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pertains to the

concept, practice, and issues of human

rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
pertains to the
concept, practice, and issues of human
rights within the
Philippine archipelago.
1. It pertains to the concept, practice, and issues of human rights within the Philippine
a. Human Rights
b. Human Body
c. Constitutional Rights
d. Constitution of the Philippines

e. are a justified set of claims that

f.moral standards to members
of the human race, not
g. exclusive to a specific
community or citizenship.
2. These a justified set of claims that set moral standards to members of the human race,
not exclusive to a specific community or citizenship.
a. Human Rights
b. Human Body
c. Constitutional Rights
d. Constitution of the Philippines

e. Human rights are fundamental

freedoms which are
f.necessary and indispensable
in order to enable every
g. member of the human race to
live a life to dignity.
3. Human rights are ________ freedoms which are necessary and indispensable in order to
enable every member of the human race to live a life to dignity.
a. Vulnerable
b. Freedom
c. Fundamental
d. Vital
4. God given rights, acknowledged morally good.
a. Natural Conduct
b. Legal Rights
c. Natural or Moral Rights
d. None of these
5. Guaranteed in bill of rights of the Constitution.
a. Natural Conduct
b. Legal Rights
c. Constitutional Rights
d. None of these
e. Rights promulgated by
f.legislative body.
6. Rights promulgated by legislative body.
a. Natural Conduct
b. Legal Rights
c. Statutory Rights
d. None of these
7. Rights that cannot be suspended nor taken away nor restricted or limited even in
extreme emergency and even if government invoke national security.
a. Relative Rights
b. Legal Rights
c. Absolute or Non-Derogable Rights
d. Justifiable Rights

e. Maybe suspended or
f.restricted or limited
depending on circumstances-
g. preservation of social life
8. Maybe suspended or restricted or limited depending on circumstances-for preservation of
social life.
a. Relative Rights
b. Legal Rights
c. Relative or Derogable Rights
d. Justifiable Rights
9. Requires the state and all its organs and agents to abstain from doing anything that
violates the integrity of individual or fringes on his/her freedom.
a. Obligation to Respect
b. Obligation to Protect
c. Obligation to Fulfill
d. None of the above
10. Requires the state and its agents – the measures necessary to prevent other individuals
or groups from violating the integrity, freedom of action, or the human rights of the individual.
a. Obligation to Respect
b. Obligation to Protect
c. Obligation to Fulfill
d. None of the above
11. Requires the state to take measures to ensure for each person within its jurisdiction
opportunities to obtain satisfaction of those needs, recognized in the human rights
instruments, which cannot be secured by personal efforts.
a. Obligation to Respect
b. Obligation to Protect
c. Obligation to Fulfill
d. None of the above

e. It is the capacity of the states to

regulate behavior
f.and enforce order within their
territory for the betterment of
g. the health, safety, morals
and general welfare of their
h. inhabitants.
12. It is the capacity of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for
the betterment of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of their inhabitants.
a. Police Power
b. Power of Eminent Domain
c. Power of Taxation
d. Power of the State
13. It is the basic characteristic of human rights not granted by any person or authority.
a. Inherent
b. Fundamental
c. Inalienable
d. Imprescriptible
14. It is the basic characteristic of human rights without them, the life and dignity of man will be
a. Inherent
b. Fundamental
c. Inalienable
d. Imprescriptible

15. It is the basic characteristic of human rights which cannot be rightfully taken away to an
a. Inherent
b. Fundamental
c. Inalienable
d. Imprescriptible
16. It is the basic characteristic of human rights which cannot be lost even if a man fail to use or
assert them even by a long passage of time.
a. Inherent
b. Fundamental
c. Inalienable
d. Imprescriptible
17. It is the basic characteristic of human rights not capable of being divided
a. Inherent
b. Fundamental
c. Inalienable
d. Indivisible
18. Applies irrespective of one’s origin, status or condition or place where one lives.
a. Universal
b. Interdependent
c. Indivisible
d. General
19. The fulfillment or exercise of one cannot be had without the realization of the other.
a. Universal
b. Interdependent
c. Indivisible
d. General

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