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State of Illinois

County of Bethalto

Notice of Intent to File Claim on Public Official Bond

Notice to Notifying Party

Name: Jane Doe Name:
Bethalto Community Unit School Address:
District #8
Title: Superintendent
Address: 101 School Street Phone:
Bethalto, IL 62010 Email:

Unconstitutional and Illegal Actions:

Universal Declaration on Human Rights (art. 25(2)): The Inter-American Court has
emphasized that violations of a child’s human rights, including their rights to life,
freedom from torture and other cruel, degrading or unusual treatment are particularly
grave, including in times of armed conflict. A child is tortured in your school and forced
to wear a face covering in order to attend classes. Children have the same human rights
as adults and it is up to us to protect these rights when you continue to violate my
child’s right to breathe fresh clean air. OSHA has already stated that the mask you are
demanding our children to wear will not stop the spread of this virus and will only
damage their repertory system.

Child Endangerment Act: An act or neglect to perform an act that causes a child to
suffer physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. A young child\s brain is not full
developed. Denying my child the freedom to breathe fresh clean air has resulted in
blurred vision, headaches, and behavior problems that never existed before you
enforced illegal and unconstitutional mandates on my child. This is child endangerment
and cruelty to children to force them to wear a mask in school. There is no scientific
proof that masking a young child will even stop the spread of an illness that has not
even been proven to exist.

Failure to Withhold the Constitution of the United States: You have sworn to
uphold the constitution of the State of Illinois and the constitution of the United States of
America. The Constitution is supposed to be a metaphorical shield to protect individual
Rights from oppressive forces whose goal is to abolish them. The constitution exists to
protect individual liberty and individual property. And the foundation of all rights is the
rights to private property. The right to private property is a right of each individual
human being to own himself/herself. You have violated our freedom and our right. As a
parent I have the right to choose what is best for my child. You are trying to take my
rights away under the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois.

The Nuremberg Code: Clearly states voluntary consent. Children have rights under the
Nuremberg Code. You have violated this code and are now in contempt of legal actions
taken against you if this continues.
COL (Color of Law): Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting
under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by
the Constitution or laws of the United States.

As a parent it is my legal right to stand up for my child and demand that these illegal
mandates stop immediately. We have the freedom to choose if we want to send our
children to school with a mask or not. You have no legal basis or are you a medical
doctor to determine what is right or wrong for the health of my child. If these illegal acts
do not end immediately and parents are not given back their freedom of choice I will
follow through with this intent to file against your Public Official Surety Bond for
damages you have caused my child.

Total Amount Owed To Notifying Party: $4,298,616.00

This notice is provided to inform you that the Notifying Party has provided the above
descriptions of the unconstitutional and illegal actions that have endangered the health
of my son attending this school district. If these illegal mandates do not stop today, I
will seek damages for the full amount listed above.

If this action does not stop today, the Notifying Party will file a claim against your Public
Officer Bond that is issued by Liberty Mutual Surety, bond number 404237471. You have
(48) hours after this notice has been delivered to you to stop these illegal mandates at
all the schools in your district. Remove the school board members who have followed
these mandates, and enforce disciplinary actions against the teacher(s) who are forcing
children to wear masks.


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