DPP-Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 1 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Pressure and Thrust

+ +
   

 

 − 
  +  −   
 + 
 

DTS - 1 1 Level -1 | Liquids


+ +
 

 

 


+ 

+ 

DTS - 1 2 Level -1 | Liquids

 

 

DTS - 1 3 Level -1 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 2 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Buoyant Force

 

    
 +  +  +    + 
   
   

= 

 
= 
  

 +     + 
   
−   −    
   

DTS - 2 1 Level -1 | Liquids

− =

− −

DTS - 2 2 Level -1 | Liquids

   

 

=   =

=   = 

DTS - 2 3 Level -1 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 3 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Fluid Dynamics

31. Water is flowing through a tube of radius r with a speed v. If this tube is joined to another tube of radius r/2,
what is the speed of water in the second tube?
(A) v/4 (B) v/2 (C) 2v (D) 4v

32. A hole is made at the bottom of a tank filled with water (density  10 3 kg/m 3 ). If the total pressure at the

bottom of the tank is 3 atm (1 atm  105 N/m 2 ), then the velocity with which water leaves the hole is :
(A) 20 m/s (B) 10 2 m/s (C) 10 6 m/s (D) 10 5 m/s
33. A cylindrical tank of height H is completely filled with water. On its vertical side there are two tiny holes, one
above the middle at a height h1 and the other below the middle at a depth h 2 . If the jets of water from the

holes meet at the same point at the horizontal plane through the bottom of the tank then the ratio h1 / h 2 is:

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

34. A tank is filled up to a height 2H with a liquid and is placed on a platform
of height H from the ground. The distance x from the ground where a small
hole is punched to get the maximum range R is :
(A) H (B) 1.25H
(C) 1.5H (D) 2H
35. A cylindrical vessel contains a liquid of density  up to height h. The liquid is closed by a piston of mass m
and area of cross section A. There is a small hole at the bottom of the vessel. The speed v with which the
liquid comes out of the hole is:
 mg 
(A) 2gh (B) 2  gh  
 A 

 mg  mg
(C) 2  gh   (D) 2 gh 
 A  A

36. An ideal fluid flows in a pipe of varying area of cross-
section as shown in the figure. The pressure in the
fluid at the bottom P2 is the same as it is at the top

P1. If v1  2m/s. Then the ratio of areas A1 / A2 is:

(A) 2:1 (B) 4:1 (C) 8:1 (D) 4:3

37. Water from a tap emerges vertically downwards with an initial velocity V0 . Assuming pressure is constant

throughout the stream of water and the flow is steady, find the distance from the tap at which cross-
sectional area of stream is half of the cross sectional area at the tap.

(A) V02 / 2g (B) 3V02 / 2g (C) 2V02 / g (D) 5V02 / 2g

DTS - 3 148 Level - 1 | Liquids

38. The figure shows a vertical pipe of uniform cross-section in which a liquid of density  is

flowing upwards. If v A and vB be the velocities of the fluid at points A and B separated

by a distance h; p A and p B are the respective pressure at the two points, then select the

correct option:
(A) vB  v A (B) PB  PA (C) PA  PB  gh (D) PA  PB  gh

39. Figure shows a crude type of atomizer. When bulb A is compressed, air flows swiftly through tube BC
causing a reduced pressure in the vertical tube. Liquid rises in the tube, enters BC and is sprayed out. The
pressure in the bulb is P0  P , where P is the gauge pressure and P0 is the atmospheric pressure. If v is the

speed of air in BC, find how large would v need to be, to cause the liquid to rise to BC. (Density of air is a

and density of liquid is  )

( P  gh ) Ph g
(A) 2 (B)
a a

P gh P
(C) (D)
a gh a

40. A horizontal tube has different cross sections at points A and B. The areas of cross section are a1 and a 2 ,

respectively, and pressures at these points are p1  gh1 and p2  gh 2 where  is the density of liquid

flowing in the tube and h1 and h 2 are heights of liquid columns in vertical-tubes connected at A and B. If

h1  h 2  h , then the flow rate of the liquid in the horizontal tube is:

2gh 2g
(A) a1a 2 (B) a1a 2
a12  a 22 h (a12  a 22 )

(a12  a 22 )h 2a1a 2 gh
(C) a1a 2 (D)
2g (a12  a 22 ) a12  a 22

41. A cubical box of water has a small hole located

in one of the bottom corners. When the box is
full and sitting on a level surface, opening of
the hole results in a flow of water with a speed
v0, as shown in figure (a). When box is still

half empty, it is tilted by 45° so that the hole is

at the lowest point. Now the water will flow out
with a speed of:
v0 v0
(A) v0 (B) v0 / 2 (C) (D)
2 2

DTS - 3 149 Level - 1 | Liquids

42. A large tank is filled with two immiscible liquids of densities 1 and 2 . A small hole is made at the base of

the tank and liquid of density 2 starts flowing out of it. Three points A, B and C are marked on a vertical
line. Velocity with which liquid leaves the hole is :
g ( 1h1  2h 2 ) 2 g (1h1  2h 2 )
(A) (B)
2 2

2 g (1h1  2h 2 )
(C) (D) 2 g (h1  h 2 )

43. The velocity of the liquid coming out of a small hole of a vessel containing two
different liquids of densities 2 and  as shown in the figure is:

