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De Leon, F. M.. (2004). In focus: Defining the Filipinos through song.

National Commision
for Culture and the Arts.

Felipe M.De Leon Jr, In this article “In Focus:Defining the Filipino through Song” (2004) talks
about the education system in the Philippines during American colonization and how it was used
to introduce American values, thoughts, and practices as models for what was considered
desirable and modern. This process of Westernization led to Filipinos being alienated from their
own culture and glorifying an alien tradition.The imposition of the English language, including
the translation of Filipino songs into English, also led to a loss of cultural identity and an
incorrect perception that some traditional Filipino songs were of American origin. The use of
English in these songs can also lead to an incongruous combination of words and music. The
author presents clear and well-supported arguments in this article. These issues can help
Filipinos to better understand and appreciate their own culture, as well as to recognize the
effects of colonization on their society. With the constant focus of the world in American culture,
this article shows and highlights the harmful effects of this disconnection from one's roots and
the negative consequences of valuing Westernization over one's own culture and ways to
combat this in hopes of inspiring readers to act against the loss of their own culture.

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