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Health Promotions are actions that are taken by nurses other health care

workers to assist, to empower, to take control over their own health, their habits so
they can live a healthier lifestyle for health promotions different strategies. The
government can take actions to improve the overall health of the public by
implementing policies and funding science-based communication strategies policies
that require the use of safety equipment in the workplace aims to decrease the
incidence and occurrence of injuries. The health care provider plays a large role in the
health promotion of individuals by providing education and guidance about healthy
lifestyle, behaviors this can assist the clients to maintain a level of health and
wellness. The clients, the nurses serve are better able to comprehend and retain
knowledge and health information when it is presented to them in small pieces and
then reviewed frequently this process of teaching and learning, is more likely to assist
in client.
Behavior changes and this changes have the potential to minimize the
illness or disease occurrence or the impact of the illness or disease the government has
a healthy people initiative. There is a healthy people website that includes the data
and information showing current and past trends, it’s also shows the goals and
resources that are available these goals. The Department of Health (DOH) sets new
goals every 10 years or decade that are based on trends and issues that are going on
and the data has been gathered during this past 10 year time frame, so in 2030 there
will be a new set of healthy people goals.

Part of this will be providing a framework that focuses on foundational

principles development of the goals that are overarching constructing a plan of action
providing history and context to that history to promote healthy habits of people for
the next decade. Also, it assist in providing the public access to the collection of data
on these past 10 year trends, this is also provides tools for healthcare individuals to
use with the clientele in communities and it can offer interactive access so that
members of the public can also use this information. Self care is a vital concept that
clients and caregivers can implement to promote and maintain their own level of
health and wellness.
Nurses they need their own self care they are responsible for a wealth of
knowledge about health and illness and best practices for care and treatment of others,
yet when it comes to the nurse’s own lifestyle, choices and self care habits often
times there’s a disconnect. This is attributed to the environment in which a nurse
works and the restrictions that are associated with the positions in the organization,
shifts are usually long hours very few breaks it’s very stressful and unpredictable
because of this nurses has unhealthy eating patterns, sleep patterns and don’t take time
to exercise to maintain their own level of health and well-being.

Risks factors are any condition that increases the chances of developing a disease
or an altered condition of health risk factors are categorized as either modifiable meaning that
their behaviors and actions that affect an individuals risk for developing disease and
individual can actually determine and change these factors, or the risk factors are non
modified, or the individual can’t change the risk factors. Age, gender, ethnicity, race, family
history these things that cannot be changed. Some of these risks factors can attribute to an
individual getting a specific disease process.

Environmental factors are an external these can have impact health public and
individual elements within the environment, that can affect health and wellness can include
air and water, toxic pollutants, environments, home and schools.

Socioeconomic factors this would be for example poverty and poverty is a risk
factor that negatively impacts and affects health outcomes. It is known that low-income
individuals are more likely to report a decreased poo or healthy, they also have an increased
rate of stroke heart disease diabetes other chronic illnesses. Poverty also increases stress,
anxiety and depression.

Health Literacy this is literacy referring to the ability to read and comprehend
written material, some individuals maybe literate meaning they can read and understand but
they have a low level of health literacy. So, the individual to have the health literacy needs to
be able to process and comprehend basic level health information so that way the individual
can make good informed health care decisions. A majority of individuals who be a clients
within health care settings have large difficulty in the area of understanding and processing
medical information, these are individuals that are considered to be a health illiterate.

Cultural beliefs affect the health status cultural considerations encompass and
awareness and respect for the individuals cultural values and the incorporation of these values
and culture during the providing of the clients health care and individuals culture can affect
what a person values believes and embraces as vital or import in their life like rituals.

Family dynamics these are family relationships that influence health throughout
everyone’s lifespan family members can play an extensive role in decision making and the
delivery of care at the home, this depending on the status of the relationship between the
family members it can impact coping and stress levels and this turns and affects the health
and wellness of the individual.

Primary Secondary Tertaiary Prevention

Prevention Prevention

Focuses on decreasing the risk Early screening to detect Focuses on controlling the
for developing any medical disease process before it chronic defect of health issue
conditions by changing progresses to cause serious that has already occurred and
behaviors and minimizing symptoms or complications. on returning that individual to
exposure an example of Can be various screening tests their best level of health and
primary prevention could be, measurement of blood wellness or optimal
a vaccination changing or pressure, blood cholesterol, functioning. This exact of
smoking cessation, not using cancer screening, prevention can be
harmful substances. mammograms, pap smears, implemented in response to an
routine colonoscopies. acute or a chronic health

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