(A) 6gh

(B) 2 gh

(C) 2 2gh

(D) gh

44. There are two identical very small holes of area of cross section ‘a’ on the
opposite sides of a tank containing a liquid of density . The difference in
height between the holes is h. The tank is resting on a smooth horizontal
surface. The horizontal force which will have to be applied on the tank to keep
it in equilibrium is:
2gh gh
(A) gh a (B) (C) 2agh (D)
a a

45. A large cylindrical tank has a hole of area A at its bottom and water is poured into the tank through a tube of
cross sectional area A ejecting water at speed v. Which of the following is true?
(A) Water level in tank keeps on rising
(B) No water can be stored in the tank

(C) Water level will rise to height v 2 /2g and then stop
(D) The water level will be oscillating

DTS - 3 150 Level - 1 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 4 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Surface Tension

46. A film of soap solution is trapped between a vertical frame and a light wire ab of

length 0.1 m. If g  10 m/s2 , then the load mass that should be suspended from the

wire to keep it in equilibrium is : (  25  103 N / m )

(A) 0.25 gm (B) 0.3 gm
(C) 0.4 gm (D) 0.5 gm

47. Consider a vertical pipe of semi-circular cross section dipped in a liquid. Assume that the wetting of the tube
is complete. The force of surface tension on the flat part and on curved part of the tube are in the ratio:
(A) 2: (B) 1:  (C) 3: (D) 2.7 : 

48. Water rises to a height h in a capillary tube of cross sectional area A. The height to which water will rise in a
capillary tube of cross sectional area 4A will be:
(A) h (B) h/2 (C) h/4 (D) 4h

49. A liquid of density  and surface tension  rises in a capillary tube of diameter d. Angle of contact between

the tube and liquid is zero. The weight of the liquid in the capillary tube is:
d d
(A) 2d (B) (C) d (D)
2 

50. In the above problem, the increase in gravitational potential energy of the liquid due to rise in the capillary is:

2 2 2 2
(A) gd (B) (C) 2  2g (D)
g gd

51. The angle of contact between glass and water is 0° and water (surface tension 70 dyne/cm) rises in a glass
capillary up to 6 cm. Another liquid of surface tension 140 dyne/cm, angle of contact 60° and relative density
2 will rise in the same capillary up to :
(A) 12 cm (B) 24 cm (C) 3 cm (D) 6 cm

52. Water rises in a capillary tube to a certain height such that the upward force due to surface tension is

balanced by 75  10 4 N force due to the weight of the liquid. If the surface tension of water is 6  10 2 Nm 1,
the inner circumference of the capillary must be: (angle of contact is zero)

(A) 1.25  10 2 m (B) 0.50  10 2 m (C) 6.5  10 2 m (D) 0.125 m

53. If the surface tension of soap solution is , what is the work done in blowing a soap bubble of radius r ?

(A) r 2 (B) 2r 2 (C) 4 r 2  (D) 8r 2

DTS - 4 151 Level - 1 | Liquids

54. The surface energy of a liquid drop is E. It is sprayed into 1000 equal droplets. Then its surface energy
(A) 1000E (B) 100E (C) 10E (D) E

55. In the previous question, the work done in spraying is:

(A) 999E (B) 99E (C) 9E (D) E

56. Two parallel wires each of length 10 cm are 0.5 cm apart. A film of water is formed between them. If surface
tension of water is 0.072 N/m, then the work done in increasing the distance between the wires by 1 mm is:
(A) 1.44  10 5 J (B) 1.72  10 5 J (C) 1.44  10 4 J (D) 1.72  10 4 J

57. Two vertical parallel glass plates are partially submerged in water. The distance between the plates is d and
the length is . Assume that the water between plates does not reach the upper edges of the plates and that
the wetting is complete. The water will rise to height h equal to : (  density of water and   surface
tension of water) (Angle of contact = 0°)
2  4 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
gd 2gd gd gd

58. A vessel, whose bottom has round holes with diameter of 0.1 mm, is filled with water. The maximum height

to which the water can be filled without leakage is : (S.T. of water = 75 dyne/cm, g = 1000 cm/s2 )
(A) 100 cm (B) 75 cm (C) 50 cm (D) 30 cm

59. Find the pressure inside an air bubble of radius 1 mm at a depth of 20 m in water. (Assume P0  105 N / m 2 ,

surface tension of water  0.072 N / m )

(A) 300000 Pa (B) 300144 Pa (C) 300288 Pa (D) 300072 Pa

60. Work W is required to form a bubble of volume V from a given solution. What amount of work is required to
be done to form bubble of volume 2V?
(A) W (B) 2W (C) 21/3 W (D) 41/3 W

DTS - 4 152 Level - 1 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 5 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Viscosity, Miscellaneous

 

 ( −  )  ( −  )  ( +  )  ( −  )

− −

− −
=  =

DTS - 5 1 Level -1 | Liquids

− −
 
− −
 

   

  ( −  )  ( −  )

 

= =
(  − ) (  − )

= =
 

   

DTS - 5 2 Level -1 | Liquids

Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet - 6 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level - 1 Exact Duration :_________

Topics covered : Mixed (Numerical Questions)


( = )

=  −
( − )  =

 

− 
=  − =

− −

− − −
 

DTS - 6 1 Level -1 | Liquids

  

  
 −  +
  

 = 

 =  

DTS - 6 2 Level -1 | Liquids

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