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(Pages : 3) 8793 Reg. No.: Name : Fifth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2015 (2008 Scheme) 08.505 : APPLIED ELECTRO MAGNETIC THEORY (T) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 PART-A Answer all questions. (10x4=40 Marks) . Derive the capacitance and inductance of a two wire transmission line. Nn In the spherical co-ordinate system all the unit vectors are uniform while those in the rectangular co-ordinate system are non-uniform. Justify. 2 Define the Laplacian of a vector field. > Determine the constant a, b, c so that V = i (x + 2y + az) + j(bx —3y—z) +k (4x + (y+2z) is irrotational. 2 Determine the value of v. A at point (1, —1, 1), if A =i xz —j2y9z9 + k xy2z. 2 Aline from the transmitter output is 100 meters long and the frequency of the signal being transmitted is 1.2 MHz. The characteristic impedance of the line is 500 ©. Calculate the input impedance of the line if the remote end is open circuited. N Derive the expression for the attenuation constant for a sinusoidal field in a perfectly conducting medium. 2 ‘Write wave equation and define all the terms in it. ° Derive the input impedance of transmission line. 10. Explain the working of quarter wave transformer. 8793 PART-B Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries 10 marks. Module -1 11. a) Find the transformation matrix for transforming the unit vectors in the cylindrical co-ordinate system to those in the spherical co-ordinate system. b) Consider the vector A=3%+ 4y +52z, in rectangular co-ordinate system). Represent the direction of this vector in the spherical co-ordinate system. 12. a) Derive the Laplace's equation from the fundamental laws. b) Using Laplace's equation derive expressions for the Electric field and magnetic field in the region between the conductors of a coaxial cable formed by two thin coaxial cylinders . 13. a) Derive the capacitance and inductance of coaxial cable b) Derive the Maxwell's equation from fundamental laws. Module — Il 14. a) Using the wave equation, show the existence of uniform plane wave. b) Electric field of a uniform plane wave is given by, E=10sin(8nx10°t —n2)x + 10cos(3nx 10°t-nz)y. Determine the phase velocity, magnetic field intensity and the polarisation of the field. 15. a) Explain the propagation of plane EM wave in partially conducting media and in perfect dielectric. b) Explain the reflection and refraction of plane electromagnetic waves at boundary for normal incidence. 0 * 8793 16. a) Atransmission line has series inductance of 0.56 millihenry and capacitance of 0.1 microfarad per k.m. If the losses due to conductor resistance and insulation leakage are negligible, calculate the i) characteristic impedance ii) phase velocity. 6 b) Explain poynting vector and establish the relation P = E x H. 4 Module — III 17. a) Derive the equation for r-circles and x-circles in a smith chart. 5 b) Explain how unknown impedance can be found out by Smith chart using example. 5 18. a) Examine whether the following modes propagate inside an air filled rectangular wave guide of dimension 7.21 cm x 3.40 cm operating at 5 GHz : 4 i) TEO1 ii) TM11 iii) TE3O. b) Using Maxwell's equation prove that TEM wave can not exist inside a waveguide. 6 19. a) A transmission line of characteristic impedance 600 © is terminated by a reactances of 1502, find the inputimpedance of a section 25 cm long at a frequency of 300 MHz. 5 b) An air filled rectangular waveguide has cross-sectional dimensions x = 8 cm and y = Find the cut off frequencies for the following modes. TE 10, TE 20, TE 11 and the ratio of the guide velocity VPZ to the velocity in free space for each of these modes, of f = 3/2 fc. 5

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