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 22/12/1995

Nguyễn Nhật Linh 

Front End Developer 5B Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm,
Phường Nguyễn Du,
 Quận Hai Bà Trưng, Hà

 +84963995461



Bellevue college | 2013 - 2015 Harmony soft Inc. | 2020 - 2021
Associate in Art and Science Delivered responsive and browser compatible pages
using HTML5, CSS3 and Typescript.
Used React Redux toolkit to build user-facing features
and reusable components.
Washington State university | 2015 - 2019 Participated in team discussions. Worked closely with
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science team lead to ensure functionality
Analyzed the task currently worked on, described
steps needed to take to finish the tasks to team lead in
a short and concise manner
Ant-Design, Bootstrap
VMO holdings | 2021 - present
English Worked in an agile environment with daily standup,
kept track of user stories/bugs on Gitlab projects
Typescript Pair programmed with 4 programmers and reviewed
team codes, supported other programmers in fixing
ReactJs, Redux bugs and working with testers and business analysts
to understand project requirements
Javascript, ES5, ES6
Participated in demo sessions with customers to listen
to feedbacks
Git & Github
build user-facing features and reusable components
HTML5, CSS3 Work with JSON objects and Javascript to create
dynamic and interactive experiences
Soft Skills Create various UI components for different webpages
using ReactJs, Sass
Basic Nextjs

HLL KYC 12/2021 - present
Description: A third party app.
Role: Front end developer
University of Washington

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SVM INAUTIX 09/2021 - 12/2021
Description: A logistic webapp
Tasks: Build
Role: Front end developer

B.T.B 07/2021 - 08/2021

Description: An e-commerce webapp
Role: Front end developer

DENTITY 05/2021 - 07/2021

Description: A third party webapp
Role: Front end developer

WEATHER DASHBOARD 11/2020 - 12/2020

Description: A weather forecast app that returns the
current weather and 5 days forecast for a city
Role: Sole author
Tasks: design and implement the forecast UI, display
the current weather of a city input by the users, display
the upcoming 5 day forecasts in cards layout. Making
API calls to OpenWeatherAPI to retrieve the data and
connect them to the UI. Store the search history of
users for future use.

MUSHROOM KINGDOM 1/2021 - 2/2021

Description: an e-commerce website selling home-
grown mushrooms.
Role: Front end developer
Tasks: Implement most of the UI pages, including
authentication pages, landing page, list of product
page and make-an-order page
Technology: Reactjs, HTML5, CSS3, React-bootstrap,
Javascript ES6

GIF-YOUR-MOOD 10/2020 - 11/2020

Description: an entertainment app that display online
gifs and pictures
Role: Backend developer
Tasks: Making API calls to retrieve data and display
them to the UI
Technology: JQuery, JavaScript, Pexel API, Giphy API

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