set the stage for the outbreak of the most devastating
armed conflict in history. This would forever change the course of European and world history.
The causes of World War I are complex and multifaceted, but can be summarized in three
main factors: political tensions between the great European powers, the arms race and the rise of
Castellanos 2

nationalism. The political rivalry between the great powers, especially between Germany and the
United Kingdom, created an atmosphere of distrust that caused countries to seek alliances with
other countries to protect themselves. The arms race was also a major factor in the outbreak of
war. European countries were investing large sums of money in building armaments, which
increased tension and distrust between nations. "Germany's military-industrial complex was
determined to make sure that Germany had the capacity to defeat its enemies in a war" (Fischer).
World War I was the result of a number of interrelated factors, including political tensions, an
arms race and rising nationalism. These causes set the stage for the outbreak of the most
devastating armed conflict in history, which forever changed the course of European and world
In conclusion, World War I was the result of a complex interplay of political, social and
economic factors. Rivalries between the European powers, the arms race, imperialist and
nationalist tensions and a complex system of military alliances were the background for the
outbreak of the war. This war demonstrated the danger and uselessness of war, leaving a legacy
of devastation and suffering in Europe and around the world. However, the war also had
profound and lasting consequences for international politics and society at large. In the post
World War I era, world leaders and ordinary citizens began to recognize the need to avoid future
large scale conflicts. The League of Nations was created to foster international cooperation and
prevent war, and world leaders worked to establish a new international order that would be more
just and peaceful. World War I was a tragic and inevitable result of the rivalries, tensions and
problems that affected Europe at the time. Although the war left a legacy of pain and suffering, it
also led to a greater understanding of the need for peace and international cooperation to build a
better future.
Castellanos 3

Works Cited Editors” The United States officially enters World War I”. History. A&E
Television Networks. 1/9/ 2010.
enters-world-war-i . 2/17/2023.
Sawers,Peter.” What was the Armistice?” nationaltrust. .2/17/2023.
Bilinski, Adam.” Europe on the Road to WWI”. 02/23/2022.
alliances.html . 2/17/2023 .

Freeman, Sam. “arms race”. Britannica. 12/16/2013. . 02/23/2022.
Cameron, Fraser. “The Impact of the First World War and Its Implications for Europe
%20the%20rise%20of%20Hitler . 02/23/2022.

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